On September 3, the 2024 "New Light Project" shortlisted projects release of the 2nd Beijing Online Audiovisual Art Conference and the online film "Toward the Future" themed seminar were held in Beijing. The top 15 works shortlisted for the 2024 Online Film Venture Capital "New L

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html On September 3, the 2024 "New Light Project" shortlisted projects release of the 2nd Beijing Internet Audiovisual Art Conference and the online film "Toward the Future" themed seminar were held in Beijing. The top 15 works shortlisted for the 2024 online film venture capital "New Light Project" were announced at the event. During the roundtable dialogue, the guests discussed topics such as "How to create high-quality online films" and "The road to the next decade of online films". In-depth communication and sharing.

On September 3, the 2024 'New Light Project' shortlisted projects release of the 2nd Beijing Online Audiovisual Art Conference and the online film 'Toward the Future' themed seminar were held in Beijing. The top 15 works shortlisted for the 2024 Online Film Venture Capital 'New L - Lujuba

The first roundtable dialogue centered on "Towards the Future: How to Create Premium Online Movies." This dialogue provided an in-depth analysis of the core essence of creating premium online movies from the perspectives of industry experts and creators. The guests actively shared their creative experiences and explored new ideas for the creation of high-quality online movies.

What kind of online movies can be called high-quality products? What kind of quality should a high-quality product have? Director, screenwriter, and producer Chen Jiashang said, "A quality product is a result. The audience thinks it is good, feels unforgettable and affected, and it is a quality product." Zhao Tong, director of the Television Art Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, believes that "the criterion for a quality online movie is both critical acclaim and box office success. If there is another criterion, it is 'retention,' and only the quality can stay in the hearts of the audience." According to Liu Kailuo, a senior film and television producer, supervisor, and producer, and current partner of Dengfeng International, “A good work should have three characteristics: First, it is current, that is, whether it makes the audience feel fulfilled, happy, and satisfied. The second is temporality, that is, whether it can stay in time and still make an impression many years later; the third is spatiality, which must be able to arouse resonance and discussion among more people around it."

Regarding the development of high-quality online movies, Zhu Weijie, a producer, film marketing expert, and chairman of Infinity Media, mentioned that first, we must choose a suitable subject, secondly, we must form a reliable team and strictly manage the shooting cycle, and finally, we must Choose the most suitable sales model. Producer and President of Qingdao Kuaima Pictures Wei Junzi believes that "to create high-quality online movies, not only must the script be solid, the theme must be clear, and the characters must be outstanding, but also innovative breakthroughs." Director and screenwriter Chen Jing believes that "Creators must keep two eyes. One eye must focus on their own life emotional experience and personal destiny, and the other eye must continue to pay attention to the changes in the outside world and reality." Young director Zhang Zhe shared his experiences and feelings during the creation of the work, "'Genre' is the standard for evaluating a movie. It is like a contract signed with the audience. This contract satisfies the audience's satisfaction and feelings. The audience It’s natural for me to like this work.”

On September 3, the 2024 'New Light Project' shortlisted projects release of the 2nd Beijing Online Audiovisual Art Conference and the online film 'Toward the Future' themed seminar were held in Beijing. The top 15 works shortlisted for the 2024 Online Film Venture Capital 'New L - Lujuba

The second roundtable dialogue was conducted from the perspective of audio-visual platforms and online movie labels, focusing on "Toward the Future: The Road to the Next Ten Years of Online Movies". Li Dongxue, executive producer and chief producer of Sea and Sky Eagle, believes, "Screenwriting is the foundation of a drama. We often say that 'the scriptwriter writes the drama, the director directs the drama, and the actors act'. Where is the drama and what kind of drama is a good drama? , cannot do without this fundamental.” Yin Chao, founder and CEO of Taomeng, pointed out that "the public's view of online movies has changed. They no longer have some 'colored glasses', but more believe that it is a complete and widely recognized art category." Yin Xingliang, CEO of New Studio, believes that the core is the need for better ways and methods to help young creators express themselves. According to Dong Guanjie, founder and CEO of Qishu Youyu, "As an Internet product, online movies must take into account changes in users' viewing habits and preferences in order to win users' recognition."

iQiyi Vice President Song Jia , Youku Movie General Manager Chen Guoqing, Tencent Online Video Movie Content Center Senior Director Lu Yang and other platform representatives conducted in-depth discussions on the impact of policy support on the online movie industry. They agreed that only by strengthening policy guidance, optimizing industrial structure, improving content quality, cultivating creative talents and other efforts can we jointly promote a new future for the online film industry. Among them, Lu Yang said, "The platform has been set up. In the future, we will use a structural combination of resources to spare no effort to promote the better development of online movies in the next decade."Song Jia said, "We will always insist on creating good content, and through continuous exploration, we will aim at the development direction of high-quality online movies." Chen Guoqing believes that "innovation is the driving force of online movies. In addition to large-scale productions, we also need to pay attention to many novel types and some neglected people and stories."

During the release of the top 15 shortlists of the 2024 "New Light Project", Lu Yang, senior director of Tencent's Online Video Film Content Center, interpreted the collected works. He said that from action and suspense to comedy and war, from realistic themes to fantasy adventures, this collection of works shows the diversity of genres and innovative vitality. The top 15 shortlisted works are not only rich in content, but also boldly explored and attempted in narrative techniques, visual presentation and technological innovation. This kind of diverse innovation is characterized by the online film industry's continuous broadening of creative boundaries and the integration of multiple A vivid manifestation of these elements. The "New Light Project" will provide potential directors, screenwriters, producers and other creative talents with more industry-facing opportunities and professional service support, promote the continuous emergence and growth of high-quality projects, and inject new ideas into the innovation and development of the entire online film industry. vitality and motivation. It is reported that the 2024 "Xinguang Plan" venture capital projects will enter the final evaluation stage, and the top 15 shortlisted projects will conduct a final evaluation road show. The 11 final evaluation jury teachers will conduct a comprehensive scoring based on the script, production plan, concept short film, main creative road show performance, etc. Finally, the top 10 outstanding projects of the 2024 online film venture capital "New Light Project" were selected.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zu Weiwei

editor/Cui Wei

Tags: entertainment