On August 24, a reporter from the Beijing News learned that the "Han Hong Love·Hundred People to Aid Kyrgyzstan" came to the tenth stop, Antu County, on the 22nd, and completed the last free clinic at the People's Hospital of Antu County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jil

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html On August 24, a reporter from the Beijing News learned that the "Han Hong Love·Hundred People to Aid Jilin" came to the tenth stop of Antu County on the 22nd, and completed the last free clinic at the People's Hospital of Antu County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province .

According to statistics, the "Hanhong Love·Hundred People to Aid Kyrgyzstan" large-scale medical aid operation has a total of 14,287 free clinics, 2,404 ultrasound and electrocardiogram examinations, 4,769 medicines distributed by pharmacies, and 10,983 units of medicines. MRI, CT, radiology 1,492 people underwent medical and blood routine examinations, 92 people were registered on-site for follow-up treatment, 3 cases were operated on-site, 1,946 people were screened for HPV, 102 people were treated on-site, and 48 people were sampled for pathological biopsy. Donations were made in Da'an City and Changling County respectively. 2 "Han Hong Love and Vision Restoration Center" completed 406 cases of cataract surgery.

On August 24, a reporter from the Beijing News learned that the 'Han Hong Love·Hundred People to Aid Kyrgyzstan' came to the tenth stop, Antu County, on the 22nd, and completed the last free clinic at the People's Hospital of Antu County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jil - Lujuba

Free clinic site. Photo provided by the interviewee

Patients with stubborn illnesses were encountered during the free clinic, and experts performed on-site surgery to cure the disease

During the free clinic, the "Hundred People Aid Kyrgyzstan" team met three patients who were suffering from illnesses. The orthopedic surgery team successfully performed at Wangqing County People's Hospital Joint replacement surgery was completed for them, which solved their long-standing pain and inconvenience in life.

Among them, one patient had pain in his right knee joint that had been silently accompanying him for thirty years. Another patient, an aunt, has been bedridden for more than nine months and has severe osteoporosis.

Li Zhichang, chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics and Joints at Peking University People's Hospital, performed the surgery. He said, "Based on the preoperative assessment and prediction, although there is a certain degree of difficulty. But I am confident that based on my many years of clinical and surgical experience, I strive to make every detail perfect to relieve patients of their heavy burden. While reviewing patients after surgery, I strive to inform patients and their families in detail about their subsequent recovery. "

On August 24, a reporter from the Beijing News learned that the 'Han Hong Love·Hundred People to Aid Kyrgyzstan' came to the tenth stop, Antu County, on the 22nd, and completed the last free clinic at the People's Hospital of Antu County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jil - Lujuba

Free clinic surgery site. Photo provided by the interviewee

Jin Chaohai, deputy chief physician of the Department of Anesthesiology, General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, is responsible for intraoperative anesthesia and perioperative physical stability. Xue Qingyun, chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics of Beijing Hospital, Huang Dehui, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, and Hou Xiaoping, chief physician of the Cardiovascular Medicine Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force Special Medical Center, participated in the consultation and used their professional vision and selfless dedication to ensure the smooth progress of the operation. Provides indispensable protection.

"I would like to pay my highest respect to all the medical experts who are marching forward in this 'Chinese Medical Iron Army', and thank the Han Hong Foundation for paving this road of hope to health. Let us work together, Let’s move forward together to bring more hope to rural patients in remote areas,” said Li Zhichang.

In addition, there are restoration surgery teams from Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Peking University People's Hospital, Peking University Third Hospital, and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, operating in Da'an City, Changling County, Shuangliao City, Baishan City brings light to 406 cataract patients in dire straits.

"comrades" have relayed together and agreed to go together next year

"When I say goodbye, my heart is very complicated, because we, people with similar souls, only have the chance to get together once a year. This year we did something together that is infinitely close to ourselves. What is in the heart and original intention is also a very meaningful experience in everyone's life. Goodbye comrades, I hope to see you again next year, and hope that our iron army can help more and more people." Launched by the Han Hong Foundation. Ms. Han Hong delivered a speech at the summary meeting and thanked these "comrades" who have traveled along the way.

On August 24, a reporter from the Beijing News learned that the 'Han Hong Love·Hundred People to Aid Kyrgyzstan' came to the tenth stop, Antu County, on the 22nd, and completed the last free clinic at the People's Hospital of Antu County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jil - Lujuba

Han Hong is at the free clinic. Photo provided by the interviewee

html On August 10, after the large-scale medical aid public welfare action "Han Hong Love·Hundred People Aid Jilin" was launched in Changchun, it has been successively launched in Da'an City, Jilin Province, Taobei District, Baicheng City, Tongyu County, Changling County, Shuangliao City, Liuhe County, Jingyu County, Helong City, Wangqing County, and Antu County held 10 large-scale free clinics.

lasted 12 days and traveled nearly 2,000 kilometers in 7 cities, prefectures, and 10 counties (districts) in Jilin Province. The members of the love team spread their love across the vast land of Jilin.Along the way, they surveyed local difficult and complicated diseases, distributed medicines for free, provided follow-up medical assistance to critically ill patients screened in free clinics, donated 50 transport ambulances, 30 special vehicles for medical inspections, and donated to build 20 "Hanhong Love Hospitals" "Village Emergency Room", donated 4,321 "rural doctor inspection kits", donated and built 2 "Hanhong Love and Might Restoration Centers", performed 600 cases of cataract phacoemulsification surgery for free, and provided specialist training for grassroots medical staff (covering ophthalmology, ultrasound department, emergency department, obstetrics and neonatology department), etc.

With the support of its public welfare strategic partners Dongpeng Beverage Group, SAIC Roewe Brand, Han Hong monthly donors and caring people from all walks of life, the total value of this donation is 21.2 million yuan.

Wang Jialing, chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, is an "old comrade". She used her vacation to participate in the "100 People to Aid Kyrgyzstan" operation again. "I have been a doctor for nearly 50 years, and I have studied abroad. Two years. I am very busy in the hospital. The doctors in our 301 Hospital all use their holidays to do free clinics. I am one of the directors of the Han Hong Foundation and a monthly donor. I have participated in free clinics since 2016 and 2017. "

Director Wang Jialing participated in the first half of the free clinic and returned on the 17th. The General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army of China has 18 doctors participating in the free clinic, covering basically all departments. "In fact, there is no conflict between work and free clinics. We try our best to do this when we have time. If we are too busy at work, we can find other doctors, but the free clinic team cannot be short of people." Wang Jialing said.

This time, the medical expert volunteer team includes 145 well-known experts from the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Peking Union Medical College Hospital, including internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and pediatrics. Some of them participated in the entire process, and some participated in half the process. Relay, persist in providing professional and effective medical assistance to remote areas, and protect the health of rural elderly, women, and children.

Go to the white mountains and black waters to keep love alive

On the road to building a healthy China and assisting rural revitalization, the Beijing Hanhong Charitable Foundation adheres to the mission of “focusing on rural medical assistance and protecting life and health”, and provides services to county-level hospitals, towns and villages Targeted at health centers and other grassroots medical institutions, we provide supportive system solutions at different levels to help improve their medical and health service capabilities and serve as "health gatekeepers" so that more grassroots people can "see and afford medical treatment. It’s good to see the disease”. Go to the white mountains and black waters to protect the health of the countryside. As the core of the free clinic, the medical team needs to consult an average of 30-40 patients per day.

On August 24, a reporter from the Beijing News learned that the 'Han Hong Love·Hundred People to Aid Kyrgyzstan' came to the tenth stop, Antu County, on the 22nd, and completed the last free clinic at the People's Hospital of Antu County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jil - Lujuba

Free clinic site. Photo provided by the interviewee

Yu Hongwei, chief physician of the outpatient department of Beijing You'an Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, wrote in "A Doctor's Notes", "As a doctor, health and life depend on each other. For the first time, I embarked on this journey. The journey of "Hundred People to Aid Kyrgyzstan". We treat every patient with sincerity, because behind them is a family, and they are all indispensable members of the family. Facing the patients' earnest eyes, we hope that more knowledgeable people will do so. Participate in the medical assistance charity of the Hanhong Foundation and benefit more people in need."

Zeng Qiaozhu, a resident physician at Peking University People's Hospital, said that caring for patients in need is not the end but the starting point, and rural medical problems take a long time to solve. The solution requires more people's attention. This concept is consistent with the significance of celebrities participating in public welfare. A big shot in the medical field with superb medical skills and rich experience, and a big star in the art circle with strong appeal. The two promote each other in this charity event.

In this aid operation, foundation founder Han Hong led star volunteers such as Chen Lijun, Li Chun, Yuan Hong, Chen Ming, Mei Ting, Guo Xiaodong, Zhu Yawen, Zhu Dan, etc. to join in one after another, leading by example and calling for more warm responses with love. . Nearly thirty literary and artistic workers also expressed their voices online, conveying the warmth of kindness and practicing the power of public welfare.

It is understood that when the Han Hong Foundation was established, it firmly focused on primary care and health.At present, the "Hundred People Medical Rescue" large-scale public welfare operation has been carried out in 12 provinces (autonomous regions) including Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Guizhou, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Heilongjiang, and Jilin, benefiting more than 100,000 grassroots people people and achieved great project results. As they continue to explore the path of a spark that will start a prairie fire, I also hope that they will fulfill their original intention and send medical expert volunteers to the people.

Beijing News reporter Qin Bing

editor Yang Hai proofreader Zhang Yanjun

Tags: entertainment