A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's "Alien: Death Ship." The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is

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A horror movie was recently released in theaters.

was so scary that it made an 8-year-old child cry, but it became very popular.

It is " Alien: Death Ship ".

The film's popularity and box office have soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days.

has a Douban score of 7.6, and its box office has exceeded 300 million, and is still rising.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

People don’t love without reason.

movies don’t become popular for no reason.

R-rated movies under the North American film classification system are released uncut in China, which is a scarce resource in theaters.

is a horror movie in terms of genre, but it is essentially a fun movie. The protagonist upgrades to fight monsters, and the viewing experience is very satisfying.

coupled with horror elements, it is eye-catching, making you hold your breath, adrenaline soaring, and first-class immersion.

is a sci-fi thriller with a large-scale production by the Hollywood film industry. It has a beautiful and highly completed narrative line, exciting plots and creative classic shots.

What's more, it is a big IP with a huge fan base.

Various buffs are superimposed, making it difficult not to become popular.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

The "Alien" series began in 1979 with "Alien" directed by Ridley Scott. There are a total of 7 official movies in the

series so far.

The first four films from "Alien" to "Alien 4" were directed by four different directors, Ridley Scott, James Cameron, David Fincher, and Jean-Pierre Générale. They are all well-known international directors.

After these four movies, Ridley Scott made two more prequels, "Prometheus" and "Alien: Covenant".

The director of "Alien", which is currently being screened now, is Fede Alvarez, who is considered a junior compared to the four masters.

Feder is a director who is deeply involved in horror films. He has made films such as "The Evil Dead", "Hold Your Breath", and "The Girl in the Spider's Web", and he is deeply familiar with the essence of horror.

Ridley Scott served as the film's producer and provided overall guidance and control for this new alien film.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

According to the timeline of the Alien universe, the story of "Alien: Death Ship" takes place in 2142, between "Alien" and "Alien 2".

At this time, the company has developed into a huge trust economy, going deep into outer space to carry out large-scale colonization and construction.

On alien mining colonies, there are many workers who have been enslaved by companies all their lives.

The heroine Lane's parents unfortunately died in mining in her early years, leaving her with a bionic brother Andy.

Rayne worked hard to accumulate working hours, dreaming of getting a travel permit and leaving here to fly to the planet Iwaga.

Several other young people also want to get rid of the dull life here.

With no hope of getting a travel permit, they decided to take a desperate risk and entered an abandoned space station to obtain a cryo-sleep cabin. Because it would take 9 years to fly to the target planet, they needed hibernation equipment.

Everyone knows the following story without spoiling it. The six-person protagonist group encounters an alien here, and a terrifying fight begins.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

The movies in the Alien series all have almost the same story structure.

drove the spacecraft to the destination, and received a distress signal on the way. The members landed on a strange planet and were infected by black water or parasitized by facehuggers. Unfortunately, they brought aliens to the spacecraft, and scenes of horrific fighting were staged in the sealed space capsule.

In the latest film, there is no part of landing on an alien planet, but directly entering the space station and encountering aliens.

Friends who are familiar with aliens will naturally know the ending of the story. Aliens are naturally aggressive, bloodthirsty, and have strong fighting power. The protagonist group basically has a narrow escape from death, and only a few people can escape.

The hero who fights the aliens has always been our heroine. There are detailed spoilers below

, please proceed with caution.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

Although the new movie still follows the fixed routine, it also adds some creativity and clever plot design.

For example, the heroine's only escape route is closed and she has to face the surging aliens. Although she is carrying an electromagnetic gun, theoretically, she cannot shoot the aliens.

Because the blood of the alien is highly acidic and corrosive, the blood splashed after hitting the alien will penetrate the bottom deck, destroying the integrity of the cabin, and everyone will have to finish the game.

At the critical moment of life and death, the heroine suddenly had an idea, turned off the gravity device, carried a gun and blasted the alien, turning defeat into victory. Then the heroine and the android floated through the space capsule filled with alien blood, accurately avoiding Every ball of alien blood.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

There is another plot that is particularly exquisitely handled.

To reach their destination, the hero and heroine and Andy must pass through a cabin full of facehuggers.

According to the upgraded version of Andy, facehuggers actually have no vision. They identify humans through sound and temperature differences.

So Rayne asked the system to adjust the indoor temperature to be consistent with their body temperature. As long as they were careful not to make any noise when moving forward, they could theoretically pass through the room safely.

However, humans are actually perceptual animals. Once they are too nervous, causing their skin to sweat or get goosebumps, their body temperature will drop, and they will be recognized by facehuggers. When

walked through the cabin, the hearts of the male and female protagonists and the audience were in their throats.

However, at such a critical moment, the male protagonist received a call request from his companion Kai. At this time, Kai was very frightened by the alien and asked how to open the hatch and escape. The male protagonist must guide her in the operation and calm her emotions.

On both sides of the call, the danger is right in front of you. The situation is extremely tense and critical. Goosebumps rise all over your body. There is silence, loud noise, screams, and running.

The drama is full of tension and then explodes.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

The heroine Rayne is so powerful, her reaction speed, explosive power, and on-the-spot intelligence are all very powerful.

In such extreme situations, only the strongest people can survive.

She was not that strong at the beginning. When she first appeared, you could still see her hesitation and weakness. In the face of huge danger, her courage, wisdom and potential were inspired.

There is no romance involved in the film. The male protagonist dies directly in the second half. The emotional line is the sister-brother relationship between Rayne and Andy, that is, the emotion between humans and androids.

The bionic brother protects the human sister, and the sister risks her life to return to save the brother. Some moments are quite touching.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

Friends who have watched the Alien series will probably not be so surprised by the terrifying twist at the end.

Because in every movie, the heroine experiences a bloody fight and finally escapes. When she relaxes, there is always a terrifying twist.

This link is a fixed routine in the Alien series of movies, but this time the horror twist is more innovative.

Since a pregnant woman is arranged to board the ship, there will definitely be plot designs related to it.

After the pregnant Kai was infected, he gave birth to a human body alien. Rayne saw the mass of things blooming, revealing a flawless baby face. It was quite amazing here.

The only thing I don’t quite accept is how come this adult version of the human body is designed to be so ugly?

This alien boss was in perfect shape when he was still a baby.

Why did it grow crookedly, ugly, and asymmetrical as soon as it started growing?

There are many kinds of aliens in the family. Although they are terrifying, at least they are symmetrical in shape and even beautiful, reflecting a kind of terrifying beauty.

This alien was formed from a human embryo, but it mutated into a very ugly shape, which simply violated the horror aesthetics of the Alien series.

A horror movie was recently released in theaters. Because it was so scary, it scared an 8-year-old child to tears, but it made him very angry. It's 'Alien: Death Ship.' The film's popularity and box office soared, winning Grand Slams for four consecutive days. The Douban score is - Lujuba

In short, the overall viewing experience of this movie is still great. The rhythm, narrative, and sound and light effects are excellent. It is very gripping and allows you to quickly enter the plot and immerse yourself in the movie.

A sci-fi horror blockbuster like this is best watched on a big screen in a movie theater. IMAX has the best effect, and the experience is completely unmatched by watching it on a small screen or computer.

Tags: entertainment