The unique style of Taiwanese movies really give you a different feeling, let's study hard!

movie 1069℃

talked about Taiwanese movies. It has been a long time since I have seen an appearance in the mainland. It may be because of the change of themes and the hotness of the mainland market that these Taiwanese films are relatively depressed. But as long as you have watched this kind of film, everyone will be very clear about Taiwan’s style, because in the early days of Taiwan’s new film movement, many directors often learned from their own growth experience, including this reality reflected in society. In the background, to shoot some movies, so the style and shooting methods they presented are mainly based on simple daily life scenes. More often, they will bring some local culture themes to convey people's emotions. The film I want to introduce to you today is the most stylish film in Taiwan called Lian Lian Feng Chen.

The unique style of Taiwanese movies really give you a different feeling, let's study hard! - Lujuba

1, the unsatisfactory life in life

The story in the film is actually very simple. After graduating from junior high school in the countryside, Ayuan, in the countryside, was unable to continue his life due to the very difficult conditions at home. The family conditions are also very bad. There are several brothers and sisters. His father's foot was injured again. At the age of 15, he had to take up the responsibility of supporting his family, so he went to work in Taipei two years later. A Yun, a childhood sweetheart he grew up with when he was a child, also came to work in this place in Taipei. Together, they experienced various life problems in this place.

The unique style of Taiwanese movies really give you a different feeling, let's study hard! - Lujuba

2, the default feeling

When Ayun first arrived in Taipei, he was almost cheated by a middle-aged man, and Ayuan was killed by a bitter proprietress. When he took Ayun to the mall to buy something, he gave it away The motorcycle was stolen again, but even if it was so unsatisfactory, the two people still warmed each other in each other's company. Although there are no touching vows in the film, the look between them may be inadvertent. In a word, you can feel very warm affection. When Ayuan fell ill, Ayun took care of him very carefully until he recovered. Everyone agreed that the two people would form a family, and eventually they would come together, but things always happen unthinkable. The change.

The unique style of Taiwanese movies really give you a different feeling, let's study hard! - Lujuba

3, the ending was reversed.

Later, Ayuan joined the army and became a soldier. In the long wait, Ayun gradually alienated his feelings from him and chose to marry someone else. At that time, people were really surprised after seeing such an ending, but they could understand that Ayun was indeed in the long wait, and he had experienced a lot of it. It is impossible to say that a woman can choose to continue carrying it alone, because For Ayun in the city of Taipei, she didn't know what would happen in the next second, and she didn't know where she would go in the future, so she chose to marry a postman. I can also feel the painful grief of A Yuan on the bed of the barracks after learning the news of A Yun's marriage. At the end of the film, the retired Ayuan wore the clothes A Yun gave back. When he returned to his hometown, he heard Grandpa in the field saying what happened in the past few years. The two of them looked at the sky together, and all the pain in the past seemed to be OK. Just as comforted by the other party instantly.

summarizes: Although

does not appear many times in the whole film, and his plays are not that heavy, it also represents the breath of traditional culture that is about to disappear. The feeling of the film is that on the surface it is very calm and a very simple thing, but in fact, if you think with your heart, it is a turbulent performance. This is the real most shocking good. the film.

Tags: movie