Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas. Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a

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Author | Fu Mengzhen

At the end of last year, when reelshort’s monthly revenue just exceeded 5 million US dollars, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.

Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, the entire overseas short drama market has already reached the level of the leading platform's monthly revenue of 30 million US dollars. , and more importantly, fresh faces often appear at the top of the rankings.

According to incomplete statistics, there are now more than 40 overseas short drama app on the market. Relevant practitioners told Xiaoyu that the daily revenue of the leading overseas short drama platform is around 500,000-1 million U.S. dollars. Currently, "there are at least 5 platforms of this level, and the overall market may be 1 billion in 2024" "Around US dollars", that is to say, the market is vast, the structure is undecided, and everything is just like the beginning of the competition among the heroes.

Just look at the public data of a few listed companies:

, flextv In the first half of 2024, the total user recharge was US$15.8 million, 62.0% of which came from the United States. has a total of 500,000 active paying users and an arppu of $28.8.

html In July 22, Nan Yapeng, vice president of reelshort (Maple Leaf Interactive), said, “Now overseas companies’ business revenue has exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars in a single month.”

In addition, TikTok for Business’s “2024 Short Drama Overseas Marketing White Paper” pointed out that, It is expected that overseas short dramas will reach a tens of billions of US dollars market in the future, and the number of users will reach 200 to 300 million . Reelshort, dramabox, shorttv, etc. have formed a "separation of forces" around the world, and different countries have different leading platforms.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

On the one hand, a large number of domestic short drama companies have encountered a cruel competitive environment with daily recharge, roi double decline, and twenty-one explosion; on the other hand, there are few specific practitioners engaged in overseas short dramas, saying that they rely on overseas The story of making big money from short plays. In addition to listed companies, there are few other companies that share cases of successfully operating the overseas short drama business model.

With the promising market forecast, who are doing overseas short dramas? Who among them is persisting? Who's coming ashore? Have overseas short dramas developed a good business model? Can you copy the successful path of overseas short dramas? Entertainment Capitalism interviewed many practitioners to try to find answers.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

The dream started in overseas short plays.

When the news of the popularity of overseas short plays flooded the screen, countless practitioners had already joined the game.

Li Hao is in his 40s. After immigrating to the United States in his early years, he has been doing commercial film shooting and other businesses in the United States. When asked about joining the industry, he admitted that short plays "saved him" during the epidemic. "Even the wedding business was in stagnant water during the epidemic. The short play job just came, so hurry up.”

Starting in October last year, Li Hao accepted an order for an overseas short play. He was full of ambition, spent nearly three months communicating and shooting, and spent money from his own pocket to come up with good works.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Also last year, Crystal and Edward, who were studying in the United States, saw the demand for overseas short drama shooting. founded the overseas short drama production studio 24k onions and devoted themselves to the short drama industry.

In ordinary people’s impression, people who go to the United States to study film studies aim at Cannes and Oscars, and making short plays is not an ideal career. When talking about entering the short drama industry, Edward, the post-production director of 24k Onions, said excitedly and firmly, "After graduated, it coincided with the Hollywood strike. We must first ensure that we have a stable income. Making short dramas is not about going up or down. As long as we can put bread on the table for everyone, it is something to be proud of."

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Producer Crystal proudly said, "Now, 24k onions can produce 3-4 short dramas every month, at most. Opened 6 projects in one month."

In Beijing, two producers who also have the background of studying abroad and have worked in long drama companies have found new directions for career development this year.

Shi Xiaomo recalled, "In 2022, I watched domestic I really can’t understand the male channel short drama. Later, after watching a high-quality short drama on a female channel, I felt that I could do it. Overseas short dramas were very popular last year. I was optimistic about the development of the industry and I had the advantage of studying in Korea, so I started doing overseas short dramas.

The reason why Han Peijun entered the industry is more direct, "Long-form dramas are too risky. I have a background in studying abroad and know how to produce. Overseas short dramas are also a new track with barriers.." In January this year, I established a company with my friends, specializing in the planning and production of vertical screen English short plays. "

Also around January, Liu Aiguo, a short drama producer in Zhengzhou, Henan, received a request to film overseas short dramas, "If the market is not good, you have to ride the donkey to find a horse. If you don't do it, you will be eliminated. The company still has employees to support. If you do it, you might survive. "

Since entering the industry, Liu Aiguo's basic rhythm has been one film every half month. "The cost of filming overseas short dramas in China is lower.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Short drama producer Li Bai is also filming overseas short dramas in China. As for the specific cooperation platform, he said he could not disclose it. "At least the domestic staff can be exploited." Even if it is shot in China, the platform is more willing to say that it is produced overseas, which sounds higher quality and better financing. "

" The platform approached us two years ago. They said they wanted to develop this track, but at that time it was still a TOB-oriented business and needed a BD platform. After the short drama became popular last year and became a TOC-oriented product, we felt that this business model could be exploited. This also allows overseas short dramas to become a new generation of Internet products, giving them room for imagination. "Chen Hong is responsible for the business of overseas short dramas in a large domestic film and television company. She said this when talking about business development.

Chocolate is the overseas short drama producer of Zhitao Pictures. When talking about the company's transformation into overseas short dramas When asked about the reasons for the drama, Zhu Guli said that he was following the trend, "We initially made short dramas on the long video platform, but the production costs were getting higher and higher, and the communication costs were also getting higher and higher. Domestic short dramas are too popular and we have no advantage. It happened that our partner studied film in Poland and started doing overseas short dramas. "

Starting from the end of 2022, Zitao Pictures began to undertake the project production of overseas short plays.

"At that time, a major domestic company approached us to customize overseas short plays. The first part was shot in Guangdong, with foreign actors. Later, flextv also started looking for us to shoot short dramas, and the second one, "Fated to My Forbidden Alpha", earned tens of millions of dollars. After that, considering that domestic actors were expensive, had limited acting skills, and had few choices, I decided to shoot overseas. Overseas, it is also more in line with the local culture. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

In the second half of last year, there was a strike in Hollywood. Many of Zhuang Heng's friends who had made movies and TV series began to make short plays.

"Some short plays have good box office. If you can invest, you can also have a bigger one. Returns . I asked my friends around me and they were all interested in investing. The process of establishing the company went very smoothly. We raised US$1 million in just two phone calls, and we established the Catjam Film Fund. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Can the methodology of domestic short plays be copied overseas?

China has a large population, a large market, and a strict content environment. short plays have already run through the content logic and production logic, and have a more mature methodology and business model. . There are many film and television drama production teams overseas, and there is also market demand. It seems feasible to copy the short drama production model from China to overseas.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Zhuang Heng often travels around the world. He feels that "the world is becoming more and more conservative and closed. Famines, wars, and economic downturns are constantly occurring. The world is becoming more and more convoluted, and conservatism is becoming more and more popular. And The Confucian conservative ideas contained in the short play, that men are superior to women, and that the weak eat the strong, are actually very similar to the current social trends "

"Everyone prefers resonant stories, no longer superheroes, "Lord of the Rings", etc. Grand narratives are short dramas about bosses. Only bosses can reflect the social and ethical conditions. Users pay more attention to the individual and the stories that happen in the family, hoping that they will be the lucky protagonist.”

According to this, Zhuang Heng. He pointed out, "From this aspect, I am optimistic about domestic short dramas going overseas. This is the same as Japanese animation and Korean pop culture going overseas in the 1990s. There is a cultural foundation that has swept the world."

When talking about entering the industry, Han Peijun said bluntly , it’s not difficult at all, “We decided to do it in January, wrote the script in February, and wrote it for about two months. The main method of learning was to watch the overseas short dramas on the list. The camera should advance more, the turning points should have a sense of suspense, and use everything to the extreme The development of the "

" short play has actually reached a time window, and people's tolerance for rhythm has reached its limit. The characteristics of the short play have made it known as . The possibility of algorithm recommendation, this is the revolutionary business model . We don’t actually make money doing short plays now, and the operating costs are much higher than the profits, but this is a trend. If we don’t do it now, it will be very difficult for the industry to iterate in the future. It’s hard to catch up.”

Now, Chen Hong is focusing on the North American market. To this end, she has been studying the market rules and content characteristics of overseas short dramas. “Many people in the film and television industry think that doing short dramas is a dimensionality reduction attack. I don’t think so. It took me half a year to understand how the rules work. The audience for short dramas at home and abroad is basically the same, mainly the elderly. It is also very important to follow the correct platform. "

As for users, the tiktok overseas short drama white paper points out, " The current users of short dramas in the United States are mainly women. Mainly, accounting for nearly 60% . Regardless of whether they are male or female, the age of short drama users attracted by the United States is mainly 25+, accounting for 86%, of which more than 50% are 35+ users. "

was asked about different users at home and abroad. When asked whether the high points are the same, overseas short play director Jin Chaocheng pointed out, "They also recognize the points of slapping and kneeling."

Shi Xiaomo pointed out, "After the producer gets the script, he will also do some localization. Adaptation, such as deleting some parts based on local cultural customs and feelings, removing parts like slapping, kneeling, and strangulation, etc. is actually a Chinese short play script with the addition of local culture, such as the short play "My Billinaire Husbands". "Double Life" used the Cinderella story of marrying someone else, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and it was played by American actors and produced by the American industry. The audience was willing to pay for it."

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

When talking about the content of overseas short dramas, Zhu Guli pointed out, "Overseas short dramas are fine. It is divided into two parts according to cultural differences. One part is the Southeast Asian system, which is similar to the cultural concept of domestic short dramas, and is more about bosses, strange emotions, and cool themes. The other part is the European and American market, mainly American women aged 15-45. Audiences, they are mainly addicted to love themes, such as bosses and werewolves. "

Regarding the reasons why users of overseas short dramas pay, Chocolate also pointed out that "the soothing tone of speech between the male and female protagonists in the short dramas can bring joy to users. It provides a unique emotional companionship experience that puts the audience into a trance-like state of mind similar to 'hypnosis.' "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

In terms of production, Han Peijun directly took the path of production and filmed 4 short dramas in Kunshan in May this year." If we shoot in batches, the cost can also be lower.I did it myself from script to post-production, and the content was different. I wanted to test what kind of content the market liked. If it is contracted, there is no way to do it in batches. We need to comply with Party A's various requirements, and the income is limited. In terms of business, we want to go faster. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Entertainment Capital Theory has learned that the domestic filming of overseas short dramas does not have high requirements for setting. Li Bai pointed out, "Overseas short dramas are mostly close-ups and close-ups. Finding a villa with European and American style can solve most of the problems. venue issues. "

Han Peijun also feels the same way, "The content capacity of the vertical screen is limited, and the actors occupy most of the positions. Close-up shots are mainly used, and the main focus is on the actors. "

And localization is not an easy road.

Bosses, werewolves, vampires, and gangsters are the most common concentrated types in overseas short dramas.

Li Bai said frankly, "Cultural barriers are inevitable. Domestic production of overseas short dramas is a bit like a frog in a well. You don’t know what foreign people like. This is similar to the "Journey to the West" filmed by the Japanese, which is different from the one filmed by the Chinese. There are many restrictions on the subject matter of overseas short dramas produced in China. Overseas countries like vampire short dramas very much, but I can’t understand the vampire culture, and the scenes are not easy to shoot. Revenge-type emotional short dramas sell better. "

Li Bai pointed out, "There are still big cultural differences between different countries. For example, a Chinese friend of mine heard that overseas audiences like to watch werewolves, so he thought that he could just buy a big suit and start filming. In fact, this is not the same as the werewolves that Europeans and Americans love. One thing. "

Overseas short drama producer Zhou Ze also said, "The God of War, which is popular in China, is not popular overseas. In addition, the domestic pursuit of cultural equality is very high, and women cannot be bullied too much. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

ai Illustration by Entertainment Capital Theory

In terms of actor fees, Liu Aiguo recalled that overseas actors are mainly paid by the hour, about 1,000 an hour, or 8,000 for a package of 10 hours.

Jin Chaocheng added, "The cost is not high, and the main difficulty is Actor's accent problem . They come from all over the world and speak different English. You need to gain the trust of the actors so that they can constantly adjust. "

Regarding the changes in production, Crystal pointed out, "The salary of the first-line male protagonists has increased five or six times. Whoever pays more can hire them. Moreover, in order to increase the hit rate, Party A will be more inclined to use male protagonists with the support of hit dramas. "

Liu Aiguo said that since June this year, he has stopped filming overseas short plays. "The main reason is that I haven't seen a suitable script and have been waiting. Now I mainly do brand short plays. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

The dream broke in practice

"The budget of 80,000 was simply not enough, so I lost money to shoot it. "After filming a short drama, Li Hao completely stayed away from the overseas short drama circle.

"Americans have many choices for watching movies. Netflix is ​​$20 a month, so you can watch as much as you want. A short play costs twenty or thirty dollars. Some people will watch it out of curiosity at the beginning, but it won’t last long. Moreover, the current content is too repetitive and is full of routines. "

Li Hao and Xiaoyu complained, "It's too complicated. The director's salary is about the same as working, so he can't make much money. Change the script, find actors, and set the location. Just thank God if the filming goes smoothly. It's hard to make money because you are restless every day. "

Most of the domestic production teams will reduce costs by increasing the daily working hours. Foreign countries generally work up to 10 hours, and extra money will be charged for overtime.

" The photographer's salary will be 3,000 US dollars for a 8-day shooting, and two or three photographers will need 1 Ten thousand yuan. The director will ask for about 5,000 US dollars, and those with successful hits can get double that. Including lighting, sound engineers, assistants, and production teams, the cost is around 100,000. Generally, the minimum cost of a short drama is US$120,000, with a profit margin of less than 10%."

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Li Hao said that now almost every half month a platform comes to me to shoot, and the fee is basically within 100,000 US dollars. "The costs they disclosed of 200,000 US dollars and 300,000 US dollars are mostly bragging. , now there are very few quotes that can give you US$120,000, and the most is US$140,000. "

said, Li Hao opened his Moments for Xiaoyu, "It was the most popular at the beginning of the year, and everyone was taking pictures when I opened the Moments, but now it has cooled down. After many people find that they are not making money, they stop losing money immediately. "

Some people also put forward different opinions.

Since last year, Zhitao has successively cooperated with flextv and shorttv, and the filming location has also moved from Guangdong to overseas. "The first choice is to go to the United States, but the cost in the United States is high. We happened to know some overseas Chinese in Romania, so we went to Romania to shoot. Now it is mainly in Poland, where local film and television resources are rich and the cost of actors is relatively cheap.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Innovation is not cost-effective

From the male channel God of War, female channel sweet pet, to finding relatives, cute babies, and silver-haired love, domestic short dramas have always been highly innovative and come out every once in a while. But overseas short dramas The popular genres seem to have always been female channel bosses and werewolves.

Now, 24k onions is also making innovative attempts to add new elements to the female channel, boss and werewolf types. Crystal said, "For example, The inclusion of LGBTQ and other elements in BaZong also explores emerging themes such as ice hockey, farmers, and witches. The more themes we need, the more viewers we can get . "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

It is understood that the investment cost of overseas short dramas is between 80,000 and 300,000 US dollars. There are few investment cases, either full investment in the platform, or self-made. In terms of content innovation, the pace of overseas short dramas is slower.

“Everyone is generally conservative in terms of innovation of . Basically, they are making based on domestic hot products. For example, if a domestic short drama becomes popular, it will be subtitled and put online for testing. If the data is good, we will quickly find a production team and find a local team in the United States, Canada, the Middle East, South Korea and other countries to shoot one. Sometimes one script will be produced in at least several countries. version. "

Shi Xiaomo suggested, "Everyone will also understand each other. When the editor in charge receives the script, he will also ask the screenwriter to refer to a certain popular short play or a classic film and television drama to customize the content. Some leading platforms are basically in a wait-and-see state. They want to innovate but are afraid of taking too big a step, so they will copy each other's popular works. Everyone will also tacitly agree with each other and no one will sue anyone. It is very harmonious. "

Chen Hong pointed out, "Whoever innovates will lose. The cost of innovation is very high, but it can be quickly imitated and copied by others, and the price/performance ratio is too low . "

" The cost of domestic short dramas is low, and you can make a lot of money through innovation in a few days. The cost of overseas short plays is very high, and there is no so-called hit model. We still make every short play carefully and then gradually improve the process. "Zhuang Heng pointed out.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Production is subcontracted in layers, IP invalidation

"The industry is mixed, and you will never imagine that some people have no lower limit to make more money. "Shi Xiaomo is now mainly doing overseas short dramas in South Korea. In more than a year of work, his recognition has been refreshed many times." Son, if it changes hands, it will be subcontracted to others for hundreds of thousands. A platform boss told me before that they gave a Thai producer a production fee of 800,000 yuan. After subcontracting at various levels, the last subcontracted team had a shooting budget of only 50,000 yuan."

Li Bai also pointed out, "For example, for some short drama teams that shoot for Koreans, in order to save money, the production team will go to Yanji to find Korean people to perform Korean short dramas. The styles are very rustic, the clothes do not fit, and the filming looks like a village. Very strong. "

In addition, platform divestment has also occurred many times . Last year, in China, a certain short drama platform recruited people around the world and cooperated with overseas short drama producers. It has repeatedly distributed a domestic hit script to the United States. , Australia, Singapore and other places.

“During the rapid market expansion, they also found that some areas were not making money, so they began to urgently stop the project. Then the production team that had previously advanced funds for the project would have to bear the losses themselves, which would affect the credibility of the Chinese people. "Li Bai pointed out.

Zhuang Heng added, " is similar to domestic short dramas. There are also platforms that are unreliable, such as exploiting contract loopholes, not paying the balance, not giving shares, etc. There are not many reliable short drama producers in Hollywood right now, and these platforms are hurting their own long-term interests. "

Different from the low cost of domestic short plays, and the risk of referring to online articles to find content reference, The production cost of overseas short plays is higher, and it is difficult for online IPs to directly bring about recharge conversion.

Chen Hong said bluntly, "IP's The essence is purchasing power, and fans will migrate from online articles to paying for short dramas. There is no connection between overseas online articles and novels. In addition, adapting novels also takes a lot of time and effort, and we don’t believe in IP. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Investment is difficult.

Unlike the openness and transparency of movie box office, the opacity of short play data has always been a common problem at home and abroad.

"We have also cooperated with an overseas platform in the form of cross-investment before, and we invested more. But the income distributed was 15 times less than the actual amount. " Li Bai recalled.

When Xiaoyu asked how she knew the actual data, Li Bai said, "Generally speaking, I don't know, because the platform will only provide an Excel settlement form, which is filled in manually. But I have worked in this company, and my former boss was the chief producer. He told me what the actual income was. "

Relying on relationships to know the real data is a common method used by domestic short drama producers, as well as abroad. Two weeks ago, before Li Bai's short drama was launched, when Xiaoyu asked him how to ensure data transparency, he pointed out, "I Knowing the second-in-command of this platform can ensure the authenticity of the data. The overseas business environment is also more transparent than in China. You can know the approximate recharge situation through traffic detection. "

After the short drama was released two weeks later, Li Bai once again told Xiaoyu, "Traffic can know the popularity, but it is also difficult to detect the recharge. This is also a pain point for independent film producers. "

In order to solve the problem of data opacity, Zhuang Heng chose Internet celebrity resources with his own mcn organization to participate in the promotion. "Internet celebrity accounts and apps that are sinking into the market can bring their own resources and can also talk about distribution rights. The data transparency I get is much higher than others. "When

talked about the difficulties, Han Peijun said, "From experience, I think there is a big communication gap between the creative team and the delivery team, which is very fragmented. The distribution team generally does not know how to capture the key points of the content, does not edit to the essence, and the distribution materials are too poor; on the other hand, the creative team does not receive first-hand feedback from the distribution department and cannot correct the creation. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Stills of Han Peijun's guest role

Zhou Ze added, "This is the most difficult point when communicating with the platform. We hope that the platform can do its best to promise to invest, but the platform is a horse racing mechanism, and we only hope to be cost-effective. The highest short drama stream . The cost of communication in this matter is still quite high.As mentioned in the last part, the platform can at least ensure the investment flow is based on 20% of the investment cost. "

Song Ya, an overseas short drama producer, recently closed down her overseas short drama company and went to work for a short drama company in Shenzhen. Talking about her recent work content, she said she mainly focused on finding co-producers for the company. She said bluntly, “Now the second and third tier platforms need to work together to keep warm and unite their limited resources. "

In actual work, Song Ya also feels the pressure of seizing the market, "The business of the platform has exhausted all their respective resources, and new markets have not yet appeared, which is very complicated. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

The industry needs a stable development model

One of the reasons why domestic short dramas can thrive is that there are many entrants and the content has been innovating.

Specific to the business model of the entire industry, Zhuang Heng believes that the industry has not formed a set of practices. For an effective theoretical system, "Now, after the creator has finished filming the work, he needs to sort out what kind of content is more suitable, how to do it for streaming, and how to edit the material. It has to be tried." "

" Many creators lack venture capital. They need to run around in different markets around the world to see what kind of content is more suitable. We need to strive for excess returns for investors, and we will be more eccentric and bold. . "

Li Bai bluntly stated that he would not accept the investment, " is a short drama aimed at the Korean market. The market is still in its initial development stage, the income is not high, and the cooperation conditions are average . For example, a Korean short drama platform recently wanted to collaborate with us on 10 short dramas, and we wanted to invest in them and get a share in the future. We don't really want that, the risk is too high. "Does

make money? Regarding this question, Shi Xiaomo also said, "In fact, you can't make much money by being the downstream of Party B. Party A will always feel that you still have profits, and you can even lose money. Nowadays, it is said that the profit margin of overseas short dramas in Europe and the United States is 10%-15%. We are very envious. We don’t have that much, and we even lose money because of the quality. "

When asked whether they would prefer to be contracted or made in the future, both Li Bai and Zhou Ze chose the former. Li Bai said, "The data is not transparent, and the current gameplay of the platform is very unfriendly to producers. If the industry wants to develop further and have more people join the industry, fair market rules are the first step. ”

Zhou Ze pointed out, “You will only make your own products when you have no choice. The most option for the production team is to work for the platform. The main reason is that the platform's account sharing is very opaque. Even if the platform makes money through joint investment, the film producers may not get the money. This is similar to a copyrighted drama. It is better to discuss how much money the platform can collect before it is stable. Regarding the

platform cooperation, Shi Xiaomo learned that “ platform’s self-made short plays in Europe and the United States are basically fully funded by itself.” It is inevitable that big platforms will spend money to gain land. Now they have formed a certain monopoly, and they also have fixed high-quality cooperation teams. It is basically a cooperation model where they both contribute money and produce scripts. "

Regarding the future development direction, Chen Hong said that the product is being tested internally, "We need data. The works will be run on our own platform first, and then we will work backwards based on the data to see how to produce and operate content. The seven-day retention daily life of overseas short dramas can be in the single digits, which is already pretty good. Overseas short dramas ultimately rely on capitalization, which may be even more cruel than e-commerce. It is put on the table first and then adjusted. "

Chocolate also mentioned that the company's future development direction is still to produce self-produced dramas. "In terms of production fees, the production fees earned are very small. Now that we are confident that we can produce hits, we will produce our own content. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Looking forward to the platform, capital still loves

Some time ago, short drama producer Nian Xi participated in an overseas short drama sharing event on TikTok, "The platform has even found a content supplier, and you can do full hosting like opening a store. In the model, you just need to prepare the script and content, and the production line has it all."

Zhuang Heng is also paying attention to the platform, "Tiktok is currently integrating resources for short plays. Will there be private traffic in short plays in the future? How to carry out fan operations? What distribution forms will there be? We are all concerned about this. focus. "

Li Bai proposed, "Tiktok held a closed-door meeting some time ago to produce overseas short plays in the United States and teach producers how to cast and edit materials. In fact, when the mini program short drama was developing, Douyin also held many closed-door meetings to teach everyone how to do marketing and publicity, and there was a lot of useful information. "

Shi Xiaomo added, "Tiktok has always been known for understanding users, especially in many overseas aspects, and it has a lot of C-side user data. It’s worth looking forward to what will happen to the market when catfish enters the market.

Chocolate also said frankly that compared with last year, the popularity of overseas short dramas this year has dropped a lot , "I am also anxious. Last year was very popular because capital needed to raise funds and a lot of concepts were speculated. It was said that audiences all over the world were there." Waiting for the Chinese short drama. This concept is too simple and crude. There is still room for development in the industry, and it is far from reaching the ceiling. "

" Since Korean dramas can go global on Netflix, why not short dramas? We must believe in South Korea’s ability to industrialize film and television. "Shi Xiaomo said hopefully.

Zhuang Heng pointed out that overseas short dramas are the last oasis for the technology investment industry. "The technology industry pursues higher profit margins and higher single-user valuations, and uses money-burning expansion platforms. business development model. Nowadays, many business models, especially those based on the sharing economy, have been falsified on a large scale. E-commerce, payment, and finance have all been developed to almost the same extent. Overseas short dramas are one of the few business models with high return on capital. "

At present, Zhuang Heng bluntly stated that he does not necessarily pursue financial returns. "After all, we have entered a conservatism cycle and cannot use the original way of measuring success to look at other business models. Short plays can solve the employment problems of many people, which is already very good. "

Han Peijun also pointed out, "Currently, there are only two directions for entertainment to raise funds, one is ai, and the other is overseas short dramas. There is still a future in this industry. Let’s also take a look at the payment status of this one first, and then see what to do next.

Author | Fu Mengzhen

At the end of last year, when reelshort’s monthly revenue just exceeded 5 million US dollars, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.

Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, the entire overseas short drama market has already reached the level of the leading platform's monthly revenue of 30 million US dollars. , and more importantly, fresh faces often appear at the top of the rankings.

According to incomplete statistics, there are now more than 40 overseas short drama app on the market. Relevant practitioners told Xiaoyu that the daily revenue of the leading overseas short drama platform is around 500,000-1 million U.S. dollars. Currently, "there are at least 5 platforms of this level, and the overall market may be 1 billion in 2024" "Around US dollars", that is to say, the market is vast, the structure is undecided, and everything is just like the beginning of the competition among the heroes.

Just look at the public data of a few listed companies:

, flextv In the first half of 2024, the total user recharge was US$15.8 million, 62.0% of which came from the United States. has a total of 500,000 active paying users and an arppu of $28.8.

html In July 22, Nan Yapeng, vice president of reelshort (Maple Leaf Interactive), said, “Now overseas companies’ business revenue has exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars in a single month.”

In addition, TikTok for Business’s “2024 Short Drama Overseas Marketing White Paper” pointed out that, It is expected that overseas short dramas will reach a tens of billions of US dollars market in the future, and the number of users will reach 200 to 300 million . Reelshort, dramabox, shorttv, etc. have formed a "separation of forces" around the world, and different countries have different leading platforms.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

On the one hand, a large number of domestic short drama companies have encountered a cruel competitive environment with daily recharge, roi double decline, and twenty-one explosion; on the other hand, there are few specific practitioners engaged in overseas short dramas, saying that they rely on overseas The story of making big money from short plays. In addition to listed companies, there are few other companies that share cases of successfully operating the overseas short drama business model.

With the promising market forecast, who are doing overseas short dramas? Who among them is persisting? Who's coming ashore? Have overseas short dramas developed a good business model? Can you copy the successful path of overseas short dramas? Entertainment Capitalism interviewed many practitioners to try to find answers.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

The dream started in overseas short plays.

When the news of the popularity of overseas short plays flooded the screen, countless practitioners had already joined the game.

Li Hao is in his 40s. After immigrating to the United States in his early years, he has been doing commercial film shooting and other businesses in the United States. When asked about joining the industry, he admitted that short plays "saved him" during the epidemic. "Even the wedding business was in stagnant water during the epidemic. The short play job just came, so hurry up.”

Starting in October last year, Li Hao accepted an order for an overseas short play. He was full of ambition, spent nearly three months communicating and shooting, and spent money from his own pocket to come up with good works.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Also last year, Crystal and Edward, who were studying in the United States, saw the demand for overseas short drama shooting. founded the overseas short drama production studio 24k onions and devoted themselves to the short drama industry.

In ordinary people’s impression, people who go to the United States to study film studies aim at Cannes and Oscars, and making short plays is not an ideal career. When talking about entering the short drama industry, Edward, the post-production director of 24k Onions, said excitedly and firmly, "After graduated, it coincided with the Hollywood strike. We must first ensure that we have a stable income. Making short dramas is not about going up or down. As long as we can put bread on the table for everyone, it is something to be proud of."

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Producer Crystal proudly said, "Now, 24k onions can produce 3-4 short dramas every month, at most. Opened 6 projects in one month."

In Beijing, two producers who also have the background of studying abroad and have worked in long drama companies have found new directions for career development this year.

Shi Xiaomo recalled, "In 2022, I watched domestic I really can’t understand the male channel short drama. Later, after watching a high-quality short drama on a female channel, I felt that I could do it. Overseas short dramas were very popular last year. I was optimistic about the development of the industry and I had the advantage of studying in Korea, so I started doing overseas short dramas.

The reason why Han Peijun entered the industry is more direct, "Long-form dramas are too risky. I have a background in studying abroad and know how to produce. Overseas short dramas are also a new track with barriers.." In January this year, I established a company with my friends, specializing in the planning and production of vertical screen English short plays. "

Also around January, Liu Aiguo, a short drama producer in Zhengzhou, Henan, received a request to film overseas short dramas, "If the market is not good, you have to ride the donkey to find a horse. If you don't do it, you will be eliminated. The company still has employees to support. If you do it, you might survive. "

Since entering the industry, Liu Aiguo's basic rhythm has been one film every half month. "The cost of filming overseas short dramas in China is lower.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Short drama producer Li Bai is also filming overseas short dramas in China. As for the specific cooperation platform, he said he could not disclose it. "At least the domestic staff can be exploited." Even if it is shot in China, the platform is more willing to say that it is produced overseas, which sounds higher quality and better financing. "

" The platform approached us two years ago. They said they wanted to develop this track, but at that time it was still a TOB-oriented business and needed a BD platform. After the short drama became popular last year and became a TOC-oriented product, we felt that this business model could be exploited. This also allows overseas short dramas to become a new generation of Internet products, giving them room for imagination. "Chen Hong is responsible for the business of overseas short dramas in a large domestic film and television company. She said this when talking about business development.

Chocolate is the overseas short drama producer of Zhitao Pictures. When talking about the company's transformation into overseas short dramas When asked about the reasons for the drama, Zhu Guli said that he was following the trend, "We initially made short dramas on the long video platform, but the production costs were getting higher and higher, and the communication costs were also getting higher and higher. Domestic short dramas are too popular and we have no advantage. It happened that our partner studied film in Poland and started doing overseas short dramas. "

Starting from the end of 2022, Zitao Pictures began to undertake the project production of overseas short plays.

"At that time, a major domestic company approached us to customize overseas short plays. The first part was shot in Guangdong, with foreign actors. Later, flextv also started looking for us to shoot short dramas, and the second one, "Fated to My Forbidden Alpha", earned tens of millions of dollars. After that, considering that domestic actors were expensive, had limited acting skills, and had few choices, I decided to shoot overseas. Overseas, it is also more in line with the local culture. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

In the second half of last year, there was a strike in Hollywood. Many of Zhuang Heng's friends who had made movies and TV series began to make short plays.

"Some short plays have good box office. If you can invest, you can also have a bigger one. Returns . I asked my friends around me and they were all interested in investing. The process of establishing the company went very smoothly. We raised US$1 million in just two phone calls, and we established the Catjam Film Fund. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Can the methodology of domestic short plays be copied overseas?

China has a large population, a large market, and a strict content environment. short plays have already run through the content logic and production logic, and have a more mature methodology and business model. . There are many film and television drama production teams overseas, and there is also market demand. It seems feasible to copy the short drama production model from China to overseas.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Zhuang Heng often travels around the world. He feels that "the world is becoming more and more conservative and closed. Famines, wars, and economic downturns are constantly occurring. The world is becoming more and more convoluted, and conservatism is becoming more and more popular. And The Confucian conservative ideas contained in the short play, that men are superior to women, and that the weak eat the strong, are actually very similar to the current social trends "

"Everyone prefers resonant stories, no longer superheroes, "Lord of the Rings", etc. Grand narratives are short dramas about bosses. Only bosses can reflect the social and ethical conditions. Users pay more attention to the individual and the stories that happen in the family, hoping that they will be the lucky protagonist.”

According to this, Zhuang Heng. He pointed out, "From this aspect, I am optimistic about domestic short dramas going overseas. This is the same as Japanese animation and Korean pop culture going overseas in the 1990s. There is a cultural foundation that has swept the world."

When talking about entering the industry, Han Peijun said bluntly , it’s not difficult at all, “We decided to do it in January, wrote the script in February, and wrote it for about two months. The main method of learning was to watch the overseas short dramas on the list. The camera should advance more, the turning points should have a sense of suspense, and use everything to the extreme The development of the "

" short play has actually reached a time window, and people's tolerance for rhythm has reached its limit. The characteristics of the short play have made it known as . The possibility of algorithm recommendation, this is the revolutionary business model . We don’t actually make money doing short plays now, and the operating costs are much higher than the profits, but this is a trend. If we don’t do it now, it will be very difficult for the industry to iterate in the future. It’s hard to catch up.”

Now, Chen Hong is focusing on the North American market. To this end, she has been studying the market rules and content characteristics of overseas short dramas. “Many people in the film and television industry think that doing short dramas is a dimensionality reduction attack. I don’t think so. It took me half a year to understand how the rules work. The audience for short dramas at home and abroad is basically the same, mainly the elderly. It is also very important to follow the correct platform. "

As for users, the tiktok overseas short drama white paper points out, " The current users of short dramas in the United States are mainly women. Mainly, accounting for nearly 60% . Regardless of whether they are male or female, the age of short drama users attracted by the United States is mainly 25+, accounting for 86%, of which more than 50% are 35+ users. "

was asked about different users at home and abroad. When asked whether the high points are the same, overseas short play director Jin Chaocheng pointed out, "They also recognize the points of slapping and kneeling."

Shi Xiaomo pointed out, "After the producer gets the script, he will also do some localization. Adaptation, such as deleting some parts based on local cultural customs and feelings, removing parts like slapping, kneeling, and strangulation, etc. is actually a Chinese short play script with the addition of local culture, such as the short play "My Billinaire Husbands". "Double Life" used the Cinderella story of marrying someone else, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and it was played by American actors and produced by the American industry. The audience was willing to pay for it."

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

When talking about the content of overseas short dramas, Zhu Guli pointed out, "Overseas short dramas are fine. It is divided into two parts according to cultural differences. One part is the Southeast Asian system, which is similar to the cultural concept of domestic short dramas, and is more about bosses, strange emotions, and cool themes. The other part is the European and American market, mainly American women aged 15-45. Audiences, they are mainly addicted to love themes, such as bosses and werewolves. "

Regarding the reasons why users of overseas short dramas pay, Chocolate also pointed out that "the soothing tone of speech between the male and female protagonists in the short dramas can bring joy to users. It provides a unique emotional companionship experience that puts the audience into a trance-like state of mind similar to 'hypnosis.' "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

In terms of production, Han Peijun directly took the path of production and filmed 4 short dramas in Kunshan in May this year." If we shoot in batches, the cost can also be lower.I did it myself from script to post-production, and the content was different. I wanted to test what kind of content the market liked. If it is contracted, there is no way to do it in batches. We need to comply with Party A's various requirements, and the income is limited. In terms of business, we want to go faster. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Entertainment Capital Theory has learned that the domestic filming of overseas short dramas does not have high requirements for setting. Li Bai pointed out, "Overseas short dramas are mostly close-ups and close-ups. Finding a villa with European and American style can solve most of the problems. venue issues. "

Han Peijun also feels the same way, "The content capacity of the vertical screen is limited, and the actors occupy most of the positions. Close-up shots are mainly used, and the main focus is on the actors. "

And localization is not an easy road.

Bosses, werewolves, vampires, and gangsters are the most common concentrated types in overseas short dramas.

Li Bai said frankly, "Cultural barriers are inevitable. Domestic production of overseas short dramas is a bit like a frog in a well. You don’t know what foreign people like. This is similar to the "Journey to the West" filmed by the Japanese, which is different from the one filmed by the Chinese. There are many restrictions on the subject matter of overseas short dramas produced in China. Overseas countries like vampire short dramas very much, but I can’t understand the vampire culture, and the scenes are not easy to shoot. Revenge-type emotional short dramas sell better. "

Li Bai pointed out, "There are still big cultural differences between different countries. For example, a Chinese friend of mine heard that overseas audiences like to watch werewolves, so he thought that he could just buy a big suit and start filming. In fact, this is not the same as the werewolves that Europeans and Americans love. One thing. "

Overseas short drama producer Zhou Ze also said, "The God of War, which is popular in China, is not popular overseas. In addition, the domestic pursuit of cultural equality is very high, and women cannot be bullied too much. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

ai Illustration by Entertainment Capital Theory

In terms of actor fees, Liu Aiguo recalled that overseas actors are mainly paid by the hour, about 1,000 an hour, or 8,000 for a package of 10 hours.

Jin Chaocheng added, "The cost is not high, and the main difficulty is Actor's accent problem . They come from all over the world and speak different English. You need to gain the trust of the actors so that they can constantly adjust. "

Regarding the changes in production, Crystal pointed out, "The salary of the first-line male protagonists has increased five or six times. Whoever pays more can hire them. Moreover, in order to increase the hit rate, Party A will be more inclined to use male protagonists with the support of hit dramas. "

Liu Aiguo said that since June this year, he has stopped filming overseas short plays. "The main reason is that I haven't seen a suitable script and have been waiting. Now I mainly do brand short plays. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

The dream broke in practice

"The budget of 80,000 was simply not enough, so I lost money to shoot it. "After filming a short drama, Li Hao completely stayed away from the overseas short drama circle.

"Americans have many choices for watching movies. Netflix is ​​$20 a month, so you can watch as much as you want. A short play costs twenty or thirty dollars. Some people will watch it out of curiosity at the beginning, but it won’t last long. Moreover, the current content is too repetitive and is full of routines. "

Li Hao and Xiaoyu complained, "It's too complicated. The director's salary is about the same as working, so he can't make much money. Change the script, find actors, and set the location. Just thank God if the filming goes smoothly. It's hard to make money because you are restless every day. "

Most of the domestic production teams will reduce costs by increasing the daily working hours. Foreign countries generally work up to 10 hours, and extra money will be charged for overtime.

" The photographer's salary will be 3,000 US dollars for a 8-day shooting, and two or three photographers will need 1 Ten thousand yuan. The director will ask for about 5,000 US dollars, and those with successful hits can get double that. Including lighting, sound engineers, assistants, and production teams, the cost is around 100,000. Generally, the minimum cost of a short drama is US$120,000, with a profit margin of less than 10%."

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Li Hao said that now almost every half month a platform comes to me to shoot, and the fee is basically within 100,000 US dollars. "The costs they disclosed of 200,000 US dollars and 300,000 US dollars are mostly bragging. , now there are very few quotes that can give you US$120,000, and the most is US$140,000. "

said, Li Hao opened his Moments for Xiaoyu, "It was the most popular at the beginning of the year, and everyone was taking pictures when I opened the Moments, but now it has cooled down. After many people find that they are not making money, they stop losing money immediately. "

Some people also put forward different opinions.

Since last year, Zhitao has successively cooperated with flextv and shorttv, and the filming location has also moved from Guangdong to overseas. "The first choice is to go to the United States, but the cost in the United States is high. We happened to know some overseas Chinese in Romania, so we went to Romania to shoot. Now it is mainly in Poland, where local film and television resources are rich and the cost of actors is relatively cheap.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Innovation is not cost-effective

From the male channel God of War, female channel sweet pet, to finding relatives, cute babies, and silver-haired love, domestic short dramas have always been highly innovative and come out every once in a while. But overseas short dramas The popular genres seem to have always been female channel bosses and werewolves.

Now, 24k onions is also making innovative attempts to add new elements to the female channel, boss and werewolf types. Crystal said, "For example, The inclusion of LGBTQ and other elements in BaZong also explores emerging themes such as ice hockey, farmers, and witches. The more themes we need, the more viewers we can get . "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

It is understood that the investment cost of overseas short dramas is between 80,000 and 300,000 US dollars. There are few investment cases, either full investment in the platform, or self-made. In terms of content innovation, the pace of overseas short dramas is slower.

“Everyone is generally conservative in terms of innovation of . Basically, they are making based on domestic hot products. For example, if a domestic short drama becomes popular, it will be subtitled and put online for testing. If the data is good, we will quickly find a production team and find a local team in the United States, Canada, the Middle East, South Korea and other countries to shoot one. Sometimes one script will be produced in at least several countries. version. "

Shi Xiaomo suggested, "Everyone will also understand each other. When the editor in charge receives the script, he will also ask the screenwriter to refer to a certain popular short play or a classic film and television drama to customize the content. Some leading platforms are basically in a wait-and-see state. They want to innovate but are afraid of taking too big a step, so they will copy each other's popular works. Everyone will also tacitly agree with each other and no one will sue anyone. It is very harmonious. "

Chen Hong pointed out, "Whoever innovates will lose. The cost of innovation is very high, but it can be quickly imitated and copied by others, and the price/performance ratio is too low . "

" The cost of domestic short dramas is low, and you can make a lot of money through innovation in a few days. The cost of overseas short plays is very high, and there is no so-called hit model. We still make every short play carefully and then gradually improve the process. "Zhuang Heng pointed out.

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Production is subcontracted in layers, IP invalidation

"The industry is mixed, and you will never imagine that some people have no lower limit to make more money. "Shi Xiaomo is now mainly doing overseas short dramas in South Korea. In more than a year of work, his recognition has been refreshed many times." Son, if it changes hands, it will be subcontracted to others for hundreds of thousands. A platform boss told me before that they gave a Thai producer a production fee of 800,000 yuan. After subcontracting at various levels, the last subcontracted team had a shooting budget of only 50,000 yuan."

Li Bai also pointed out, "For example, for some short drama teams that shoot for Koreans, in order to save money, the production team will go to Yanji to find Korean people to perform Korean short dramas. The styles are very rustic, the clothes do not fit, and the filming looks like a village. Very strong. "

In addition, platform divestment has also occurred many times . Last year, in China, a certain short drama platform recruited people around the world and cooperated with overseas short drama producers. It has repeatedly distributed a domestic hit script to the United States. , Australia, Singapore and other places.

“During the rapid market expansion, they also found that some areas were not making money, so they began to urgently stop the project. Then the production team that had previously advanced funds for the project would have to bear the losses themselves, which would affect the credibility of the Chinese people. "Li Bai pointed out.

Zhuang Heng added, " is similar to domestic short dramas. There are also platforms that are unreliable, such as exploiting contract loopholes, not paying the balance, not giving shares, etc. There are not many reliable short drama producers in Hollywood right now, and these platforms are hurting their own long-term interests. "

Different from the low cost of domestic short plays, and the risk of referring to online articles to find content reference, The production cost of overseas short plays is higher, and it is difficult for online IPs to directly bring about recharge conversion.

Chen Hong said bluntly, "IP's The essence is purchasing power, and fans will migrate from online articles to paying for short dramas. There is no connection between overseas online articles and novels. In addition, adapting novels also takes a lot of time and effort, and we don’t believe in IP. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Investment is difficult.

Unlike the openness and transparency of movie box office, the opacity of short play data has always been a common problem at home and abroad.

"We have also cooperated with an overseas platform in the form of cross-investment before, and we invested more. But the income distributed was 15 times less than the actual amount. " Li Bai recalled.

When Xiaoyu asked how she knew the actual data, Li Bai said, "Generally speaking, I don't know, because the platform will only provide an Excel settlement form, which is filled in manually. But I have worked in this company, and my former boss was the chief producer. He told me what the actual income was. "

Relying on relationships to know the real data is a common method used by domestic short drama producers, as well as abroad. Two weeks ago, before Li Bai's short drama was launched, when Xiaoyu asked him how to ensure data transparency, he pointed out, "I Knowing the second-in-command of this platform can ensure the authenticity of the data. The overseas business environment is also more transparent than in China. You can know the approximate recharge situation through traffic detection. "

After the short drama was released two weeks later, Li Bai once again told Xiaoyu, "Traffic can know the popularity, but it is also difficult to detect the recharge. This is also a pain point for independent film producers. "

In order to solve the problem of data opacity, Zhuang Heng chose Internet celebrity resources with his own mcn organization to participate in the promotion. "Internet celebrity accounts and apps that are sinking into the market can bring their own resources and can also talk about distribution rights. The data transparency I get is much higher than others. "When

talked about the difficulties, Han Peijun said, "From experience, I think there is a big communication gap between the creative team and the delivery team, which is very fragmented. The distribution team generally does not know how to capture the key points of the content, does not edit to the essence, and the distribution materials are too poor; on the other hand, the creative team does not receive first-hand feedback from the distribution department and cannot correct the creation. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Stills of Han Peijun's guest role

Zhou Ze added, "This is the most difficult point when communicating with the platform. We hope that the platform can do its best to promise to invest, but the platform is a horse racing mechanism, and we only hope to be cost-effective. The highest short drama stream . The cost of communication in this matter is still quite high.As mentioned in the last part, the platform can at least ensure the investment flow is based on 20% of the investment cost. "

Song Ya, an overseas short drama producer, recently closed down her overseas short drama company and went to work for a short drama company in Shenzhen. Talking about her recent work content, she said she mainly focused on finding co-producers for the company. She said bluntly, “Now the second and third tier platforms need to work together to keep warm and unite their limited resources. "

In actual work, Song Ya also feels the pressure of seizing the market, "The business of the platform has exhausted all their respective resources, and new markets have not yet appeared, which is very complicated. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

The industry needs a stable development model

One of the reasons why domestic short dramas can thrive is that there are many entrants and the content has been innovating.

Specific to the business model of the entire industry, Zhuang Heng believes that the industry has not formed a set of practices. For an effective theoretical system, "Now, after the creator has finished filming the work, he needs to sort out what kind of content is more suitable, how to do it for streaming, and how to edit the material. It has to be tried." "

" Many creators lack venture capital. They need to run around in different markets around the world to see what kind of content is more suitable. We need to strive for excess returns for investors, and we will be more eccentric and bold. . "

Li Bai bluntly stated that he would not accept the investment, " is a short drama aimed at the Korean market. The market is still in its initial development stage, the income is not high, and the cooperation conditions are average . For example, a Korean short drama platform recently wanted to collaborate with us on 10 short dramas, and we wanted to invest in them and get a share in the future. We don't really want that, the risk is too high. "Does

make money? Regarding this question, Shi Xiaomo also said, "In fact, you can't make much money by being the downstream of Party B. Party A will always feel that you still have profits, and you can even lose money. Nowadays, it is said that the profit margin of overseas short dramas in Europe and the United States is 10%-15%. We are very envious. We don’t have that much, and we even lose money because of the quality. "

When asked whether they would prefer to be contracted or made in the future, both Li Bai and Zhou Ze chose the former. Li Bai said, "The data is not transparent, and the current gameplay of the platform is very unfriendly to producers. If the industry wants to develop further and have more people join the industry, fair market rules are the first step. ”

Zhou Ze pointed out, “You will only make your own products when you have no choice. The most option for the production team is to work for the platform. The main reason is that the platform's account sharing is very opaque. Even if the platform makes money through joint investment, the film producers may not get the money. This is similar to a copyrighted drama. It is better to discuss how much money the platform can collect before it is stable. Regarding the

platform cooperation, Shi Xiaomo learned that “ platform’s self-made short plays in Europe and the United States are basically fully funded by itself.” It is inevitable that big platforms will spend money to gain land. Now they have formed a certain monopoly, and they also have fixed high-quality cooperation teams. It is basically a cooperation model where they both contribute money and produce scripts. "

Regarding the future development direction, Chen Hong said that the product is being tested internally, "We need data. The works will be run on our own platform first, and then we will work backwards based on the data to see how to produce and operate content. The seven-day retention daily life of overseas short dramas can be in the single digits, which is already pretty good. Overseas short dramas ultimately rely on capitalization, which may be even more cruel than e-commerce. It is put on the table first and then adjusted. "

Chocolate also mentioned that the company's future development direction is still to produce self-produced dramas. "In terms of production fees, the production fees earned are very small. Now that we are confident that we can produce hits, we will produce our own content. "

Author | Fu Mengzhen At the end of last year, when ReelShort’s monthly revenue just exceeded US$5 million, it triggered a wave of investment in overseas short dramas.      Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and the entire overseas short drama market has already reached a  - Lujuba

Looking forward to the platform, capital still loves

Some time ago, short drama producer Nian Xi participated in an overseas short drama sharing event on TikTok, "The platform has even found a content supplier, and you can do full hosting like opening a store. In the model, you just need to prepare the script and content, and the production line has it all."

Zhuang Heng is also paying attention to the platform, "Tiktok is currently integrating resources for short plays. Will there be private traffic in short plays in the future? How to carry out fan operations? What distribution forms will there be? We are all concerned about this. focus. "

Li Bai proposed, "Tiktok held a closed-door meeting some time ago to produce overseas short plays in the United States and teach producers how to cast and edit materials. In fact, when the mini program short drama was developing, Douyin also held many closed-door meetings to teach everyone how to do marketing and publicity, and there was a lot of useful information. "

Shi Xiaomo added, "Tiktok has always been known for understanding users, especially in many overseas aspects, and it has a lot of C-side user data. It’s worth looking forward to what will happen to the market when catfish enters the market.

Chocolate also said frankly that compared with last year, the popularity of overseas short dramas this year has dropped a lot , "I am also anxious. Last year was very popular because capital needed to raise funds and a lot of concepts were speculated. It was said that audiences all over the world were there." Waiting for the Chinese short drama. This concept is too simple and crude. There is still room for development in the industry, and it is far from reaching the ceiling. "

" Since Korean dramas can go global on Netflix, why not short dramas? We must believe in South Korea’s ability to industrialize film and television. "Shi Xiaomo said hopefully.

Zhuang Heng pointed out that overseas short dramas are the last oasis for the technology investment industry. "The technology industry pursues higher profit margins and higher single-user valuations, and uses money-burning expansion platforms. business development model. Nowadays, many business models, especially those based on the sharing economy, have been falsified on a large scale. E-commerce, payment, and finance have all been developed to almost the same extent. Overseas short dramas are one of the few business models with high return on capital. "

At present, Zhuang Heng bluntly stated that he does not necessarily pursue financial returns. "After all, we have entered a conservatism cycle and cannot use the original way of measuring success to look at other business models. Short plays can solve the employment problems of many people, which is already very good. "

Han Peijun also pointed out, "Currently, there are only two directions for entertainment to raise funds, one is ai, and the other is overseas short dramas. There is still a future in this industry. Let’s also take a look at the payment status of this one first, and then see what to do next.”

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