The "Alien" series movie "Alien: The Last Ship" was recently released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. On the day of the domestic premiere, some parents complained that taking their 8-year-old child to watch the film caused discomfort, and asked the cinema to r

entertainment 2094℃
The 'Alien' series movie 'Alien: The Last Ship' was recently released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. On the day of the domestic premiere, some parents complained that taking their 8-year-old child to watch the film caused discomfort, and asked the cinema to r - Lujuba

The "Alien" series movie " Alien: Death Ship " was recently released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. On the day of the domestic premiere, some parents complained that taking their 8-year-old child to watch the film caused discomfort, and asked the cinema to refund the tickets and compensate them. They also asked to go to the hospital for a check-up, with the cinema paying for it. The topic of whether you should take your children to watch horror movies in theaters has also caused discussion online.

Since the first film in the "Alien" series was released in 1979, eight films have been released so far, and "Alien: The Last Ship" currently in theaters is the eighth new film. 45 years of accumulation has made "Alien" a well-known series of movies, and it has attracted special attention because it combines "science fiction, horror, action" and other genres. In the "Top 50 Greatest Science Fiction Movies in Film History" online selection launched by the British film magazine "Totalfilm", "Alien 1" and "Alien 2" were included in the top ten. This series of movies is not just a sci-fi thriller that can only be described as "scary". Its uniqueness and grandeur in terms of world view, including the degree of exploration of its ideological connotation, all highlight a certain degree of artistry.

The "Alien" series of movies obviously excludes children from the target audience. "Alien" is rated R in North America, and the film studio also reminded on the poster: Underage viewers should choose to watch with caution. Audiences who have some experience in watching movies or have certain common sense about movies will naturally avoid letting young children watch such works. However, it is not ruled out that audiences who lack experience and common sense may mistakenly think that children can also watch it, and then make a mistake that they should not make. . In fact, there is no need to severely criticize the parent who complained about "Alien: Death Ship". After all, China's film market does not implement a rating system, and the imported rated movies are also very rare, so a small number of them cannot be avoided. Audiences lack awareness of classification and feel that children can watch any movie released in theaters.

Under the premise that there is currently no film rating system in China, parents are the first person responsible for children watching movies. Before deciding whether to take their children to the theater, they must understand both the movie and the child. Understanding movies is easy. If you know little about movies like the "Alien" series, you might as well search for relevant introductions and reviews online. It doesn't take long, and you can make a judgment in three to five minutes. If you are really unsure, just adopt the mentality of "I'd rather believe it" and prevent children from watching the movie. After all, it is not a loss to watch one less movie, and there is no need to be scared after watching one movie. The reason why

emphasizes understanding children is that it will also help parents make "decisions" about watching movies. Even children of the same age group have big differences in acceptance due to different growth environments, education methods, and personality backgrounds. Not to mention that an 8-year-old child will be scared by "Alien: Death Ship" , even 18-year-old teenagers may still leave a psychological shadow. The reason why rated movies mention that they need to be watched under the supervision of parents is because many children already have the ability to distinguish between reality and fiction. They can realize that they are fake when watching movies with science fiction and horror overtones. It was shot by countless creators gathered together, and those horrifying scenes are just prop effects. For these children, blindly blocking, protecting, and prohibiting them is not the answer. Science fiction and horror have certain educational significance, which can allow children to feel the future and define good and evil.

After understanding movies and children, whether or not to take children to the theater to watch horror movies will not become a problem that bothers adults. Parents actually have a lot of choice between taking or not taking one - it varies from person to person and may serve as a reference. Of course, it is still not recommended for 8-year-old children to watch "Alien". The best choice is not to watch it. For children who are a few years older, watching similar videos with the permission or company of their parents may lead to a good parent-child time with a common topic.

text | Han Haoyue

Tags: entertainment