What kind of music would it be if Chang'an Street was "played"? "The whole street should be like music, with rhythm, high and low, long and short, out and in, different timbres, and a rest between long and short. Silence is better than sound at this time." April 1964 In August, a

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"plays" Chang'an Street, what kind of music will it be?

"The whole street should be like music, with rhythm, high and low, long and short, out and in, different timbres, and a rest between long and short. Silence is better than sound at this time." 1964 In April, at an expert review meeting focusing on the Chang'an Avenue planning plan, Liang Sicheng explained his philosophy this way.

Over the past few decades, the architectural notes of Chang'an Street have danced on the staff of Beijing's urban planning, and with the continuous addition of "new instruments", a solemn, steady, heavy and atmospheric symphony has been played.

compose music and set the key.

The pitch position determines the "key" of the music. The height of the buildings on Chang'an Street also determines the "key" of the music. How to find the key that is most suitable for Beijing and Chang'an Avenue?

0 years ago, the world-famous urban planner Edmund Bacon laid the foundation for this song when he first came to Beijing. Ancient buildings such as the Forbidden City and Qianmen are particularly tall in the "horizontal" urban style of the old city of Beijing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. He was attracted by this unique scenery and praised "this may be the greatest single project ever built by humans on the earth." He hoped that this priceless heritage could be mixed with as few modern elements as possible in people's sight. .

Two years later, the first well-documented document on building height restrictions in the old city of Beijing was issued. Song Zheyuan, then the top military and political administrator of Peiping (Beijing), promulgated the "Interim Regulations on Building Buildings", clarifying that "in densely populated areas, No high-rise buildings are allowed to be built; buildings must be built in open spaces, and there must be a three-foot-wide open courtyard around the building site. The maximum height is limited to two stories, but must be less than ten meters."

's gentle tone continued. Beijing's urban construction has spread rapidly since 1949. From the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China to the mid-1970s, the new buildings in the old city were mainly buildings with six floors or less, and there were fewer high-rise buildings.

What kind of music would it be if Chang'an Street was 'played'? 'The whole street should be like music, with rhythm, high and low, long and short, out and in, different timbres, and a rest between long and short. Silence is better than sound at this time.' April 1964 In August, a - Lujuba

In 1959, the Nationality Hotel, the Nationalities Cultural Palace, the Ministry of Fisheries Building, and the Telegraph Building were lined up on West Chang'an Street. Source: Beijing Daily

A "treble" sound attracted people's attention - in 1973, the new building project of Beijing Hotel was under construction. When Premier Zhou Enlai visited the Beijing Hotel for inspection, he told his entourage that Beijing still has a relatively broad view of the city and that the buildings in the old city should be set to a maximum height, such as 45 meters.

"The maximum building height in the old city is 45 meters." This regulation was first written into the "Beijing Urban Building Height Control Plan" in 1985 and continues in Beijing's urban planning for nearly 40 years.

With the Forbidden City as the center, the tone of Chang'an Street gradually rises to both sides in the same order. The 1985 version of the Chang'an Avenue planning plan clarified for the first time that "building heights from Dongdan to Xidan should be controlled within 40 meters, and east of Dongdan and west of Xidan should be controlled within 45 meters."

The fifth edition of Beijing's urban master plan in 1993 clearly stated that "some high-rise buildings are allowed to be built on Chang'an Street, and the building height is generally controlled below 30 meters, and in some areas it is controlled below 45 meters." In the latest "Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035)", it once again emphasized the need to "strengthen the building height control of Chang'an Avenue and its extension." On the gentle and open score of

, several regional characteristic notes appear on the extended line. In 2014, Mentougou required that the building height limit on both sides of the west extension of Chang'an Street be 80 meters, and the height limit around the S1 line should be appropriately increased to 120 meters to ensure the landscape view corridor from Dingdu Pavilion to the axis of Beijing's central city. "While maintaining overall coordination, we must also It can highlight the design personality of Mentougou."

The Beijing City Sub-Center on the east extension line also requires that in principle, the height of new super high-rise buildings should not exceed 200 meters, forming a patchwork city skyline. Inheriting the ancient charm of Tongzhou and integrating the water charm of the canal, the east extension line of Chang'an Street is completed wonderfully.

What kind of music would it be if Chang'an Street was 'played'? 'The whole street should be like music, with rhythm, high and low, long and short, out and in, different timbres, and a rest between long and short. Silence is better than sound at this time.' April 1964 In August, a - Lujuba

East Chang'an Street in the 1990s. Picture source: Beijing Daily

If you put this song into different eras, the tone of planning and construction from the 1950s to the 1980s gradually increased, and the fast-paced notes sounded in the 1990s, entering the climax of the song. This period is almost the same as the previous 40 years. The sum of construction.In the process of continuous performance today, the songs on Chang'an Avenue have begun to incorporate different chapters such as national politics, history and culture, modern culture, and revival culture, add wonderful details such as flowers and trees, and add modern sounds such as subways and buses. Played three-dimensionally and perfectly.

The "urban five-line spectrum" drawn by Beijing's urban planning not only plays an important and efficient leading role in urban development, but also protects the historical and cultural "soul" of the city, and highlights the care for every resident. Urban space and natural landscapes organically blend, coexist harmoniously, and complement each other.

Rhythm Rhythm

A "road red line" is being drawn, and a "building gray line" area is being determined. Surveyors and planners are arranging "architectural notes" that are ups and downs, well-proportioned, and appropriately dense on the "urban staff" ".

City construction must first be planned, and planning must first be measured. "Road red lines" are the first part of a city to be determined when planning. The street width of Chang'an Street was finally determined to be 120 meters in 1958. Then we began to measure the land, plan the land type, position the buildings, draw the "architectural gray lines" that frame the positions, and the buildings began to play on the staff.

Standing in Yongding Pavilion and looking out, the music on Chang'an Street is played and sung along the Yongding River all the way to the east, and the scale of the music score is shockingly straight and smooth. The continuous road alignment from Mentougou Shidan Road to the left bank of the Tongzhou North Canal has no major twists and turns, and the street space runs throughout, beating the timpani for the song Chang'an Avenue.

The sound of a triangle came, and Shougang brought several sci-fi sounds mixed with the steel factory. Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery brings a powerful and deep sound of history and culture, like a French horn. A burst of compact violin sound came, and the chapter of the Olympic venues near Wukesong was played.

There was a loud and sharp trumpet sound, and the song began to enter the brass section. Starting from Gongzhufen, you can hear the sound of the West Railway Station covered with Chinese-style pavilions, and the most Soviet-style building on Chang'an Street - the Military Museum.

The double bass began to play in Fuxingmen, and then entered the Financial Street, where music is compact and intensive, and there were more bank buildings. The National Culture Palace with its peacock blue glazed tiles and the Telegraph Building where "The East is Red" still sounds. Since the 1950s, two clear "drums" have been mixed into the music to indicate their important positions. The singing stopped at the Xidan intersection. On one side was the Xidan Commercial Street mixed with the sounds of tourists, and on the other side was the Bank of China headquarters designed by I.M. Pei. The chapter of the

National Orchestra leads the song to a climax - Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City play the guqin and pipa, which are simple, thick, loud and solemn. The Great Hall of the People rings the chimes in the clear, bright and melodious high-pitched range, composing the future; the National Museum of China, directly opposite, rings the rich, majestic and deep low-pitched range, recording the origin of this nation.

The music began to play closely, and commercial office buildings such as Oriental Plaza, Henderson Center, Guanghua Changan Building began to gather together. After passing Dongdan, the high-rise central business district rang with fast-paced string music, which were the highest notes on the entire Chang'an Avenue.

What kind of music would it be if Chang'an Street was 'played'? 'The whole street should be like music, with rhythm, high and low, long and short, out and in, different timbres, and a rest between long and short. Silence is better than sound at this time.' April 1964 In August, a - Lujuba

As the sun sets, the bright lights of the central business district come on, and the buildings such as the China World Trade Center Complex are crystal clear. Photo/Beijing Daily Reporter Rao Qiang

The high note temporarily came to an end, and a rest appeared. At this time, silence was better than sound. The large open space forms a parallel "river-street" space chapter between Jingtong Expressway and Tonghui River.

The music continued to play, becoming soothing, gentle, transparent and open. The sub-center sounds the chapter of woodwind instruments accompanied by the city's Green Heart Forest Park, Universal Studios, etc., which is bright, elegant, full and warm.

In the score of this song, special attention is paid to the experience and feelings of the "audience" while walking. By setting a reasonable street width ratio to control the height of buildings along the line, a comfortable street space experience is formed. Increase green plants and optimize road sections to enhance the sense of enclosure by weakening the sense of openness that is too large.

The rhythm of Chang'an Street, combined with factors such as politics, culture, transportation, open space and crowd activities in urban construction, builds a good urban spatial order and forms a well-organized, well-organized, well-organized, open and closed street. Appropriately sized axes.

The harmonic symphony

How can the singing of Chang'an Street, which continues to play continuously, remain unified? When a new building is designed, does the design style fit in with the street as a whole? Is the facade color appropriate for the area? Is the height in good proportion to surrounding buildings?

"Originally, we could only determine these issues through imagination, discussion, and on-site observation. Now we can put the designed images into the real three-dimensional model for simulation and comparison. Will its volume, shape, height and style affect the landscape? The view corridor and city skyline become clear, intuitive and efficient," said An Zhiming, deputy director of the Core Area Department of the Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping.

Not only Chang'an Avenue, but now the entire Beijing Sixth Ring Road is in this real-life three-dimensional model. Real-life 3D, simply put, is to build a city in the digital world that is exactly the same as reality. It is a three-dimensional digital map in a real scene. It can present the current status and spatial distribution of various resource elements in these cities in an all-round and three-dimensional way.

In the real-life 3D model, the audience can experience Chang'an Street immersively, experience the changes of the city through time and space, travel through Chang'an Street from an overlooking perspective or a traveling perspective, and experience the different scenery in the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. They can also view various ancient buildings on Chang'an Street. Details, "We can clearly record texture details as small as the size of a water bottle cap." An Zhiming gave an analogy.

The real-life 3D model is measured using a variety of advanced equipment such as vehicle-mounted laser scanners, stationary laser scanners, and backpack laser scanners. An Zhiming said, "Measuring equipment is becoming more and more advanced. Data that might have taken a day to measure before can now be obtained in a few minutes, and the accuracy is higher than before."

Surveying and mapping are becoming more and more precise, and at the same time, they are becoming more and more vivid. A large amount of information is input into the real-life 3D model, not only the building height and floor area, but also the data of every flower bed, street lamp, trash can, and camera. The

real-life 3D model provides indispensable data support for urban planning and construction, protection and restoration of ancient architectural relics, demonstration and design of large-scale events such as National Day, and even modeling of some mobile game scenes.

In the process of building the real-life 3D model, some of the "architectural notes" are constantly being corrected and improved, and the song Chang'an Street becomes more and more beautiful.

html In 2007, countless people built these notes on Chang'an Street, some high and some low, some long and some short, some going out and some going in. This "coordinated" axis music attracts countless people to walk along it over and over again, playing this unique song of Chang'an Avenue with their eyes.

Tags: entertainment