Liu Haoran: Race against yourself

movie 694℃
Liu Haoran: Race against yourself - LujubaLiu Haoran: Race against yourself - Lujuba

21-year-old Liu Haoran is a bit short-sighted. On the day of the shooting, as soon as the photographer stopped, he would take the glasses from the staff, approach the screen, and carefully look at himself in the photo. He is not the same as the boys of the same age. He is very meticulous and calm. He doesn't talk much and is a bit shy. He talks about performances only when he talks. When the people around him focus on him, he is also understanding everything that makes him curious, absorbing nutrients like plants, and using them in the future life of curiosity.

Liu Haoran: Race against yourself - Lujuba

youth, but not idol

has always liked Liu Haoran. Being youthful, but never an idol, the kind of coldness, deliberately created sense of distance and blur that idols need, so that they can project the perfect fantasy of thousands of girls, has never been his characteristic. On the contrary, he is true, straightforward, specific, full of details, knowable and sensible. This single eyelid, with tiger teeth, born in Pingdingshan, and his weight will fluctuate. From the very beginning, he told himself.

Some people say that they like him because he is the kind of handsome guy who can reach him. Some handsome guys are used to look up, and even dream of knowing that he is not worthy, but Liu Haoran seems to be the boy in the last row of the next class. He plays basketball very well. His talent comes from secretly working hard, knowing the general, and mundane. He has the condition of being unworldly, and he also has it. Both humor and pretending to be cool are just right: he can give you face and lizi.

Others said that he was "the boy who brought home the most reassuring boys." "Reassuring" is one of his characteristics. He is only 21 years old and has been in the industry for five years. He is surrounded by seniors who are familiar with the industry and helped him manage every level. He is also studying in an orthodox class. He is not young and frivolous and normal expansion. He has a rare sobriety. This kind of soberness allows you to clearly know that this young man will not make mistakes. At the age of others knocking on the door and tempting, he has already stepped into the palace and walked on the path he was sure of. Just like a tall and beautiful mountain pine, it is neither decadent nor chaotic, nor vines or branches, sparsely sparse and bright, and persistently grows towards the light.

White Crane Boy

In addition to these, the Liu Haoran I saw is not only grounded and kind, but also an extraordinary spiritual power, which comes from inner firmness and purity. That's exactly what "The Legend of the Demon Cat" needs and is the core of that movie. A thousand years of hatred, lingering grudges, a young man does not resent the cruelty of the imperial power, does not despise the cold blood wrapped in the myth of love, he wants to pay for the beauty that disappears. This kind of obsession, acting in another person, may be hostile, but the deep pain in Liu Haoran’s eyes, the unreasonable injustice, the uncompromising bravery, and the indestructible youth's spirit, sublimated the anger and transformed Made ice and snow. He purified that love and hate.

The expression in his eyes penetrated the complex truth, but also gave everything simple and glitzy with pure purity.

The White Dragon Boy is the soul of the Japanese nation in Hayao Miyazaki's movies. The white crane boy is an image belonging to our nation. I'm willing to say without shame that he can afford this image: that kind of whiteness is not the whiteness that is inexperienced, but the whiteness that burns to ashes, and that kind of crane is not blindly detached, but flying from the world. Out, the crane screaming for the joys and sorrows of the world.

He is the white crane boy of our time.

mentality is translucent

sitting in front of me Liu Haoran lost weight. I didn’t work for a while. I was a bit presumptuous. He weighed fifteen kilograms and squatted up. Recently, he has lost weight: the man in front of me, wearing glasses, a well-defined jaw, and smiling slender eyes, is lying on the sofa. , Sincere and relaxed. That kind of handsome, warm, and upright, you know that as long as he takes time, he can grow into a responsible, ambitious, and generous man. What

talks most is performance, almost endlessly. He feels like a young novice monk who has just entered the gate of the mountain. He kept his mentality very low, humble and respectful, serious, and learn to perform in a down-to-earth manner. As far as his age is concerned, his experience and experience have already surprised me.

He talked about "translucent" mentality. He said that he used to think that he had to do enough homework, that is, to write densely on the script full of experience, every action, every shot, I think about it before performing it. It turned out to be a big mistake! The director's understanding of the play, the opponent's play of the play, and the real and instant feelings of the scene are the first. The kind of performance that all thought of is dead, it is a routine every minute and every second, it is a performance of "There should be a smile here", instead of jumping into the drama, it is a photoGourd painting scoop. How scary!

He has realized that to leave each collaborator empty, the heart is fully focused, but half empty and translucent.

He talked about playing with a powerful master, completely suppressed by the opponent's aura, completely unable to play, that terrible feeling. And how did you struggle a little bit harder, feed a little drama to the other side, and help the other side, that beautiful moment. A little proud, "feeling myself, it's okay."


He talked about cooperating with big directors, the kind of profound literati, big artists, rich academic foundation, and nourishment for him by the director of Kaige. After the filming of "The Legend of the Demon Cat", the director of Triumph wrote a picture to the photographer Cao Yu. He blurted it out, remembering clearly: "Sleeves carry a five-color floating pen to fill the Tang Dynasty without words monument." This casual talent, He was heartbroken.

He said, filming with director Veuve Clic is like leaning against a towering tree. He likes to lead a speech play by Kaige, sit down and talk in detail. The understanding of the role, the sense of the play, "You think, a person with such a high level of cultural attainment, has thoroughly understood his understanding, broken it, crushed it, crushed it into such a fine layer, and got himself In his hand, even if it leaks a little through the fingers, it is far more than I think."

He cherishes the feeding of words and deeds, and the part that the director says, and the part that is not said. He can understand camera language. "Director Veuve’s protection of actors. I like his movie shots: it’s rarely a big face with an actor. I’m especially afraid that the camera will directly hit my face. What can I do? A running face full of expression? Use Steadicam and use a long lens to capture the performance of the actor. The lens also has language, and the color also has language, but when these languages ​​are all there, the actor will come naturally, and it will be particularly comfortable."

Not to mention that Oscars have art awards, lighting awards, and special effects awards every year... These are all part of the movie. Many times, an actor, when your makeup, modeling, costumes, all in place, are all dressed up, you Naturally, I know how to act. I don’t use acting much, it’s really very good.” This young man,

, not only respects performance, knows how to perform, but also understands the limitations and benefits of performance.

unique secret skills

somehow we talked, we kept talking along the show, he said a particularly interesting point, about his myopia.

"Perceive the details, maybe I have a particularly good sensitivity? Jokingly, it may be because I am shortsighted." He said with a smile, flashing shining and excitement in his eyes. Liu Haoran is nearsighted. Basically, people a few meters away from his glasses are no longer divided into men and women. However, he still insists not to wear contact lenses on the scene.

"I acted from start to finish. From the time I entered the industry to the present, I have never worn contact lenses in any drama!" Outsiders may not know where he is proud, only he knows. She looked proud and terribly cute. "When people can see clearly, they rely on sight, but once we can't see clearly, hearing, smell, and taste, all the senses will become special."

He said of a performance training done in school. In the classroom, the teacher asked everyone: What did you hear? Some said they heard breathing, some said sneezing, and some said they heard low voices. Then, lie on the floor, keep the smallest breath, close your eyes, and listen carefully. Five minutes later, I began to hear sounds from upstairs and downstairs, what was going on in the classroom.

Five minutes later, the teacher asked, what did you hear? "Really, I'm not kidding, I can really hear the door, because the door of our classroom is still closed. My ears went out, the classroom door turned left, and the sound on the stairs... I heard it all. "

is actively choosing the world of virtual focus, his senses are as keen as a beast.

Practice Eyes

Every great actor has a self-training part: Marlon Brando practiced a vague and old voice for "The Godfather", Jiang Wen designed a gesture of covering his face with his index finger and holding it for himself. ,smokes.

do not wear contact lenses, can not see clearly, how to act? Liu Haoran said that he practiced his eyes for this, specifically, looking in the mirror and practicing repeatedly. "First, don’t try to see. Second, you have to practice the sensitivity of your eyes. People with myopia have two habits. One is to look with false eyes without focusing, and the other is to see things slowly., The capture is inaccurate, and his eyes hesitate. After

finds the weakness, he practiced in a targeted manner, "First, never squint, no matter how uncomfortable, never squint, no matter how acidic or fuzzy, never squint. Second, look at each point. The speed, wherever there is a sound, the eyeballs follow up all at once. Once you’re still, you won’t move, even if you can’t see clearly, don’t move.”

This is still the most basic. The difficulty is that he plays Qin Feng in "Chinatown Detective" , That was a young genius. The eyes of genius must be firm, accurate and wise. "I went to watch "Sherlock", and the eyes of Scroll Fu had a kind of mania in it. The senses of geniuses are too strong, they receive too much information, they can see fingerprints, wear, habit, nails on a mobile phone. ... That kind of look requires a lot of information and looks very calm and anxious.”

reminded me of the old famous characters in the previous books. Train your figure, train your voice, train your eyes: one look flies over, and the handsome stars fly all over the field. Every audience feels that he is looking at himself.

Yang Qi

He said that he felt impetuous, so he went to study. What is impetuous? "One day, I suddenly found that I was watching a movie and I used fast forward. I never fast-forward when I watch a movie. Sometimes I fast-forward a TV show. When I find myself watching a movie, I habitually fast-forward and skip habitually. In some dramas, I feel that the state is not right." What book does

read? He said that he wanted to understand the past times and people in situations. Reading classics, in the days in Xiangyang, eight months in the crew, I was very impatient. He read Wang Shuo, "Animal Fierce", Xiao Hong, and Liu Cixin. Although he said somewhat mockingly, he didn't necessarily read anything.

Read Wang Xiaobo, read the collection of essays, "A Maverick Pig". It was also about the experience of "Cultural Revolution" jumping in the queue. There was a section where he read it for a long time and laughed for a long time. He told us, vividly. "It probably means that there was a literati in ancient times who liked Su Dongpo very much. Someone asked him: Do you like his poems or his calligraphy? The scholar replied, no! I like to eat Dongpo meat, which is very badly stewed. It’s not greasy. It’s really a small reason to worship Su Dongpo just because of Dongpo meat. I think it’s funny when I watch it. The way he tells, the way he thinks, is very interesting."

I am afraid that I will do something wrong

After talking a lot, I think this is a young man who is very strict with himself. Self-training, self-control, very self-aware and very humble. All of the above, at the age of 21, seem to be too strict with myself.

Maybe, this is because he has a soldier father. From childhood to adulthood, the image of his father was like a mountain, unsmiling and absolutely majestic. The authority of the soldier and the authority of the father are combined in one person. He is full of yearning for military camps, soldiers, and men in the traditional sense.

Maybe, he too understands his luck. He described his seventeenth year as a strong wind that lifted him up and went smoothly. He understood that it was not because of his talent or hard work, but because of luck. He didn't want this gust of wind to blow away, he wanted to see the wind, he wanted to be the wind. In my opinion, the young man in the wind works extremely hard, wants to make himself a little weightier and stronger, wants to step on the ground firmly, wants to walk in the wind.

Maybe, he has felt the oppression and pressing of the rising star. "In the past, I was always the youngest one in the crew. In the crew that I went to recently, every crew member had people younger than me, one after another, one after another. I am no longer in the front row. I have started to move in the middle."

I asked him, what are you afraid of? After a few times, he blurted out, "I am afraid of doing something wrong, and I don't know what I did wrong." I cherish his answer very much. The sincerity and fear of the young, the anxiety under the appearance of genius, the struggle and hard work that outsiders think smoothly... are all moving. Compared to a person who walks in the wind with great ease, the person in front of him is going to walk in the wind and use his whole body strength. On the contrary, the person standing in the wind is much more real and precious.

Hot-blooded youth

A best friend told me that she likes Liu Haoran's strength. Although it hasn't fully manifested yet, that strength is strong and subjective, and she has strong judgments about everything she does.

I didn’t fully understand what she meant, I could only vaguely captureSo a shadow of a passionate man: the male stars he likes are very strong, very hard men with male hormones: Tom Hardy, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt.

He likes female stars, sweetheart type, sweet and cute, not aggressive. He was the first to talk about Anne Hathaway, then Carrie Mulligan in "The Great Gatsby", and Dalula Riley in "The Pirate Radio". The first three were almost of the same type. Face, and the eternal Scarlett Johansson.

doesn’t deliberately mention it, but there are a lot of times when you bring it to your buddies: watching movies together, discussing the acting skills of characters, vomiting blood and recommending each other, playing games together, chasing new dramas together... He enjoys male groups very much, there are no secrets, and he will always be around Surrounded by a few good brothers. The most straight thing of

, no, maybe it’s just the otaku: "I’m a crazy fan of anime." When he said he likes anime, I never thought that he recommended about 20 new shows to him. I mentioned the familiarity of the characters in the work, the sadness when I mentioned "anime is dead," and the distressing energy that the manga artist has de-stylized now.

Here are some of his recent shows that he recommends: "Psionic 100%" (recommended three times!), "Fantasy Frontier", "Fullmetal Alchemy", "Blowing Wind" (and so start running!) ), "Bungou Stray Dogs" (I finally watched one!), "Headless Horseman", "One Punch Man", "My Hero Academia" (recommended twice!), "Assassin Five Six Seven" , "The Disaster of Qi Mu Kusuo". And he personally opened one and gave me Amway live, this rare musical: "Carol and Tuesday".

frankly said that after having been Amway so many anime, looking at his enthusiastic face, I felt a sense of peace of mind: I finally saw what a 21-year-old boy would look like. It's not blindly sensible and easy to learn, which is reassuring. He also has things that are entirely based on interests and casual and playful, which is really great.

Let's run the teenager

asked him the last question about a nightmare he had recently.

didn’t hesitate. He said, “I dreamed that someone was chasing after someone in an abandoned building. It’s the kind of building that hasn’t been built. Ceilings and pillars, no walls and glass... just run in that place, running desperately."

I think he probably understands that this is a stressful dream, just like he is afraid and anxious. He should also know that it was this chasing him that contributed to his desperateness, his desperate effort.

So just run, twenty-one-year-old boy. May you enter the gates one after another, layer after layer of advancement, and finally enter the center of your performance hall, you're done, and you feel calm and relaxed. May your perseverance and strictness finally turned into freedom and calmness. May you always love your anime and goddess, only sunshine and love are constant, you know. May you finally stand in the center of the storm, with a smile on your face with your own strength.

May you run all the way, and finally find that the person who is chasing you is just yourself. █

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