Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious "Video Game Software" ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it

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Do you ever remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious "Video Game Software" ceased publication!

2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games


I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively obscure and it was difficult to find information about games.

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba

In the early 1990s, I was still in school. I remember that a friend once had a game magazine from Hong Kong at home, which introduced the new games and information at that time. Although it was all in traditional Chinese characters, we read it with gusto and in the end almost memorized every page. The magazine

was occasionally brought back from the south by his father, who was engaged in foreign trade, but unfortunately he never brought it back again. This little information of

could not satisfy our enthusiasm for games. One day another friend in the class brought a domestic game magazine called "Game Concentration Camp", which finally opened the door to a new world for us.

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba

I clearly remember that the first issue of "Game Concentration Camp" introduced FC's "God of Gamblers", "Kick King", "Quick Fight", and SFC's "Dragon Quest V".

At that time, Sega and Nintendo were competing fiercely, and the magazine was deliberately divided into two sections. One is called "Freedom of Heaven", which mainly introduces Nintendo games, and the other is called "Sega Saga", which mainly introduces Sega games.

What shocked me most was not the game introduction, but the translation of an article called "Sega vs. Nintendo" This manuscript introduces the competition and current situation between Nintendo and Sega. For the first time, we know the information that is in sync with the world. I think it also quietly started the fight between the two factions.

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba


In 1994, "Game Concentration Camp". It became a bimonthly publication, officially titled "Electronic Game Software", creating the first officially published electronic game magazine in China.

After the crow incident in 1995, even the subtitle of "Electronic Game Software" was changed to a less radical one. "Game Landscape" has "Being Honest" written all over his face.

This is also the response strategy of the mature and steady editor Xunfeng

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba

At that time, we played games randomly, playing whatever was available in the arcade, and could only buy game cards. Based on the cover, I often found out that the product was wrong after I bought it, but there was nothing I could do about it.

It was different with Diansoft. It would publish game guides in every issue, especially word games. At that time, they were all in Japanese, and they were incomprehensible. Type. With

, we can play with it and experience the joy of word games. At that time, buying a copy of

was not cheap, and it was almost the same as two days’ worth of meals. I had to save money to buy magazines because I couldn't afford games, so I could only read magazines to enjoy myself. I even read the advertisements several times.

often drew game scenes on paper with his friends while reading magazines.

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I borrowed money to buy a copycat FC, and rented "Three Kingdoms II: Overlord's Continent" recommended by Diansoft in its first issue, and I played it for a long time to my heart's content. After reading the guide,

was my favorite. They are Secret Techniques World and Notes on the Electrocution Chamber. In that era when games could only be passed down by word of mouth, secret techniques were all tried and tested by everyone. Secret Techniques World collected official and private game secret techniques, which greatly helped gamers pass the electrocution of

. The self-deprecating and interesting stories of the editors in the room provide a sideways understanding of the editors’ lives and personalities, making them feel like real people, which invisibly brings them closer to the readers.

Moreover, the editors are quite literary and can write half-literally. Half white, mixed with narration and discussion, the two people laughed and praised each other after reading

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba

"Electronic Game Software" from the irregular "Game Concentration Camp" to a bimonthly, to a monthly, and finally to a semi-monthly publication in March 2012. Publication officially ceased in March, with a total of 319 issues.

Among them, editors have come and gone, and the style of the magazine has also undergone numerous changes. People like Long Ge, Mollusk, Agent Huang, and King are impressive, and special contributors such as Zhang Xian, Ye Wei, Xueying, and Akira have also Become famous in one fell swoop.

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba

At that time, the domestic video game environment was extremely bad. The mainstream media suppressed games and called them "electronic yp" for teenagers.When I first read this word, I was extremely shocked. How can a game be as good as a DP that brings disaster to the country and the people?

's accumulated dissatisfaction is also spreading in the gaming community.

In April 1995, Diansoft released the feature article "Crow·Crow·Cry" which made waves, launching an article against the environment that suppressed games, which became one of the turning points of the magazine. The result was that the relevant department talked to him and ordered him to suspend publication for three months (later shortened to two months).

After that, Xunfeng (Liu Wenyu) resigned as editor-in-chief, and Ye Zonglin took over the position. The title of the magazine "Electronic Game Software" was printed in a prominent position, and the subtitle was changed from "Game Concentration Camp" to "Game Landscape".

Due to different ideas, King A I ran away angrily and founded "Electronic Games and Computer Games". In 2000, the game industry was completely abandoned, and almost everyone would yell at me when I played a game. I was embarrassed to tell people that I liked playing games, and at the same time, I was surprised that it was so exciting. Why is this entertainment method unacceptable to the mainstream?

Later, the import and approval of electronic games were completely banned in China, and it was not lifted until 2013. The Chinese game industry has experienced a lost decade. After the

reform, the electronic software no longer touches the social disadvantages. , insists on publishing game guides and information in a low-key manner, and competitors such as ucg and

have emerged. With the development of network information, paper media has been greatly impacted, and the free information at one's fingertips has put magazines in a dilemma. Diansoft finally ceased publication in March 2012, with a total of 319 issues.

Although the cover text said "Spring is coming", it finally failed to survive the cold winter.

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba

It is full of emotions. Recently, I was delighted to hear that Chinese player Zeng Zhuojun defeated Japanese players to win the "Street Fighter 6" championship at the first E-Sports World Cup in Saudi Arabia. I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to him.

Today's environment is really different from that of the past. Video games are no longer considered popular. The despised plaything Shangzhi also has a formal competition and competitive environment, and all this is due to the unrelenting struggle of senior editors.

It is reported that the Olympic Committee will also hold the e-sports Olympics, which will officially become a kind of sports. I would like to express my condolences to those who devoted their youth and blood to video games.

Do you remember the dream? It has been 12 years since the once rebellious 'Video Game Software' ceased publication! 2024-08-12 16:23 · Taotao Games 1. I don’t know where you got game information from when you were a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was relatively secluded and it - Lujuba

That’s all for today. Thank you all for watching.

Your attention is my greatest encouragement!

Tags: entertainment