"We spent millions on Mingdao to do a special live broadcast during the '618' period. As a result, after excluding refunds, we only sold more than 200,000 yuan. The cost difference is too big, not even one-tenth. We hope to have a proportional Refund." Ms. Yang, the relevant pers

entertainment 3536℃

"We spent several million to find Mingdao to do a special live broadcast during the '618' period. As a result, after excluding refunds, we only sold more than 200,000 yuan. The cost difference was too big, not even one-tenth. We hope to be able to press Proportional refund." Ms. Yang, the relevant person in charge of Sichuan Green Materia Medica Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Materia Medica Company) told the Red Star News reporter.

In response to this, Hangzhou Wuyou Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wuyou Company), where Mingdao is located, stated that they have provided after-sales plans such as extending the use period of live broadcast slices and continuing to bring goods for their live broadcasts, but the other party's only demand is a refund. They also found "cyber trolls" to carry out attacks. The company has fulfilled the contract as promised. If it cannot be properly resolved, they are also prepared to sue to defend their rights.

Spending 3 million to invite celebrities to bring goods

The output ratio is not enough to protect rights

With the rise of online e-commerce, inviting celebrities to live broadcast to bring goods has become the choice of many brands. Shiliyan Shampoo, owned by Bencao Company, was a new brand launched last year. During this year's "618" period, it also hopes to bring a certain amount of traffic and sales through celebrities.

They contacted Wuyou Company through the third-party intermediary company Anhui Yishiyyou Culture Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yishiyyou Company), and finally decided that on June 14, its artist Mingdao would conduct a special live broadcast for the brand. The contract amount signed by Yishiyiyou Company on behalf of Materia Medica Company and Wuyou Company is 2.438 million, including special event fees and commercial launch fees. Materia Medica stated that they actually paid 3 million yuan to Yishiyyou Company. On the day of

's live broadcast, Mingdao broadcasted from about 10 am to about 6 pm, for a total of 6 hours and 01 minutes. The number of real-time viewers was more than 10,000, and the total number of viewers reached 2.127 million. Herbal Medicine Company also prepared 50,000 single products for this purpose. However, the large number of viewers did not bring a large number of transaction orders. After the entire live broadcast, sales were only 348,000, and a large number of returns occurred within one month after the live broadcast. "The return rate reached more than half." The actual sales volume was only 2,000 The remaining orders total more than 200,000.

'We spent millions on Mingdao to do a special live broadcast during the '618' period. As a result, after excluding refunds, we only sold more than 200,000 yuan. The cost difference is too big, not even one-tenth. We hope to have a proportional Refund.' Ms. Yang, the relevant pers - Lujuba

▲The live broadcast data of the day

Ms. Yang, the relevant person in charge of the Materia Medica Company, told reporters that the original decision to let Mingdao do the live broadcast was based on the fact that its historical sales data were good. Since they did not sign a guaranteed quantity contract, “They were only willing to conduct after-sales and were not willing to refund.” The after-sales plan includes extending the use of Mingdao live broadcast, allowing the artist’s exclusive link to continue selling products, and continuing to give at least 10 times Mix live broadcast to bring goods. However, Ms. Yang said that the after-sales plan was only oral and did not have any contractual guarantee, so the two parties did not reach an agreement.

The reporter saw in the contract that Wuyou Company did not make a commitment to promotional sales. Ms. Yang said that they wanted to sign a guaranteed quantity contract at first, but the other party explained that the historical data could be seen, "I didn't sign it." She believed that from the data, Mingdao's ability to carry goods was good, but the Their delivery efficiency is very low.

Mingdao was born in 1980. He is well known for his roles in TV series such as "The Wedding Dress of Heaven" and "The Prince Turns into a Frog". He currently has more than 8 million fans on the Douyin platform.

'We spent millions on Mingdao to do a special live broadcast during the '618' period. As a result, after excluding refunds, we only sold more than 200,000 yuan. The cost difference is too big, not even one-tenth. We hope to have a proportional Refund.' Ms. Yang, the relevant pers - Lujuba

Mingdao data map

Reporters found on third-party data platforms such as "Cicada Mama" and "Feigua" that Mingdao is Douyin's "head master". From January to August this year, sales of goods have exceeded 100 million. Judging from June, its daily sales have fluctuated, ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions. The sales volume of Shiliyan shampoo is almost at the bottom.

'We spent millions on Mingdao to do a special live broadcast during the '618' period. As a result, after excluding refunds, we only sold more than 200,000 yuan. The cost difference is too big, not even one-tenth. We hope to have a proportional Refund.' Ms. Yang, the relevant pers - Lujuba

▲Mingdao account’s live broadcast, a special live broadcast for Shiliyan’s traceability on June 14th

Artist Company: The new brand is not well known

has not promised sales, and hopes to negotiate amicably

Regarding the problem of low sales this time, Wuyou Company is related The person in charge said that first of all, Shiriken is a new brand and consumers are not very aware of it.

In the view of the person in charge, in a sense, this is no longer a pure live broadcast to bring goods, but a live broadcast focusing on product promotion effects. “To put it bluntly, it is Mingdao doing brand promotion for customers. , If we were asked to promise sales from the beginning, we would not do it. "They brought a team of 20 people from Hangzhou to Nanchang to work for 4 days, and they also spent 500,000 on live streaming. These are all costs. .The artist's more than six hours of brand promotion in the live broadcast room is valuable, and he cannot ask for a refund just because it does not meet expectations.

Regarding the return rate issue, the relevant person in charge said that they did not cheat on orders, and returns are not just a problem for artists, but also involve delivery, packaging, and consumer confidence in the product.

'We spent millions on Mingdao to do a special live broadcast during the '618' period. As a result, after excluding refunds, we only sold more than 200,000 yuan. The cost difference is too big, not even one-tenth. We hope to have a proportional Refund.' Ms. Yang, the relevant pers - Lujuba

▲Shiliyan Shampoo

Mr. Chu, the person in charge of Yishi Yiyou Company, said that although the contract was signed by him on behalf of Materia Medica Company and Wuyou Company, during the entire negotiation process, the consideration of the stars, the analysis of the company, and the The agreement on the contract amount, whether to sign a guaranteed volume contract, etc. were all discussed by the three companies together. "There is no trick." The rights and interests in the contract, including the duration of the live broadcast, the amount of investment, lighting, etc., have also been completed by Wuyou Company , "Now let me communicate to refund the full amount. They (Wuyou Company) have already completed it, how can they refund the money." And they all signed the contract.

He said that after the incident, he had been communicating with Wuyou Company on after-sales issues from the perspective of the brand side. Wuyou Company was also willing to cooperate and provided the above solution, "but the brand side did not agree. Comment under the Mingdao account to develop public opinion..." This put a lot of pressure on him and Wuyou Company.

Wuyou Company believes that it is very inappropriate for the other party to try to use the celebrity's reputation as a threat. Next, the company will still communicate with the brand and fulfill its after-sales commitments. But if they continue to slander the artist's image, they will also use legal means to protect their rights.

Later, Wuyou Company sent screenshots of the chats of the so-called "Internet trolls". The reporter saw that netizens who were suspected of being employees of Materia Medica commented under the Mingdao video.

In this regard, Materia Medica stated that they did not bribe "cyber trolls" to carry out cyber attacks, but they did deal with some employees because of the incident. Problems with Wuyou Company will not be ruled out using legal means in the future.

'We spent millions on Mingdao to do a special live broadcast during the '618' period. As a result, after excluding refunds, we only sold more than 200,000 yuan. The cost difference is too big, not even one-tenth. We hope to have a proportional Refund.' Ms. Yang, the relevant pers - Lujuba

▲Screenshots of netizen comments

Industry insiders: Choose the delivery method carefully for new products

Pay attention to the contract

In the view of Ms. Liang, who is engaged in the live broadcast delivery industry, if Shiriken is indeed a new product, it is a comparison to hire celebrities to live broadcast at high prices. It’s a risky thing, not to mention the problem of anchors cheating on orders and data. Fans or netizens will not pay for a product just because of the celebrity effect. They will also consider factors such as the product’s popularity, safety, discounts and gifts in the live broadcast room.

Generally, big anchors rarely do special shows. They either do special shows for their own brands, or only big-name shows, because for general brands, special shows are not cost-effective. She recommends doing mixed broadcasts to bring goods, "Although the commission will be higher, but It’s better than being swept away by many people when you have no visibility.”

According to public reports, there are also cases of “overturning” when celebrities bring goods.

In November last year, a company in Anhui paid a pit fee of 33,000 yuan to actor Du Moudong's authorized company, but in the end only sold one pack of fungus, with a sales volume of 64.9 yuan; singer Ye Mouqian's live broadcast of selling tea sets, the number of online viewers Nearly 900,000 yuan, but less than 2,000 yuan was sold; celebrities Yang and Huang Mouyi participated in the New Year Festival as guests to sell goods. Some merchants paid a pit fee of 100,000 yuan and prepared bacon worth 1.7 million yuan. In the end, only Sell ​​an order... Some people in the industry said that a celebrity's traffic does not equal sales. Intuitively, the anchor's live broadcast skills, interaction ability, and field control ability are all factors that affect the delivery of goods.

Ms. Liang said that with 500,000 yuan used for traffic delivery, the number of people online has been increasing, but sales have not increased. There may be a problem with the traffic delivery method. Sometimes full-scale traffic delivery is actually useless traffic, while precise traffic delivery is more expensive. , but with stronger purchasing power.

She also mentioned that many mcn organizations currently have problems such as yin and yang contracts and overlord clauses, which "have many pitfalls." Ms. Liang suggested that brand owners should pay attention to screening when signing contracts and let professionals conduct risk control. The after-sales guarantee issues mentioned by both parties must also be written into the contract and cannot be agreed verbally. For example, you can propose that if a certain sales volume is not reached, refunds can be made in proportion. She said that in this incident, Wuyou Company’s after-sales service was to “guarantee part of the quantity”, but if it was not written into the contract, the brand would appear to be more passive.

Source: Red Star News

Tags: entertainment