The main storyline of the family emotional drama "The Young Couple" aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei, that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to res

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The main storyline of the family emotional drama 'The Young Couple' aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei, that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to res - Lujuba

The main storyline of the family emotional drama " Little Couple " has aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei , that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to resign and eventually became a full-time father.

And his wife is Che Li, played by Yin Tao , who is making rapid progress in her career. Tuoduo has become a family where the male is the head of the house and the woman is the head of the house. After the two people's roles in the family were reversed, the direction of the family's development also changed. Che Li also started a side job outside of work, which was a public account. More importantly, she earned a lot of money from her unexpected popularity.

The main storyline of the family emotional drama 'The Young Couple' aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei, that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to res - Lujuba

As a full-time father, Zhou Quan faces many challenges, such as dealing with some tedious things in the family and handling the relationship between parents and mother-in-law. It is the roles of this young couple that reflect a lot of helplessness in life after they have changed each other.

Yin Tao in the play has the image of a strong woman and is full of responsibility. When it comes to real life, personal emotional experiences are a bit complicated. Yin Tao and Shen Juncheng were from the same place. After Shen Juncheng's passionate pursuit, Yin Tao agreed to each other. After choosing to be together, they failed to get their parents' blessing because Yin Tao's parents did not value Shen Juncheng.

The main storyline of the family emotional drama 'The Young Couple' aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei, that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to res - Lujuba

thought that Shen Juncheng's lifestyle was a bit too fancy, so at her insistence, Yin Tao resolutely chose to marry Shen Juncheng. I thought my life would be sweeter, but not long after getting married, Shen Juncheng's bohemian style was revealed. His attitude towards Yin Tao showed a huge contrast compared to before the marriage.

Furthermore, in more than a year after marriage, many things happened that Yin Tao could not tolerate. When it was time to break up, she chose divorce. What happened after the divorce really made Yin Tao very happy about her decision. That is, Shen Juncheng eventually became a prisoner because of accepting bribes.

The main storyline of the family emotional drama 'The Young Couple' aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei, that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to res - Lujuba

After experiencing this marriage, Yin Tao became more mature. However, some media also photographed the close interaction with Sun Donghai, but the two of them did not make this relationship public or confirm it. It is reported that Yin Tao believes that Sun Donghai's character is not particularly good, and is even a bit extreme. When faced with things, I couldn't keep my composure at all and could easily become impulsive and angry, so I finally decided to stay away.

And the relationship between Sun Donghai and Li Xiaoran is also relatively complicated, and there are even a series of entanglements. It is precisely the combination of these factors that indirectly affects the relationship with Yin Tao.

The main storyline of the family emotional drama 'The Young Couple' aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei, that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to res - Lujuba

Also during the cooperation in the drama, Yin Tao met Li Guangjie . The two developed a good impression and fell in love in a short period of time. Even in public places, they behaved very intimately, but This relationship really seemed like a flash in the pan. Before Li Guangjie publicly admitted his relationship, this relationship had already ended.

then focuses on the relationship between Yin Tao and Li Jinyu. As football players, they may need more time to train. But the two of them get along relatively harmoniously, and they have already met each other's parents. It is this kind of behavior that makes many passers-by speculate whether they are already preparing for marriage?

The main storyline of the family emotional drama 'The Young Couple' aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei, that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to res - Lujuba

Just when many passers-by were preparing to eat the big melon, they received a surprising news, that is, Li Jinyu married another woman. This relationship has developed to this point, which means it is completely broken.

Of course, wouldn’t it be much better if you met someone whose age gap was slightly larger than yours? Because age is there, emotions and other aspects seem to be more stable. Just like the news later, it was said that Yin Tao and Zhao Da also have a close relationship, and their relationship is relatively stable.

The main storyline of the family emotional drama 'The Young Couple' aroused the heavy love in many people's hearts. The main story is about the role of the husband played by Guo Jingfei, that is, Zhou Quan. After experiencing a crisis in the workplace, he had no choice but to res - Lujuba

Of course, look at the period when Yin Tao's career was at its peak, she was also involved in some scandals.I have to lament that the emotional experiences she has gained along the way are indeed a bit too rich. At the same time, this has also affected the support of many true fans for her to a certain extent.

But more passers-by hope to see the excellent works brought by Yin Tao. I also hope that after experiencing emotional ups and downs one after another, I can find the destination of love, no longer tossing and turning, and no longer suffering the pain of love again and again.

Tags: entertainment