Red Net Moment News, August 1 (Correspondent Li Jie and Gong Zhuo) In order to ensure blood reserves and clinical medical blood needs during the high temperature period in summer, and protect the lives and health of the people, the Zhangjiajie Municipal Health Commission organize

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Red Net Moment News, August 1 (Correspondent Li Jie and Gong Zhuo) In order to ensure blood reserves and clinical medical blood needs during the high temperature period in summer, and protect the lives and health of the people, the Zhangjiajie Municipal Health Commission organize - Lujuba

Red Net Moment News, August 1 (Correspondent Li Jie and Gong Zhuo) In order to ensure blood reserves and clinical medical blood needs during the high temperature period in summer, and protect the lives and health of the people, the Zhangjiajie Municipal Health Commission organize - Lujuba

Red Net Moment News, August 1 (Correspondent Li Jie and Gong Zhuo) In order to ensure blood reserves and clinical medical blood needs during the summer high temperature period, and protect the lives and health of the people, on July 30, the Zhangjiajie Municipal Health Commission organized a launch Free blood donation activities.

The hot weather cannot resist the fiery enthusiasm of the devotees. Under the guidance of blood station staff, everyone completed the blood donation registration form, preliminary screening, information login, blood collection and other processes in an orderly manner. The hot weather did not affect everyone's enthusiasm for blood donation at all. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and explained the importance of voluntary blood donation with practical actions. Bags of red blood gathered the power of love. We use actions to interpret the social responsibility of health professionals and convey positive social energy.

As a noble social welfare undertaking, voluntary blood donation is an important part of building a harmonious society. The Zhangjiajie Municipal Health Commission attaches great importance to voluntary blood donation and takes the initiative to assume social responsibilities to effectively cope with the tense situation of blood collection and supply pressure doubled in hot summer weather. , ensuring the life and health of the city's people and contributing red health power.

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