On July 30, the movie "The Negative Gains the Right", produced by Ning Hao, co-produced by Zhu Yilong, directed by Wen Shipei, starring Zhu Yilong and Qiu Tian, ​​and starring Jiang Qiming and Zhu Zhu, released a trailer for the "Refuse to Act in Life Script" version of Zhu Yilon

entertainment 9746℃

On July 30, the movie " negatives are positive ", produced by Ning Hao, co-produced by Zhu Yilong, , directed by Wen Shipei, starring Zhu Yilong and Qiu Tian, ​​and friendly starring Jiang Qiming and Zhu Zhu , announced "Rejection of Acting" "Life Script" version of Zhu Yilong's trailer. National pre-sales for the film have begun and will be released on the Chinese Valentine's Day on August 10. At midnight on Chinese Valentine's Day, "A Negative and a Positive" will have a special "Midnight Kiss" at 22:25 in major theaters across the country. The audience can welcome the Chinese Valentine's Day at midnight with the movie characters, and have a romantic kiss with the people they love around them.

On July 30, the movie 'The Negative Gains the Right', produced by Ning Hao, co-produced by Zhu Yilong, directed by Wen Shipei, starring Zhu Yilong and Qiu Tian, ​​and starring Jiang Qiming and Zhu Zhu, released a trailer for the 'Refuse to Act in Life Script' version of Zhu Yilon - Lujuba

Zhu Yilong's trailer opens with Huang Zhenkai (played by Zhu Yilong) asking the question "Is life a script?" In the boring life day after day, Huang Zhenkai's heart is filled with the desire for freedom and breakthrough. Huang Zhenkai under the lens of director Wen Shipei not only carries his discussion on the love status of urban young people, but also extends from this character a growth line to escape from boring life and fight against fate. The alien film crew that breaks Huang Zhenkai's life in the trailer is such a carrier. Zhu Yilong mentioned that the special thing about "The Negative is the Positive" is: "It is a love movie, but it is not just about love. It is also an attitude towards life, an optimistic and positive attitude, including the attitude towards fate. Fight. What makes me feel the same is that sometimes we need to break some of our original assumptions about ourselves and some things. "

On July 30, the movie 'The Negative Gains the Right', produced by Ning Hao, co-produced by Zhu Yilong, directed by Wen Shipei, starring Zhu Yilong and Qiu Tian, ​​and starring Jiang Qiming and Zhu Zhu, released a trailer for the 'Refuse to Act in Life Script' version of Zhu Yilon - Lujuba

In the setting of aliens observing human beings, the movie shows some unconstrained colors. Escape from alien observation, crush the remote control, and fight with aliens, the movie uses some more dramatic methods to express Huang Zhenkai's proposition of resisting fate. But the catalyst that prompted Huang Zhenkai to break through himself was meeting the girl who suddenly appeared and disappeared inexplicably. Because of love, Huang Zhenkai gained the courage to break fate. In the eyes of director Wen Shipei, the so-called "negatives make positives" is: "How do two people go from questioning love, escaping love, to finally believing in love? It is how the two people heal and get closer to each other. The process of building a relationship with each other is "a negative makes a positive."

Huang Zhenkai, played by Zhu Yilong in the film, dyes his hair blue. This is a bold attempt for Zhu Yilong on the big screen. Behind the scenes, Director Wen Shipei also used pink hair to complement Zhu Yilong. Director Wen Shipei jokingly said that the cooperation between the two can be described as "fanning the flames". This description not only comes from the two people's zodiac signs - Wen Shipei is the air sign of Libra and Zhu Yilong is the fire sign of Aries, but also the creative status of the two on the set. Wen Shipei said: "I suddenly have neurotic thoughts on the set. Zhu Yilong always He is a little arrogant and contradictory, but he happily cooperates and executes it. Every time, I start a little bit of wild ideas, which further stimulates his inner universe, and he himself is also full of imagination and imagination. A man who is imaginative and imaginative." The two complement each other in their creations.

On July 30, the movie 'The Negative Gains the Right', produced by Ning Hao, co-produced by Zhu Yilong, directed by Wen Shipei, starring Zhu Yilong and Qiu Tian, ​​and starring Jiang Qiming and Zhu Zhu, released a trailer for the 'Refuse to Act in Life Script' version of Zhu Yilon - Lujuba

Wen Shipei said that Zhu Yilong, as a co-producer, participated in the script at a very early stage: "He will give me a lot of help and support in creating content based on his own experience, especially in the shaping of Huang Zhenkai." The director revealed that Zhu Yilong was in I dyed my hair blue long before filming started to get a feel for the character. In the movie, Huang Zhenkai attempts to break his own life. Outside the movie, "Negative and Negative to Positive" is also Zhu Yilong's breakthrough for himself: ""Negative and Negative to Positive" is an experience of breaking oneself, throwing away the inherent things first, and working with the director. To create a different world, and to express the wild ideas and expressions of emotions in his mind more specifically through the characters. "As a co-producer, Zhu Yilong not only participated in the early creation, but also participated in more depth after the filming was completed. , he said: "It's more about assisting the director and giving the director some different voices so that he can decide whether to choose this or that."

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

Tags: entertainment