The TV series "Sauvignon Blanc Season 2" starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa and Wang Hongyi, with Tan Jianci as a special star, is currently being aired at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater. The play is adapted from Tong Hua's novel of the same name. It tell

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starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa, Wang Hongyi, Tan Jianci 's TV series " Sauvignon Blanc Season 2 " is currently being broadcast at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater. The play is adapted from Tong Hua's novel of the same name. It tells the story of Xiaoyao and Xuanxuan, Tushanjing, Xiangliu, A-Nian and others growing up hand in hand and intertwined with love, family and friendship. After

turns text works into films, how can we make the characters and plot more prominent while ensuring the originality of the story? Chief director Qin Zhen said frankly in an interview: "Before the filming started, the producer and I agreed that we would make a new costume that is more realistic. Although the story has a mythical flavor, it should become a more realistic story. ."

The TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc Season 2' starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa and Wang Hongyi, with Tan Jianci as a special star, is currently being aired at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater. The play is adapted from Tong Hua's novel of the same name. It tell - Lujuba

Focus on the "sense of landing" and complete realistic expression in the story presentation

Before coming into contact with the script, Qin Zhen read the original novel and felt that it was different from many works of the same type on the market. It was through the perspective of the heroine Xiaoyao. Come learn about her life and the people around her, and then unfold this story. "It has a eloquent temperament, and there are many daily dramas and group portraits. I think the tone should be set around the word 'real', whether it is the relationship between the characters, the emotions of the characters, the art style, and the performance system. I hope everyone can feel it. The plot is real, the scenes are immersive, and the actors' performances are real. "How can

highlight this "reality"? Qin Zhen chose to start with the details. She gave an example: In Qingshui Town, after Xiao Liu recognized Xuan, the two had a chat scene. "Xiao Liu asked Xuan in the teahouse, 'You must have been working hard for so many years.' That scene didn't have any big emotions, but it was still very touching. It seemed like a light sentence, but it actually contained a lot." In Qin Zhen's view, capturing delicate emotions in ordinary scenes is the most moving part.

The TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc Season 2' starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa and Wang Hongyi, with Tan Jianci as a special star, is currently being aired at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater. The play is adapted from Tong Hua's novel of the same name. It tell - Lujuba

This "reality" is also reflected in the construction of the scene. In order to restore Qingshui Town, one of the important scenes in the play, Qin Zhen led everyone to spend 6 months designing drawings, and then after 7 months, more than 50 buildings were built, and flowers and plants were planted on the roofs in advance. Landscape placement can also help actors increase their sense of belief to a certain extent. "Every character in the play is very realistic. I want to make everyone feel that the characters and stories are real and credible through life-like expressions."

However, the play itself is a mythical story. How to grasp the scale of realism and freehand brushwork to achieve the reality of reality? balance? Qin Zhen said that the crew broke the inertial thinking that not necessarily those with a fairy spirit are "gods", but those with a down-to-earth spirit like Wen Xiaoliu can also be gods. "Before filming each scene, I will focus on thinking about what the main focus of the scene is and what I want the audience to see. It is important to have a preset in mind. It is not just the shooting of big scenes and famous scenes in the play. It is necessary to pay attention to expressions and details in scene transitions, so that the audience can feel this 'sense of landing'."

is very satisfied with the leading actors and praises Yang Zi as a "talented actor"

Regarding the performances of several leading actors, Qin Zhen also spoke highly of it. In her opinion, Xiao Yao, played by Yang Zi, is a rather special heroine. “(Xiao Yao) has experienced injury, deception, abandonment, and betrayal, but she still has compassion, independence and sobriety. After experiencing hardships and vicissitudes, Xiao Yao has People always have good intentions and responsibility for things. For example, when she was getting along with Mazi, Chuanzi, and Lao Mu in Qingshui Town, she looked carefree on the surface, but in fact she was like a parent, always worrying and planning for them, but she was lonely and self-centered. She is very protective and it is difficult to open her heart. "Xiaoyao has never relied on anyone. She has been healing herself through her own efforts throughout her life. She (Yang Zi) brought out Xiaoyao's kindness and kindness through her delicate performance. The qualities of tenacity are presented one by one."

Qin Zhen praised Yang Zi as a talented actor: "Her (Yang Zi's) ability to understand the script, her perception of the characters, and her on-site appeal are very strong."

In the play. , Xuanxuan played by Zhang Wanyi is more complicated, with a ruthless side and a gentle and infatuated side."The way he (Xuanxuan) expresses his feelings is very tolerant, but at the same time he is very contradictory inside, and he has many embarrassing situations that he cannot help himself to. Xuanxuan's character line unfolds slowly, and it is a process of accumulation and accumulation. This process is not easy to act. , but Wanyi completed the role of Xuanxuan very well. "

The TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc Season 2' starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa and Wang Hongyi, with Tan Jianci as a special star, is currently being aired at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater. The play is adapted from Tong Hua's novel of the same name. It tell - Lujuba

As Xiaoyao's "official wife", Tu Shanjing, played by Deng Wei, is well behaved, gentle and elegant, and Deng Wei himself is also very attentive when playing the role. . "He (Deng Wei) would talk a lot about the behavioral logic of Ye Shiqi and Tu Shanjing. When we filmed the second half, he said that he had already thought about what Tu Shanjing and Xiaoyao's life would be after they got married. That's it. During the time he was on the set, he really believed that he was Tu Shanjing and put great effort into entering the character."

The TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc Season 2' starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa and Wang Hongyi, with Tan Jianci as a special star, is currently being aired at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater. The play is adapted from Tong Hua's novel of the same name. It tell - Lujuba

Tan Jianci played the roles of Xiang Liu and Fang Fengbei in the play. But Qin Zhen said that what Tan Jian wanted to perform was actually three different stages: Xiangliu, Fangfengbei, and the combination of Xiangliu and Fangfengbei. During the filming, Qin Zhen recognized Tan Jianci's design of Xiang Liu's "demon" little moves and his "cold" treatment. "He can play the role of 'cold', but it is not facial paralysis and requires some emotional expression. Tan Jianci thought a lot about this role and invested a lot."

The TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc Season 2' starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa and Wang Hongyi, with Tan Jianci as a special star, is currently being aired at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater. The play is adapted from Tong Hua's novel of the same name. It tell - Lujuba

Article/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Yang Wenjie

Tags: entertainment