Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband. After di

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Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

After divorcing Wang Xiaofei, Big S sued Wang Xiaofei 18 times in less than 3 years. If someone was unaware and saw such a result, they would have thought there was some deep hatred between them. However, after understanding the reason for the lawsuit, , it will feel very bloody.

Big S recently went to South Korea. I thought Wang Xiaofei could be quiet for a while, but I didn't expect Big S's manager to come out and post again. Obviously, the agent has become Big S's mouthpiece.

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

The content of the post is simply that it still condemns Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei’s mother and son, complaining about them, and taking advantage of the popularity of the two children in order to sell hot and sour noodles.

In fact, after reading the copy sent by Big S’s agent, I really felt aggrieved for Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei’s mother and son. Why couldn’t Big S be moved by their warm-heartedness?

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

Over the years, the boss has been accusing Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei’s mother and son for taking advantage of her. In fact, she sued the other party first every time. Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei couldn’t bear it anymore, so they revealed some inside stories.

If Big S hadn’t sued first, Wang Xiaofei wouldn’t have exposed the “mattress gossip” and “sky-high utility bills”. Only after Wang Xiaofei revealed these inside stories did everyone know that Wang Xiaofei had done so many things.

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

Because of Wang Xiaofei’s revelations, Big S’s personality collapsed. Zhang Lan, Wang Xiaofei, mother and son received extremely high traffic, and their live broadcast business grew steadily.

In fact, this is not Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei’s mother and son’s popularity. Every time they are on the passive side, they only reveal something out of response to each other.

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

If you say that taking advantage of the popularity of Big S can help you develop your career, then Gu Junye has really taken advantage of the popularity of Big S. Whether it is a concert or an art exhibition, every time he does it with great fanfare, but the result is Horrible.

In mid-June, Koo Junye also went to the Philippines to perform, and even put the slogan "Seo Hee-won's big s husband" on the promotional poster, which aroused ridicule from netizens. No male star would use his celebrity wife like this for the sake of popularity. But Gu Junye did this.

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

Although it has successfully attracted the popularity of Big S, the popularity has not brought benefits to Gu Junye. After the performance was exposed in the Philippines, many netizens commented that it was a country performance.

Ju Junye can see that taking advantage of the popularity of Big S cannot build a career. Therefore, the careers of Zhang Lan, Wang Xiaofei, mother and son are booming, not because of the popularity of Big S, but because they themselves are in the catering industry. Boss.

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

After talking about the popularity of Big S, now I am condemning Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei for the popularity of their two children. After reading this reason, I am really speechless.

Big S has no appeal. What appeal does the two children have? It was only when Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei were live broadcasting that they occasionally interacted with the two children. I did not expect that such an action would be considered as taking advantage of the children's popularity. .

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

Even if you really take advantage of the two children, there is nothing wrong with them. They are both Wang Xiaofei’s children. What’s wrong with your grandma and father taking advantage of them? Isn’t it the right thing to be able to contribute to your own family’s business?

In the eyes of adults, the relationship between the two children and Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei is not that of relatives. If they were treated as a family, they would not be condemned for enjoying the popularity.

Big S has created a miracle in the entertainment industry. She has been out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she can always be on the hot search list. The reason for such a miracle is not because of her own works, but what she did to her ex-husband.      After di - Lujuba

Before Big S married Wang Xiaofei, Zhang Lan was already a well-known strong woman in the industry. She also served as an Olympic torch bearer. Beauty Jiangnan was also the designated catering partner of the Olympics. Could it be that Zhang Lan at that time was able to make a successful career? By trying to become bigger, are you taking advantage of the popularity of Big S?

Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei are now able to make Ma Liuji stronger and bigger. This is the accumulation of past experience. Don’t say that they are taking advantage of the popularity of the big S and their two children. If they take advantage of the popularity of their ex-wife and children, they can improve their careers. Get up, and "taking advantage of the popularity" will become the secret to success for entrepreneurs in the future.

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