On July 23, actor Wang Ou posted a video saying that he drank an entire expired coconut. As a result, his face and ears turned red as if he had been drinking. After searching online, he found out that coconuts can produce bacteria that turn into ethanol after a long time. "After

entertainment 1900℃

On July 23, actor Wang Ou posted a video saying that he drank an entire expired coconut, and his face and ears turned red as if he had been drinking. After searching online, he found out that coconuts can produce bacteria over time and convert them into ethanol.

On July 23, actor Wang Ou posted a video saying that he drank an entire expired coconut. As a result, his face and ears turned red as if he had been drinking. After searching online, he found out that coconuts can produce bacteria that turn into ethanol after a long time. 'After  - Lujuba

"After drinking coconut, I found that my face was very red, as if I was drunk. My ears were all red and very hot."

On July 23, actor Wang Ou posted a video saying that he drank an entire expired coconut. As a result, his face and ears turned red as if he had been drinking. After searching online, he found out that coconuts can produce bacteria that turn into ethanol after a long time. 'After  - Lujuba

In the video comment area, many netizens left messages reminding them that coconuts left out for a long time may be poisonous.

March Mubai: Coconuts can be poisonous if they are broken! Very dangerous☠️! Sister, please be more careful in the future!

If you don’t get up early and don’t stay up late: There are also purple coconuts that you must not touch! ! Babies should pay attention to safety.

Passing by slowly: Drinking expired coconuts may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, because bacteria or fungi may breed in them, causing food poisoning. In severe cases, it may contain toxins, which may aggravate gastrointestinal symptoms and require prompt medical treatment. Avoid eating expired food to ensure dietary safety.

Someone said that he had been admitted to the hospital because of eating expired fruit.

Upper abdominal replenishment: I was admitted to the hospital after eating coconut, and had diarrhea and vomiting. Later, the doctor said that it was not poisoning, and even the poisoning could not be saved. I was really scared to death, and I will have a shadow when I see this thing in the future.

girl 5512762358: I have also been drunk after eating mangoes. The fresh mangoes turned out to be like drinking a big gulp of white wine without even taking a bite. I ended up getting drunk. I thought it was a new variety, but my friend told me that it was bad.

According to public information: Wang Ou, born on October 28, 1982 in Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is a film and television actress in Mainland China.

In 2003, he won the Most Photogenic Award in the National Finals of the 4th CCTV Model Television Competition. In 2005, he starred in his first film and television drama "The Lost Golden Triangle". On January 1, 2016, she was nominated for the Most Popular Supporting Actress at the Anhui Satellite TV National Drama Festival for her role in the costume drama "Langya Bang". On May 21, she won the 19th Huading Award for Best Supporting Actress in China's Top 100 TV Dramas for her role in the spy drama "The Pretender".

On July 23, actor Wang Ou posted a video saying that he drank an entire expired coconut. As a result, his face and ears turned red as if he had been drinking. After searching online, he found out that coconuts can produce bacteria that turn into ethanol after a long time. 'After  - Lujuba

How poisonous is spoiled coconut?

Expert analysis shows that spoiled coconuts

will produce Pseudomonas cocotoxin

, and the rice fermentation acid

produced by this bacteria is the main cause of severe food poisoning and death in consumers

On July 23, actor Wang Ou posted a video saying that he drank an entire expired coconut. As a result, his face and ears turned red as if he had been drinking. After searching online, he found out that coconuts can produce bacteria that turn into ethanol after a long time. 'After  - Lujuba

In addition, Staphylococcus aureus breeds in large numbers It will cause the coconut to deteriorate and cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms if eaten by mistake.

In May last year, topics such as # drink pre-opened coconut and go to the emergency room# also aroused heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens reported that after drinking pre-cooked coconut water, they suffered from nausea and vomiting and a high fever that persisted.

On July 23, actor Wang Ou posted a video saying that he drank an entire expired coconut. As a result, his face and ears turned red as if he had been drinking. After searching online, he found out that coconuts can produce bacteria that turn into ethanol after a long time. 'After  - Lujuba

The editor recommends that all opened coconuts need to be refrigerated when purchased! And drink it as soon as possible. If you can't finish it or don't drink it for a while, it's best to keep it in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

On July 23, actor Wang Ou posted a video saying that he drank an entire expired coconut. As a result, his face and ears turned red as if he had been drinking. After searching online, he found out that coconuts can produce bacteria that turn into ethanol after a long time. 'After  - Lujuba

source | Morning News Comprehensive Report

Tags: entertainment