According to several senior Democratic Party officials on the 18th, under pressure from close allies and congressional leaders, Biden may announce his withdrawal from the general election as early as this weekend. ▲Biden is worried that current US President Biden will not be able

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According to several senior Democratic Party officials on the 18th, under pressure from close allies and congressional leaders, Biden may announce his withdrawal from the general election as early as this weekend.

According to several senior Democratic Party officials on the 18th, under pressure from close allies and congressional leaders, Biden may announce his withdrawal from the general election as early as this weekend. ▲Biden is worried that current US President Biden will not be able - Lujuba


Worried that the current US President Biden will not be able to defeat former President Trump in the final election, including the Democratic leader of the US Senate Chuck Schumer, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi and the former Democratic President Obama A group of senior Democratic Party figures are putting pressure on Biden to "reconsider his campaign agenda for the 2024 election."

There are reports that Chuck Schumer warned Biden on the day Trump was attacked that it would be best for the Democratic Party and the entire country for him to withdraw from the election. Hakeem Jeffries, the Democratic leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, expressed similar views directly to Biden. But Schumer's spokesperson called the report "baseless speculation." However, there are reports that Democrats on Capitol Hill want Biden to step down because they fear that if they do not, they may lose their seats.

According to reports, Pelosi has also told Biden privately that if he does not withdraw from the race, he may destroy the Democratic Party's chance of taking back the House of Representatives. She also showed Biden the poll results, which she believed had shown "Biden may not be able to defeat Trump." However, Pelosi countered in a statement on the 18th that the remarks from anonymous sources distorted the content of her conversation with Biden. Obama is also sending a message to allies that "Biden needs to consider the viability of his campaign," but he also made it clear that Biden must make the decision, people familiar with the matter said.

Nearly two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to drop out of the race, according to a poll released Wednesday. Some senior Democrats say they are increasingly convinced it's only a matter of time before Biden drops out of the race.

On the other hand, according to a senior aide close to Biden, Biden has strengthened his determination to continue running in recent days.

Biden had earlier said that he would only give up the Democratic nomination if doctors said he had a health problem. A White House source said Democrats originally wanted to "let Biden walk off the stage on his own" rather than "drag him off the stage."

Red Star News reporter Li Jinrui Comprehensive Reference News Network (compiler/Wu Mei)

editor Yang Juan editor-in-chief Guan Li

Tags: entertainment