Recently, actress Lu Yuxiao talked about the controversy surrounding her body shape among netizens in a variety show. She responded that she had some problems with her spine due to previous injuries, and she received numerous questions on the Internet about her posture. She there

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Recently, actress Lu Yuxiao talked about the controversy among netizens about her body shape in a variety show.

Recently, actress Lu Yuxiao talked about the controversy surrounding her body shape among netizens in a variety show. She responded that she had some problems with her spine due to previous injuries, and she received numerous questions on the Internet about her posture. She there - Lujuba

She responded that she had some problems with her spine due to previous injuries, and she received numerous questions on the Internet about her posture.

Recently, actress Lu Yuxiao talked about the controversy surrounding her body shape among netizens in a variety show. She responded that she had some problems with her spine due to previous injuries, and she received numerous questions on the Internet about her posture. She there - Lujuba

She also went for correction and confessed to the doctor that there was something wrong with her spine. It is now curved and has been for 10 years. Under the guidance of a chiropractor, Lu Yuxiao is concentrating on posture correction.

As soon as this video came out, it caused a lot of discussion among netizens.

Recently, actress Lu Yuxiao talked about the controversy surrounding her body shape among netizens in a variety show. She responded that she had some problems with her spine due to previous injuries, and she received numerous questions on the Internet about her posture. She there - Lujuba

How to judge and correct scoliosis?

teaches you a self-test →

1. Scoliosis test method

. Observe whether the head and the middle seam of the feet are in the same vertical line. Whether the line connecting the acromion and the two anterior superior iliac spines is a horizontal line. If "No", it indicates the risk of scoliosis.

. Slowly bend forward and try to keep your hands on the ground. Observe your back from behind to see if the muscles on the left and right sides are symmetrical (accurate measurement requires calculation of the side bending angle after X-ray or CT examination).

Popular science:

Scoliosis is simply because incorrect posture causes the muscles on one side to be too strong, while the muscles on the other side are too weak, causing the spine to be stretched and curved.

2. How to correctly correct scoliosis

. Knee lift and turn: stand on the left foot, inhale, bend the right leg at the hip and knee 90°, touch the right knee with the left hand, raise the right hand sideways, when exhaling, turn the upper body 90°, look at the hand, hold for 4 seconds, and return Rest for 4 seconds and repeat 4 times; repeat 4 times in the opposite direction.

. Hold the hips and lean back: Fix the posterior superior iliac spine with both hands, slowly raise your head and hold it back for 5-10 seconds. After returning to an upright position, repeat 4 times. (It should be done step by step. Stop immediately if you feel dizzy or have black eyes.)

4. Kneeling stretch: Kneel on your heels, lie down on your upper body, raise your arms forward and extend to the left side, keep your upper body for 10 seconds and resume kneeling. While sitting, stretch to the right side and repeat 2-3 times.

(Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News Comprehensive)

Tags: entertainment