According to reports from the Associated Press and CNN, American actor George Clooney wrote an article on July 10 calling on U.S. President Biden to withdraw from the election. Just weeks ago, Clooney hosted a fundraiser that generated a record-breaking amount for the Biden campa

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According to reports from the Associated Press and CNN, American actor George Clooney wrote an article on July 10 calling on US President Biden to withdraw from the election. Just weeks ago, Clooney hosted a fundraiser that generated a record-breaking amount for the Biden campaign in a single event. CNN said that Clooney was one of Biden's most important supporters and financial donors in Hollywood.

According to reports from the Associated Press and CNN, American actor George Clooney wrote an article on July 10 calling on U.S. President Biden to withdraw from the election. Just weeks ago, Clooney hosted a fundraiser that generated a record-breaking amount for the Biden campa - Lujuba

American actor George Clooney Source: Associated Press

In an opinion piece titled "I Love Biden, But It's Time for Him to Quit" written for the New York Times, Clooney predicted that if Biden chooses If he becomes the presidential candidate, the Democratic Party will lose the presidential election and control of Congress. He wrote: "I loved Biden... when he was a senator, vice president and president. I regarded him as a friend and I trusted him." However, Clooney also claimed that he The Biden seen at the fundraiser was not the Biden of 2010, or even the Biden of 2020. "He is the person we saw in the debate." He was referring to Biden's poor performance in the first presidential debate on June 27.

In the article, Clooney called on Democratic Party bosses to ask Biden to "actively withdraw" and named Senate Majority Leader Schumer, House Minority Leader Jeffries and former House Speaker Pelosi. “We cannot win the November election under this president.” He also said that U.S. officials with whom he has spoken privately hold the same view. “This is not just my opinion; The opinion of every senator, congressman, and governor I have ever talked to, no matter what he or she says in public. "The dam has burst," Clooney wrote. Here, pray for a miracle in November and we can tell the truth." He believes that the Democratic Party should elect a new candidate at the national convention next month, which he acknowledged would cause "chaos" but said it would. "Awakening" American voters' support for the Democratic Party.

cnn pointed out that Clooney has kept in touch with Biden for many years and has always been a loyal supporter of Biden. The Los Angeles fundraiser hosted by Clooney on June 15 raised $28 million for the Biden campaign, the highest amount raised in a single event in the history of the Democratic Party. So far, he has helped Biden win over many donors and celebrities.

reported that when the Biden team was asked about this matter, they only mentioned the letter Biden wrote to lawmakers on the 8th vowing to continue participating in the campaign. The Biden team also disputed Clooney's description of Biden's behavior at the fundraiser. Campaign team members at the event said that even though Biden had just concluded a visit to Europe, he remained at the event for more than three hours. .

cnn mentioned that when Clooney called on Biden to withdraw from the election, the cracks in the Democratic Party camp behind Biden continued to widen. At least 10 Democratic congressmen have publicly asked Biden to withdraw from the election.

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