"Only 2 tickets were sold when selecting seats for the movie I wanted to buy, but I was not allowed to buy a single ticket in the middle of the core viewing area." Recently, a consumer reported that he was in the CGV Cinema (Shanghai Baoyang Baolong) When purchasing a single movi

entertainment 1958℃

"Only 2 tickets were sold when selecting seats for the movie I wanted to buy, but I was not allowed to buy a single ticket in the middle of the core viewing area." Recently, a consumer reported that he was in the CGV Cinema (Shanghai Bao) Yang Baolong Store) when purchasing a single movie ticket, you cannot select the core viewing area. Consumers believe that CGV Cinema’s rules for ticket purchase and seat selection are very unreasonable.

'Only 2 tickets were sold when selecting seats for the movie I wanted to buy, but I was not allowed to buy a single ticket in the middle of the core viewing area.' Recently, a consumer reported that he was in the CGV Cinema (Shanghai Baoyang Baolong) When purchasing a single movi - Lujuba

When consumers purchase a single movie ticket at the Baoyang Baolong CGV Cinema in Shanghai, they cannot choose the core viewing area. Reporters from

discovered through actual operation that there are 4 seats in a row in front of the screen in the 4dx hall of CGV Cinema (Shanghai Baoyang Baolong Store). When purchasing a single ticket, you cannot choose the two positions in the middle, but can only choose the two positions on the edge.

Regarding this, on July 8, the reporter called cgv Cinema (Shanghai Baoyang Baolong Store). Relevant staff responded that the seating arrangement of the theater is designed to optimize seat utilization and improve economic efficiency. Audiences can adjust their seats according to the actual situation after arriving at the venue.

The staff member also reminded that there is no restriction on seat selection when purchasing tickets on site, but the ticket price is relatively high.

In addition to CGV Cinema (Shanghai Baoyang Baolong Store), reporters found on social platforms that many consumers have encountered "restrictions on single ticket purchase and seat selection."

reporters conducted actual measurements on ticket purchasing and seat selection in multiple theaters in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other cities. It was found that Wanda Cinemas, Emperor Cinemas, Jinyi Cinemas, CGV Cinemas and other brand cinemas have restrictions on the seat selection of single audiences during the ticket purchase process.

For example, if you choose to buy tickets in separate seats or buy a single ticket in the core viewing area, the mini program, official website or third-party ticket purchasing platform will automatically pop up "Please select seats continuously and do not leave single empty seats" or "Do not leave any seats in the middle." "Empty" and other prompts, and blocked seat selection and order placement.

Among them, cgv cinema applet, Wanda cinema applet, etc. will prompt you when you click to select a seat. Emperor Cinema applet, Jinyi Cinema official website, Maoyan, Meituan, etc. will not pop up relevant information until the payment preparation stage is confirmed. hint.

In addition, most theaters require single viewers to sit in an even number of seats before purchasing tickets. This restriction may cause single viewers to be unable to choose the most ideal seat in the theater and can only accept a seat closer to the side.

It is worth noting that although theaters implement such regulations in actual operations, no theater has yet clearly announced such restrictions on the ticket purchase interface.

reporters called multiple theaters as consumers. The staff of cgv Cinema (Shanghai Songjiang Impression City Store) said that the middle seat in the online system is reserved for multiple audiences. Single people can only choose the seat next to them when buying tickets, but there is no such restriction for offline purchases.

The staff of Wanda Cinema (Beijing CBD Wanda Plaza Store) explained that the purchase rule of "separate pairs but not singles" is to prevent audiences of more than two people from being able to sit together. Staff at Emperor Cinemas (Shenzhen Ping An Financial Center Store) pointed out that during peak periods, it may be impossible for multiple customers to buy consecutive tickets for empty seats in the middle, and it is also "difficult to sell tickets for the cinema. The management is not very good either." The staff of Jinyi Cinema (Guangzhou Guangmei Sanxi IMAX Store) and Wanda Cinema (Shanghai Qingpu Wanda Mao Store) recommend purchasing seats next to each other first, and then adjust according to the actual situation when watching the movie on site.

Regarding the restriction on single-person ticket purchase and seat selection, relevant personnel from Wanda Cinema said that the current seat selection restrictions in the theater are "to prevent unnecessary empty seats, as well as malicious seat occupation and scalpers driving up ticket prices." They also said This regulation is "a general rule for theaters and the industry. Other ticket purchase channels and cinemas also adopt the same seat selection rules."

"If you don't want to be disturbed by other people, you can choose a seat that is two or more empty seats away from other seats." The above-mentioned relevant person said.

cgv Cinemas, Dadi Cinemas and Jinyi Cinemas all responded that the system is currently set up this way, but failed to explain the reasons in detail and said they would register and feedback customer issues.

In this regard, Zhao Liangshan, senior partner of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm and a well-known public interest lawyer, believes that the Consumer Rights Protection Law gives consumers the right to choose independently. Article 9 of the law clearly stipulates that consumers have the right to choose products independently. or rights to services. Consumers have the right to independently choose operators who provide goods or services, independently select product varieties or service methods, and decide independently to buy or not to buy any kind of goods, and to accept or not to accept any kind of service. Consumers have the right to compare, identify and select when choosing goods or services independently. Platforms and theaters implement "separate pairs but not singles" for single-person ticket purchases, or cannot purchase central seats, which undoubtedly deprives consumers of their right to make independent choices.

Zhao Liangshan believes that this approach of platforms and theaters may be to optimize seat utilization and improve economic benefits, but platforms and theaters cannot just pursue commercial interests at the expense of harming the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. “It is necessary for platforms and theaters to change this One business model, don’t be too harsh on individual ticket purchases.”

Source: The Paper reporter Wu Qi intern Shen Jing

Tags: entertainment