In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army. But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma

entertainment 7640℃

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the US military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.

But as two soldiers suddenly fell ill the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could last 24 hours.

It turns out that the so-called "victory" is just a shot of anesthetic administered by the Japanese army.

The enemy attempted to poison the local villagers by releasing a deadly virus into the stream, and then eventually infect the US military.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

The recently aired " Alone in the Lost City " unfolded in an atmosphere of suspicion.

took only half an hour, and explained the background and characters clearly, and also gave us a suspense through Huang Jingyu 's "fraudulent corpse".

The plot twists and turns without dragging on, which is what attracted me to this drama in the first place.

might as well follow this suspenseful plot and have a chat.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

In terms of plot, "The Lost City" is very playful.

As mentioned at the beginning, this drama revolves around the "corpse" played by Huang Jingyu, which is eye-catching from the moment he appears.

Ou Xiaoan was lying by the river, unconscious. Fortunately, the national army doctor Qin Moqing ( Xin Zhilei) came to rescue him.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

Just when everyone judged that he was Japanese from the Japanese military uniform he was wearing, when he woke up, he spoke in Chinese.

But don’t think that the identity is clear.

muttered the number "810" from his mouth, and the note with "9548" found on his body. This person does not seem to be that simple.

Tan Moqing, who is experienced in combat, also noticed this.

Afterwards, she immediately conveyed this information via telegram. From this, her other identity also surfaced:

It turned out that she was a medic of the National Army Expeditionary Force, but she was actually an intelligence officer of our party.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

The same is true for Ou Xiaoan.

On the surface, he seemed to be an effective general of the Chongqing Military Command Station at that time, but in the late period of the Anti-Japanese War, he had already seen through the Kuomintang's conspiracy and decisively became an underground worker of our party.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

The double undercover setting is not a new thing. But what’s interesting about this show is that, apart from this similarity, the two are inextricably linked.

At the military command station, the two of them had studied under the same teacher. And four years ago, the two had already met during a street shooting.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

This relationship of being both a classmate and a savior (Ou Xiaoan once helped her rescue a classmate) made it easier to break the "heart wall" that people were wary of at that time.

So we can see the follow-up. Although Ou Xiaoan became the subject of interrogation, Tan Moqing did not treat him as a prisoner at all.

When her superior wanted to interrogate Ou, she saw the right moment, grabbed the talking point, and seized the right to preside over the trial.

's phrase "Don't worry, I will help you" is comforting.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

In this non-confrontational state of mutual understanding, Tan Moqing learned more about the story behind 810.

And Ou Xiaoan was also filling in the gaps in his memory with the other party's constant inquiries.

Mutual redemption is my first impression of these two people.

In addition, let’s talk about the numbers related to Ou Xiaoan.

Among works of the same type, this is a rare case that I see respecting historical facts and making blind changes without magic.

As shown in the opening chapter, the Chinese Expeditionary Force has a history of blood and tears.

Some people described that experience as a "losing battle."

In the late period of the Anti-Japanese War, in order to achieve further victory, China decided to send a troop to the battlefield in Myanmar.

This is also the first time that Chinese troops have gone abroad to fight since the Sino-Japanese War.

Between 1943 and 1945, the expeditionary force regained more than 50 towns and cities in northern Myanmar, lost 83,000 square kilometers of land in western Yunnan, and annihilated 49,000 Japanese troops. However, it also paid a heavy price, with about 67,000 casualties among officers and soldiers.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

Source "My Commander, My Regiment"

As for 810, it was related to the poison gas warfare and bacterial experiments launched by the Japanese army in Northeast my country at that time.

A scene in the drama restores the cruelty behind the biological and chemical warfare at that time.

When Tan Moqing traced the source of the infection and accidentally broke into a farmhouse in Myanmar, there was lying on the straw mat a girl whose life was about to come to an end due to bacterial infection.

However, in the face of concern, the little girl did not cry, nor did she even have major emotional fluctuations.

But everyone present could feel the despair for life in her eyes. How could

not despair?

watched her mother lose her life in front of her eyes, and then she couldn't move because of her illness.

So when she faced sudden help, she could only cope with it by relying on a single word.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

Isn't this situation the true side of ordinary people who were affected by the war and could not speak out?

Because of the war, countless people lost their lives, and the so-called "people who were lucky enough to survive" will have to endure a long period of pain in the rest of their lives. The secret and cruel side of

was shown in this drama.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

If the plot is just outstanding, it is obviously not enough to attract attention to a drama.

What Piao wants to talk about more is the characters in this drama.

The protagonist Ou Xiaoan can be seen from the casting of the show. Huang Jingyu, who plays

, was once ridiculed as a man who entered the entertainment industry as if he had entered a military camp. Now he is asked to play a soldier, and his temperament is enough to fit the role.

In the drama, no matter the posture or the eyes, you can see that he is an underground worker who is always ready to fight.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

The character creation is also worth touching.

As an intelligence officer, he accidentally injured his brain, and his amnesia put him at risk of losing his life at any time.

But the danger did not stop him.

He always puts himself in dangerous situations, but he can always save himself.

What is impressive is the scene in the Chongqing interrogation room.

In the last second, he admitted that he had worked with senior Japanese officials to interrogate communists, and almost killed them with his own hands, confirming the accusation of "traitors".

The next second, the answer will be revealed.

The so-called interrogation of his own people was just a last resort move he made to gain the trust of the Japanese so that he could better carry out underground intelligence work.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

personally put himself in danger and then denied it. It seems that he is really confused.

But I feel that this is what makes the character unique.

If you know enough about Ou Xiaoan's growth background, you will find that he is a person who grew up in the cracks.

was abducted by the Japanese when he was five years old and trained as a spy. However, as the most primitive patriotism of the Chinese people, he was not allowed to commit the slightest act of treason.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

In order to seek relief, he could only choose to run.

"I ran out while they were not paying attention and ran through the jungle. Behind them were mountains..."

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

He ran away, which later affected his life. Because

has experienced too many situations where he had to run away, he cherishes those who can allow him to stay.

His contact at the time was Lou Mingyuan (played by Xiao Shunyao), who was also an undercover agent in the military.

When he asked in a tentative manner with uneasiness how the other party would react if he was caught, Lou Mingyuan said, if you are going to be caught, I have to risk my life to rescue you.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

This kind of unreserved protection and trust for his teammates is too precious to him.

What Lou Mingyuan did next also proved that what he said was true.

In the interrogation room, he endured the pain of burning his skin with the poker and vowed to protect Ou Xiaoan to the death.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

From this point on, Ou Xiaoan's stance changed. Behind

's transformation are his past painful experiences, and his instinct as a human being to get out of trouble and pursue the best.

And the transformation process also shows the deeper charm of this drama.

Many people regard Ou Xiaoan's behavior of putting himself in danger several times and rescuing himself as "reckless" and "lack of strategy", but I think this just shows his three-dimensional side as a human being.

As an underground party member, he does need to stay alert and sharp at all times, but the experience of being injected with drugs and suffering from gunshot wounds are also objectively insurmountable pains for him. Under the double attack of

, it is understandable that he would behave illogically and even self-destruct.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

It’s this approach of breaking the audience’s conventional understanding when creating characters, and setting a plot that is more in line with the actual situation based on the character’s growth background, that made me see new ideas.

Intelligence agents represented by Ou Xiaoan do need to stay vigilant, but behind the scenes, they will also be injured and there will be moments when they cannot hold on. Such risky performance as

is undoubtedly more in line with reality.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

But the most interesting character is the female character in this drama.

The biggest highlight of Tan Moqing, played by Xin Zhilei, is that she has the courage to say goodbye to her past.

People say that she is the sassy sister in this drama, but her sassiness also comes from hard work.

had a brother who was rich and obsessed with girls, so during those years when she had patriotic enthusiasm but didn’t know how to protect herself, his brother became her most solid support.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

But such a privileged life as a young lady is not what she, a patriotic student, wants.

Her ignorance at that time can be seen in one sentence.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

But it is obvious that she is not obsessed with this kind of empty slogan shouting. In the follow-up, we can see her determination to really do something practical:

After kneeling in front of her parents' memorial tablets and bowing deeply, she left home without hesitation. .

You can see her growth even more in the conversation with Sister Qiushui (Dong Xuan). When

first joined the revolution, he would quarrel with her because he was not convinced. After accumulating a certain amount of experience, he has realized how much adverse effects his recklessness will have on revolutionary work.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

Her sassiness is not just a temperament, but behind it is the process of a girl becoming mature.

Once a woman awakens, she will become more three-dimensional. Such a character makes people empathize and make her smile.

is still escorting Ou Xiaoan on his way back to Chongqing. When

faced her colleague's remarks, which were no less than workplace harassment, she did not fall for the trap. Instead, she was quick-thinking and immediately counterattacked, leaving the other party frustrated.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

This also inadvertently deepened the emotional connection with Ou Xiaoan.

When she faced Ou Xiaoan four years ago, she was just a girl who only dared to look at him from afar behind her back.

When they meet again, she has already predicted the other person's behavior.

When Ou Xiaoan had to take out a gun and point it at her colleagues out of self-protection, she did not stop after witnessing everything.

She watched all this calmly, because she knew Ou Xiaoan well enough to know that he would not let things get to an irreversible point.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

Behind her ability to predict and be confident in grasping the overall situation is the improvement of her overall intelligence.

The emotional tension between the two people also reached its peak in this atmosphere where everything was left unspoken.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

went from being unconfident to confident, from shouting slogans to her brother angrily to being eloquent. Behind this is her growth, and it is also the only way for every woman to grow up.

Looking at Tan Moqing's transformation, it becomes more realistic.

From the moment a woman decides to roll up her sleeves and do something, there is a high probability that she will encounter more obstacles.

So how to break through the predicament and find the direction has become a realistic prison that every girl wants to break through.

Tan Moqing solved the problem of how to move forward by getting rid of the control of her brother and bravely walking out of the house.

But what touched me even more was her sigh after she walked out of the house and stared at the memorial tablets of her parents for a long time.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

Sometimes, what has a more profound impact than the physical pain, the opposition and opposition from people around you is the situation of wanting to do something, but when you look back, there is no one traveling with you.

In a valley in Myanmar in 1945, the U.S. military was holding a bonfire party to celebrate that it had finally cleared the last hilltop of the Japanese army.      But with the sudden illness of two soldiers the next day, the joyful mood came to an abrupt end before it could be ma - Lujuba

And this is also a more difficult dilemma.

Tan Moqing and Ou Xiaoan not only represent a group of people of a specific era.

Their spirit of not being afraid to set off alone no matter how lonely the road is, walking straight from the dark night to the sunrise, is a national spirit that we are always pursuing.

After watching enough anti-Japanese dramas that deliberately deify the protagonists and dress up history, what do we really look forward to?

is ultimately the narrative that resonates more with us.

is a person of the same age as us, but can carry the destiny of the country with his backbone in a turbulent current situation and a turbulent world. Looking back at themselves, they were once ordinary little people, but this kind of courage is heart-stirring no matter what era.

Behind the desperate efforts is the unwillingness to leave one's destiny to others. It was because of this unwillingness and anger that

finally made history.

History has its weight, characters have their joys and sorrows, and the most important thing is how we see ourselves in it.

When we look back, we can know where the land we stand on comes from, and only then can we know where we should go with the spirit we have.

Now, "The Lost City" has only been aired for a week and is already quite exciting, which also makes me look forward to how its subsequent plot will develop.

Will Ou Xiaoan and Tan Moqing have more scenes opposite each other?

Anyway, Piao has already set up a small bench to take his place in advance.

Tags: entertainment