Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Xin | Headshot of Miao Zhengqing | Visual China On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference WAIC, the driver enthusiastically introduced me to

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Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Xin | Headshot of Miao Zhengqing | Visual China On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference WAIC, the driver enthusiastically introduced me to  - Lujuba


author of Huxiu Technology Group | Wang Xin

editor | Miao Zhengqing

head picture | Visual China

html On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference waic, the driver enthusiastically gave I introduced the surrounding environment of the site, and what stuck in his mind was the cost of building two artificial rockeries not exceeding 50 meters near the Expo site - 2.4 billion.

But in this year’s booming AI wave, the figure of 2.4 billion is not even enough for a round of financing for some AI companies participating in this waic exhibition.

When he learned that I was going to attend the waic conference, what concerned him most was: "Can artificial intelligence replace people?"

It was difficult for me to answer this question for a while, so I came to the waic site with this question.

As soon as I got off the taxi, I was shocked by the 38-degree heat wave in Shanghai. But this still can't compare to the craze of this year's waic conference.

Before this, I had heard rumors that this year's waic specifications were two orders of magnitude higher than last year, but the situation on site was still beyond my imagination. The number of exhibitors and sub-forums has increased significantly compared with last year. This is also because a large number of new AI start-up companies have emerged recently. An AI entrepreneur told me that when he came last year, he was just an ordinary visitor who came to study and visit. This year I had a booth and was invited to be a guest speaker. I asked him about his experience in visiting exhibitions, and he said: "It's like going to a vegetable market. You can't finish it in three days." Sure enough, on the first day of waic, after walking 10,000 steps, I couldn't even finish visiting one exhibition hall. Although

has set a ticket price threshold of more than 100 for the first time this year, the number of on-site visitors has increased explosively compared to previous years. Through random communication with Huxiu, we found that in addition to investors and entrepreneurs, ordinary visitors accounted for the majority of the visitors. To a large extent, the embodied intelligence exhibition hall, as one of the most interesting categories for C-end users, has attracted the attention of a large number of viewers. Each of the booths of embodied intelligence companies has gathered a large number of viewers to watch and take pictures.

's "Pure AI Warrior" embodied intelligence has become one of the most popular tracks in this exhibition. There are nearly ten sub-forums related to embodied intelligence alone. Almost all the embodied intelligence companies you have heard of came to the scene to demonstrate. One investor told me: "After all, embodied intelligence is the most likely large model at present." Although the technology is not yet mature enough, it seems harder to find other future hardware worth betting on.

Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Xin | Headshot of Miao Zhengqing | Visual China On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference WAIC, the driver enthusiastically introduced me to  - Lujuba

The expression robot "Cuihua" from Shanghai Zhuoyide was photographed by Huxiu

. I think this is also the track that best answers the driver’s question at the beginning, for example, it can indeed replace humans in some extremely harsh conditions. Yuan Guoguang, the person in charge of the Hong Kong Industrial Artificial Intelligence and Robot R&D Center (the center is funded by the Hong Kong SAR government and has currently incubated six companies) told Huxiu that their robots can be remotely controlled through VR to help customers solve problems in Dangerous scenarios for electrical maintenance in closed environments. Their current main direction is software algorithms. This is because the cost of hardware production in Hong Kong is high, so they choose to cooperate with supply chains in the mainland or overseas. They came to waic in the hope of exploring the mainland market.

Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Xin | Headshot of Miao Zhengqing | Visual China On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference WAIC, the driver enthusiastically introduced me to  - Lujuba

Galaxy Galaxy First -generation humanoid robot -Gabot, Tiger Sniff Shooting

to get the "New Four Little Dragon" star company with the largest 700 million angel financing this year -Multi -mode Model Model Company Galaxy also came to Waic scene. , they demonstrated the first-generation humanoid robot - Gabot. At present, Gabot has mastered dexterous hand general operation skills such as opening cabinets, opening drawers, and hanging clothes. Galaxy General told Huxiu that Gabot integrates "hardware ontology", "cerebellar large model" and "brain large model". With the linkage of large and small brain models, Gabot can understand human natural language and interact with humans according to language instructions. . Their ultimate vision is to apply humanoid robots to the home environment, including providing health care services to the elderly and liberating people from housework.

Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Xin | Headshot of Miao Zhengqing | Visual China On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference WAIC, the driver enthusiastically introduced me to  - Lujuba

In addition, Qiongche Intelligence also demonstrated the anyfold skill that allows the robot to "fold quilts" on site. Qiongche Intelligence was founded in 2023 and was strategically incubated by flexiv Feixi Technology, one of the "old four little dragons". Professor Lu Cewu, a Yangtze River scholar and winner of the 2023 "Scientific Exploration Award", serves as co-founder and CEO. Qiongche Intelligence told Huxiu that this skill is implemented by the large embodied intelligence model they launched on waic - Qiongche Embodied Brain noematrix brain, which focuses on the joint training of operating physical common sense and intelligent agent behavioral decision-making.

Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Xin | Headshot of Miao Zhengqing | Visual China On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference WAIC, the driver enthusiastically introduced me to  - Lujuba

I have seen a lot of robots that carry heavy objects, but the humanoid exoskeleton composite robot, which is similar to a wearable mecha and can assist people in lifting heavy objects, is refreshing. This is the humanoid exoskeleton composite robot launched by Aosha Intelligent in the world for the first time in waic. ——Qiyuan eth 01. At the scene, someone put on eth 01 and conducted a simple test. After turning on the "plug-in", he could easily lift a 60-pound weight. Aosha Intelligent told Huxiu that this product is currently mainly used in heavy physical work in factories. The price starts at 6,900 yuan. In addition to industry users, it is also targeted at individual consumer users, with annual sales of more than 1,000 units.

As prices further drop, consumer-grade robots for individual users are also starting to catch on. At the exhibition, Dathar Robot also launched pre-sales for the Dathar humanoid bipedal robot xr4 "Seven Fairies" Xiaozi.

Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Xin | Headshot of Miao Zhengqing | Visual China On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference WAIC, the driver enthusiastically introduced me to  - Lujuba

Dawei Rough Beauty Smart Smart Service Robot Cloud Ginger

is not difficult to see that a major trend of body intelligence this year is to further promote the commercial landing scenarios for various vertical market segments.

Dacha Robot told Huxiu that they are also further exploring the commercial implementation of family accompaniment, industrial manufacturing, medical and health services and other scenarios - such as a series of embodied intelligent innovative products displayed at waic: xr4 "Xiaozi" humanoid Bipedal robot, cloud ginger intelligent service robot, cloudia 2 pro cloud intelligent digital human, power distribution room inspection robot, etc. They combine the robot entity with the robotgpt embodied intelligent large model, giving the product highly autonomous learning and adaptability capabilities. Another vivid robot at

also attracted my attention. It can bend its joints into various angles like an acrobat. Ford Robot told Huxiu that their independently developed Tianlian humanoid robot T1 has 71 degrees of freedom, and each joint can achieve a large range of motion and torque. Sichuan Tianlian Robot Co., Ltd. was established in 2012, and last year they also began to develop humanoid robots. What surprised me was that this company's special machine tools, vacuum plating machines and other production equipment were all independently developed.

Produced | Author of Huxiu Technology Group | Editor by Wang Xin | Headshot of Miao Zhengqing | Visual China On July 5, on the way from the airport to the AI ​​Spring Festival Gala - 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference WAIC, the driver enthusiastically introduced me to  - Lujuba

At the industry forum on July 5, I heard the judgment of Xu Bin, general manager of the National and Local Co-constructed Humanoid Robot Innovation Center. Perhaps this can explain why humanoid robots are once again in the spotlight: He believes that only humanoid robots can be universal. artificial intelligence agi. Once upon a time, Yangming's Psychology opened up a unique philosophical school in China, and he uniquely combined it with AI on this basis and made a metaphor of "Cyber ​​Psychology": "This is like the three stages of life cultivation that the Chinese pay attention to. ——Studying things to achieve knowledge, integrating knowledge and action, and developing conscience. In fact, I think artificial intelligence can be divided into three stages. The first stage is the large model stage, the second stage is the embodied intelligence stage, and the third stage is general artificial intelligence. Intelligent agi. Therefore, the training and generation of large models is to understand and understand the world theoretically, that is, the unity of nature and man reaches the highest point.”

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