On the morning of July 3, the movie "Wild Child" starring Wang Junkai suddenly announced that it would be released nationwide on July 10 in advance. This news quickly ignited the market's enthusiasm, and the pre-sale box office soared to 5.5 million. The industry predicted that i

entertainment 8634℃

On the morning of July 3, the movie "Wild Child " starring Wang Junkai suddenly announced that it would be released nationwide on July 10 in advance. The news of quickly ignited the enthusiasm of the market, and the pre-sale box office soared to 5.5 million. The industry predicted that it would sweep the box office storm of 350 million to 500 million. However, the official WeChat account of "Wild Child" once again issued a statement about its withdrawal at 10 o'clock that night. was like cold water, announcing the temporary cancellation of this box office feast due to bottlenecks in post-production. This dramatic reversal caught countless movie fans off guard.

On the morning of July 3, the movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai suddenly announced that it would be released nationwide on July 10 in advance. This news quickly ignited the market's enthusiasm, and the pre-sale box office soared to 5.5 million. The industry predicted that i - Lujuba

The release and withdrawal of the movie "Wild Child" were very sudden, and the reasons for the later progress explained on the official Weibo were obviously difficult to convince the public. "Wild Child" has attracted much attention since the beginning of its preparation. With its script adapted from real events and the passionate performances of powerful actors, it is regarded as a dark horse in the summer season. The move to raise the film's schedule is undoubtedly an accurate prediction of the market by the film studio, aiming to seize the opportunity and win the hearts of the audience. However, the decision to withdraw the film makes people lament the vagaries of the film market.

On the morning of July 3, the movie 'Wild Child' starring Wang Junkai suddenly announced that it would be released nationwide on July 10 in advance. This news quickly ignited the market's enthusiasm, and the pre-sale box office soared to 5.5 million. The industry predicted that i - Lujuba

Industry insiders analyze: Wang Junkai recently won the Best Actor nomination for the Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award for his " Thousand Miles Home". The release of "Wild Child" will undoubtedly bring joy and help the box office reach a higher level. However, as three powerful actors Shen Teng, Wang Baoqiang, Zhang Yi failed to win the Best Actor nomination, Wang Junkai's nomination caused huge controversy. At this time, Wang Junkai's nomination became a hot issue. Not only did it fail to achieve a gold-plating effect, it also affected his reputation among passers-by. Due to the strong support of Wang Junkai's fans, "Wild Child" exceeded 5 million pre-sales in less than 12 hours after it was released, ranking first in the summer season. But rather than fans’ enthusiastic spending, movie box office relies more on word-of-mouth fermentation and the support of passers-by. The sudden withdrawal of "Wild Child" may have been more due to this factor.(Popular News Client Lu Han)

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