Xinhua News Agency, Dushanbe, July 4 (Reporter Jiang Youlin and Liu Kai) "One! Two! Three!..." In a martial arts gym in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, Eleonora Faizova was fighting with ten A child of about 10 years old was practicing martial arts, and his Chinese commands

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Xinhua News Agency, Dushanbe, July 4 (Reporter Jiang Youlin and Liu Kai) "One! Two! Three!..." In a martial arts gym in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, Eleonora Faizova was fighting with A dozen children around the age of 10 were practicing martial arts, and their Chinese commands were clear and powerful.

Xinhua News Agency, Dushanbe, July 4 (Reporter Jiang Youlin and Liu Kai) 'One! Two! Three!...' In a martial arts gym in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, Eleonora Faizova was fighting with ten A child of about 10 years old was practicing martial arts, and his Chinese commands  - Lujuba

html On June 11, in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, local children who love Chinese martial arts participated in a martial arts performance rehearsal at the Confucius Institute at the National University of Tajikistan. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Kaijun

0-year-old Faizova is a student of the Martial Arts Federation of the Republic of Tajikistan and a student of the Confucius Institute at Tajik University for Nationalities (Confucius Institute at Tajik University for Nationalities). For her, practicing martial arts and learning Chinese "neither can be missing".

Xinhua News Agency, Dushanbe, July 4 (Reporter Jiang Youlin and Liu Kai) 'One! Two! Three!...' In a martial arts gym in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, Eleonora Faizova was fighting with ten A child of about 10 years old was practicing martial arts, and his Chinese commands  - Lujuba

html On June 11, in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, local children who love Chinese martial arts participated in a martial arts performance rehearsal at the Confucius Institute at the National University of Tajikistan. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Kaijun

As a child, Faizova often watched Kung Fu movies starring Jackie Chan. "I was fascinated by every move they made." From boxing and kicking routines to swordsmanship, Faizova has been practicing martial arts for ten years in the blink of an eye.

Faizova’s martial arts federation has been invited to perform at the Confucius Institute at Tambun University many times. "I envy the students there who can communicate freely in Chinese. I also want to learn Chinese and know more about Chinese culture." She said, so four years ago she started studying Chinese at the Confucius Institute at Tambun University.

Faizova has applied to study law as an undergraduate at East China Normal University. "I hope to become a judge in the future and uphold social fairness and justice. At the same time, I will use my spare time to open a martial arts school and introduce Chinese culture to more people."

In Tajikistan, there are many people like Faizova who study Chinese in educational institutions. Quite a few. Taking the Confucius Institute at Tambun University as an example, since its establishment in August 2008, the Confucius Institute has trained nearly 39,000 Chinese learners.

Xinhua News Agency, Dushanbe, July 4 (Reporter Jiang Youlin and Liu Kai) 'One! Two! Three!...' In a martial arts gym in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, Eleonora Faizova was fighting with ten A child of about 10 years old was practicing martial arts, and his Chinese commands  - Lujuba

html On June 12, in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, students attended classes at the Confucius Institute at the National University of Tajikistan. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Kaijun

Tajikistan Luban Workshop, jointly built by Tianjin Urban Construction Management Vocational and Technical College and Tajikistan Technical University, is committed to cultivating local professionals in urban thermal energy application technology and engineering measurement technology. Students who come to take classes here are also Desire to learn Chinese. "I want to go to China to learn more professional knowledge, and then become a university teacher to teach and educate people, so that more people can build our country." Bachtyor Bozorzo, a junior majoring in surveying and mapping at the Technical University of Tajikistan Da said.

"I have a dream: to learn Chinese well and study in China..." In Huzhande, the second largest city in Tajikistan, a Chinese speech contest was held recently at the Confucius Institute at the Metallurgical Institute of Tajikistan. Students talked about their knowledge of Chinese and Chinese culture. Love it from the bottom of my heart. Rabonikin Mahmudov attended the event as a representative of outstanding students of the Confucius Institute and listened to the stories of each contestant.

Mahmoudov, 28, started his Chinese learning journey eight years ago. At that time, he was working as an English tour guide at a travel agency in Hujande City. He told reporters that although the towers are adjacent, there are not many Chinese tourists among them, so he came up with the idea of ​​learning Chinese and receiving more Chinese visitors.

In 2017, Mahmudov, who received a scholarship from the Confucius Institute, came to China to study Chinese International Education. While studying abroad, he passed Level 6 of the Chinese Proficiency Test, opened a travel agency in Hu Zhande, and set up an office in Jinan.

In recent years, with the increasingly frequent exchanges between China and Tajikistan, Mahmoudov has become busier and busier. This year alone, he has received more than 2,000 Chinese visitors. "In addition to traveling, Chinese visitors will also inspect the Tajikistan market and look for investment and cooperation opportunities." He said, "I can help Chinese friends and contribute to expanding exchanges between Tajikistan and China. My work is very valuable."

Tajikistan Ren Gengtian, the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at the Stan Institute of Metallurgy, said that with the continuous development of China-Tajikistan relations and the deepening of cooperation in jointly building the "Belt and Road", more and more Tajik youths are learning Chinese and engaging in China-related work, which has become a friendly relationship between the two countries. builders and beneficiaries.

"Nine years ago, China University of Petroleum (East China) and the Metallurgical Institute of Tajikistan jointly established the Confucius Institute to promote Chinese education to take root in Hujande, an important town on the ancient Silk Road. So far, the institute has selected several students through various scholarship programs. Hundreds of outstanding students went to China to study, and their destiny changed." Ren Gengtian said. (Participating reporters: Guan Jianwu, Zhang Jiye)

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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