Recently, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Ministry of Transport jointly announced the list of pilot cit

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Recently, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Ministry of Transport jointly announced the list of pilot cities for the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" application of intelligent connected vehicles, Beijing, Shanghai 20 cities (consortiums) including , Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Wuhan are on the list.

Recently, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Ministry of Transport jointly announced the list of pilot cit - Lujuba

Why these 20 cities? The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology gave a detailed explanation of the selection process and standards for the shortlisted pilot cities, as well as the follow-up work requirements. What is the application and selection process for the

application pilot?

declaration process. The application pilot work is subject to voluntary declaration by cities. Cities that are willing to participate in the application pilot shall prepare an application form in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Notice on Carrying out the "Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integration" Application Pilot of Intelligent Connected Vehicles", and the provincial-level industrial and information technology departments will review together with the public security, natural resources, housing and urban-rural development, and transportation departments, jointly issue written recommendations, and submit relevant materials to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development respectively. Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Transport (hereinafter referred to as the “five departments”).

selection process. The five departments of jointly set up a special work team to organize the preparation of the "Intelligent Connected Vehicle "Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integration" Application Pilot Review and Management Measures", and carried out the pilot review work accordingly, which mainly included material form review, expert meeting review, on-site Defense review and other aspects. The material form review mainly examines the qualifications of the applicant, the completeness, authenticity and completeness of the application materials, and whether the procedures are complete. The expert meeting review is mainly to score the relevant content in the application materials and form review opinions. After comprehensive expert opinions, the special work team will confirm the cities that will participate in the on-site defense review. The on-site defense review requires each city to modify and improve the application plan according to expert opinions and participate in the on-site defense. The review experts will score and form review opinions. The special work team will make a comprehensive assessment and perform the corresponding procedures to determine the list of application pilot cities.

How does this application pilot ensure the overall requirements of "same architecture, unified standards, business interoperability, safety and reliability"?

First, with the same architecture, application pilot cities should further optimize and improve the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" construction plan under the guidance of the five departments and combined with relevant expert opinions, and clarify "cars, roads, clouds, networks, maps, and security" Based on the interrelationship between each component, a platform construction plan is formulated based on the three-level cloud platform architecture of central cloud, regional cloud, and edge cloud to create a unified platform base and combine their respective development characteristics to build a cloud service platform that carries diverse applications.

The second is to unify standards. The five departments of organized relevant standardization organizations and industry institutions to jointly carry out the development of the vehicle-road-cloud integration standard system and recommended standards for application pilots, and sorted out the relevant national standards, industry standards, and group standards that support the application pilots. Support application pilots with technical standards. In the early stage of the pilot, the plan was formulated and implemented based on mature standards. In the process, practical experience and relevant data were accumulated to support the improvement of the standard system and the formulation of relevant standards, and strive to build a unified and shared standard system for "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for intelligent connected vehicles in 2026. .

The third is for business interoperability. The application pilot cities should be based on a unified architecture and technical standards to realize the interconnection between cloud control basic platform, urban traffic safety comprehensive service management platform, traffic information management public service platform, urban information model platform and other platforms Interoperability breaks down the data "islands" between different fields and regions, realizes the interoperability and sharing of basic common data, and the cross-domain sharing of infrastructure, services and platforms, and supports intelligent assisted driving, autonomous driving, and intelligent transportation at the city level and even between cities. Exploration of business models for multi-scenario applications such as smart cities and smart cities.

The fourth is to focus on safety and reliability. Each pilot city should adhere to the bottom line of safety, coordinate the relationship between development and safety, further strengthen the research and improvement of relevant policies and regulations, issue local regulations and management requirements in a timely manner as appropriate, and strengthen risk prevention and control and hidden danger investigation. , emergency response and other full-process security assurance capabilities to meet the national regulatory requirements for road traffic safety, network security, data security, geographical information security and other aspects during the development of the industry.

What are the expected results of this application pilot?

First, build a low-latency, highly reliable network-connected cloud control infrastructure. With the goal of covering the entire pilot city, continues to improve the coverage of intelligent roadside infrastructure and cloud control basic platforms; through large-scale deployment of standardized network-connected cloud control infrastructure, it meets the consistency and continuity of cross-regional services for intelligent network-connected vehicles. meet the needs of the public, comprehensively drive the improvement of the assembly rate and use effect of in-vehicle network terminals, and lay the foundation for large-scale application and promotion across the country.

The second is to promote the large-scale application of multi-scenario autonomous driving. combines the needs of smart cities, smart transportation, and industrial development, and carries out large-scale application pilots in multiple scenarios such as smart buses, smart passenger cars, automatic parking, urban logistics, and automatic distribution according to local conditions to continuously meet the public's growing demand for mobile travel. Comprehensively improve urban traffic safety and travel efficiency according to vehicle operation needs in different commercial scenarios.

The third is to explore and form a new business model for "vehicle-road-cloud integration" investment, construction and operation. clarifies the main body of commercial operation of the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" pilot of intelligent connected cars, encourages the exploration of a development model of investment, co-construction and joint operation of state-owned platforms, car companies, operators, technology companies and other entities, and explores the formation of mutual integration and symbiosis , new business model of division of labor, cooperation and benefit sharing.

The fourth is to form a unified standard and testing evaluation system. By jointly carrying out standard research work, will build a unified and shared standard system for "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for intelligent connected vehicles, as well as intelligent transportation, vehicle intelligent management, and basic maps, and establish and improve the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" test and evaluation system. Comprehensively support the construction of test and verification capabilities for intelligent connected vehicles such as simulation, closed sites, and actual roads.

How will this application pilot be continued with the pilot projects supported in the early stage, such as the test area, the Internet of Vehicles pilot area, and the dual-smart pilot?

At present, a total of 17 national-level intelligent connected vehicle test zones, 7 connected car pilot zones, and 16 "dual intelligence" pilot cities have been built across the country. More than 32,000 kilometers of test roads have been opened, more than 7,700 test licenses have been issued, and the test mileage exceeds 120 million kilometers, more than 8,700 sets of intelligent roadside units (rsu) have been deployed in various places, and the construction of cloud control basic platforms has been carried out in many places. However, the construction of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" in various regions is still in its infancy, and a complete system architecture has not yet been established. Infrastructure construction is "fragmented" and it is difficult to support the large-scale application of autonomous driving technology and network connectivity functions.

The "vehicle-road-cloud integration" application pilot for intelligent connected vehicles will give full play to the construction foundation of the pilot work such as the preliminary test area, the Internet of Vehicles pilot area, and the "dual intelligence" pilot, and promote the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" of intelligent connected vehicles Technology implementation and large-scale application.

First, further expand the scope of the pilot. promotes city-level construction and "contiguous" infrastructure construction in urban agglomerations through unified architecture design, breaking the "fragmented, chimney-style" "single-point" deployment, and achieving larger-scale, Wider range of application practices.

The second is to emphasize the overall and coordinated development of vehicles, roads, clouds, networks, images, and safety. highlights the blessing role of "network empowerment" and covers different levels of collaborative early warning, collaborative driving assistance, collaborative autonomous driving, etc. from the scene Internet-connected functional applications.

The third is to further clarify the organizational mechanism, establish a collaborative working mechanism for application pilots led by local leaders and participated by relevant departments, clarify the construction and operation entities of the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" pilot, and explore business models such as infrastructure investment, construction and operation.How can

application pilot cities give full play to their main role in organizing and implementing the work? The

application pilot cities should further optimize and improve the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" construction plan under the guidance of the five departments, do a good job in top-level design planning, and solidly advance the construction tasks in accordance with the pilot work plan.

First, give full play to the role of the municipal collaborative working mechanism, form synergy in supporting policies, capital investment, construction planning, safety supervision, etc., and pragmatically promote implementation.

The second is to determine the main unit for city-level "vehicle-road-cloud integration" construction and operation. follows the government-guided and market-led operational ideas to explore the "construction, management, operation, service and research" model of the entire life cycle of intelligent network infrastructure.

In addition, the provincial competent authorities where the pilot cities are located should increase policy support for the pilot cities, coordinate the interconnection of provincial roadside infrastructure and city-level cloud control basic platforms, and promote the pilot cities' "radiation outward" and "Contiguous" construction among cities, while strengthening the tracking and effectiveness of application pilot work, and timely summarizing work progress, experience and practices, advanced models and typical cases. What is the comprehensive evaluation mechanism for

application pilot cities?

The five departments will form an expert committee to jointly strengthen the overall guidance and comprehensive evaluation of the application pilot work.

First, cities are required to promptly summarize and report construction progress, existing problems, advanced models and typical cases, and complete the submission before the end of March every year.

The second is to regularly organize relevant experts to conduct investigations and studies on application pilot cities, carry out annual construction progress and application effect evaluation of application pilot cities, formulate expert guidance in a timely manner on discovered problems, and summarize and promote advanced experience and typical practices of pilots.

The third is to carefully study the matters that require central-level support in application pilot cities and promote the resolution of major issues during the pilot process.

The fourth is to suspend entities that are found to have safety hazards during the pilot or fail to implement the pilot work as required, and urge the application pilot cities to promptly rectify and eliminate safety hazards. For entities that have serious safety hazards or fail to rectify and eliminate safety hazards in a timely manner, they will be terminated. Pilot qualification.

(comprehensive reporting by this newspaper)

review: Xu Xiangyang

editor: Zuo Zongxin

editor: Cui Yishu

Tags: entertainment