In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of "melons", but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. "Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University." "How i

entertainment 6349℃

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have many "melons", but even celebrities come to contribute.

No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here.

"Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University."

"How is it possible? In a certain program, Li Xueqin said that she could not swim."

For a time, netizens from both sides were quarreling and blushing.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

What is the truth? Let us find out together.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Li Xueqin, whose real name is Li Xueyang, was born in Tieling City, Liaoning Province in 1995. When I was a child, I had a happy family.

However, when she was 14 years old, her father and mother's relationship broke down, and Li Xueqin became a child of a single-parent family.

At this time, Li Xueqin grew up all of a sudden. She regarded "taking first place in the exam" as a task that she must complete.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Thanks to her hard work, her grades have always been among the best. When she was in high school, she set a goal for herself to study at Peking University. When

was filling in her application form, the teacher asked her what to fill in. She said she wanted to study in the Chinese Department of Peking University.

"There is only one spot in our school for the Chinese Department. The top student in liberal arts has already applied. You can take care of it."

Then there is no need. She will definitely not be able to do it if she is the top scholar in liberal arts.

A friend said next to him, "Then you should major in journalism. Anyway, your writing is very good, so you can use your strengths."

So, Li Xueqin entered the School of Communication and Journalism of Peking University.

During her sophomore year, it was time to subdivide majors, so Li Xueqin chose the advertising department.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Li Xueqin's original thought was: finally entering the gate of Peking University, now she can be lazy for a while and enjoy university life easily.

As the saying goes: College season is also the season of love.

Then she can't be left behind.

The result of relaxing is that the boyfriend who loves each other is with someone else.

Li Xueqin became a little depressed during her junior year.

Her friends tried to persuade her, and she thought she might be better off if she changed her environment.

In 2017, Li Xueqin received an offer from New York University to major in education.

After studying at New York University for a year, Li Xueqin's depression relapsed. With no other option, she had to suspend her studies and return to China for recuperation.

When she has no study tasks, she likes to record some videos and post them on her social account

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

In 2019, she recorded a video expressing her gratitude to celebrities such as "Guo Moulun" and received responses from the celebrities. This video made Li Xueqin became an Internet celebrity.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Li Xueqin, who became an Internet celebrity, soon received an invitation from Li Dan to participate in the recording of the third quarter of "Talk Show Conference". In the

program, she received fifth place due to her excellent performance and was named a "Talk Show Genius". Li Xueqin officially became a member of the "Talk Show Actors".

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

The rising stars are constantly participating in advertising endorsements and commercial performances.

I have to say that Li Xueqin is really outstanding. In December 2020, Li Xueqin won the Tencent Video Starlight Awards, the "New Star" award for the annual program.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

The following time, Li Xueqin began to participate in the recording of various variety shows.

In "Happy Comedian Season 7" broadcast on Dragon TV in 2021, Li Xueqin, as the leader of the "Talk Rookie", used a joking style and a relaxed tone to tell the audience about the fun of getting along with 16 bodyguards The story received a round of applause.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

later performed the sketch "Rehearsal" with Cai Ming and others at the CCTV Lantern Festival Gala.

Talk show actors, their development in recent years has not been very good. Li Xueqin is like a beam of light, illuminating their way forward. Li Xueqin used a mocking tone and a mournful expression to tell what happened to her to amuse everyone, and her enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high.

has a lot of well -known stalks, and everyone is scrambling to spread: the universe has the end, the Beijing Metro is not; at the end of Li Xueqin, at Tieling City, Liaoning, and so on.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

People are born with a mentality of envying the strong. Stars and artists in the entertainment industry are top academics at Peking University, so they are even more worthy of everyone's pursuit.

stands tall, and naturally everything will be put under the sun.

No, Li Xueqin's high IQ and high EQ have aroused the curiosity of the public. When curious, some people will dig out relevant information about her.

"Li Xueqin got into Peking University with extra points." A bombshell made Li Xueqin a hot search during the college entrance examination season.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

In an instant, Li Xueqin was put on the fire, and the details of her college entrance examination results were released.

Chinese: 131 points; Mathematics: 140 points; General Arts: 224 points; English: 138 points, totaling 633 points.

Li Xueqin’s score for admission to Peking University was 653, an increase of 20 points.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Someone broke the news that the 20 points she added was because she had a swimming certificate as a "second-level athlete".

Soon, another news came out. Li Xueqin said in a program that she could not swim and envied those bodies that could swim underwater.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

This is a bit interesting. A person with a swimming "Level 2 Athlete" certificate says that he actually cannot swim.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

This must be a big melon, so I don’t want to dig it up.

As a result, a bunch of journalists poured into Li Xueqin’s alma mater, Benxi High School in Liaoning.

"Benxi High School doesn't even have a swimming pool, how can it possibly train swimmers? Moreover, self-study is held until 11 o'clock every day, and there is no physical education class."

The revelations from the parents were a bit violent.

"I'm not very clear about the specifics. Our certificates are all issued by the school. We pay and the school will issue the certificate. It's about 40,000 for football and about 70,000 for swimming."

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Good guys, each one is more fierce than the other , a transaction with a clearly marked price.

The matter was a bit big, and someone soon exposed it.

Back then, a special investigation team came out to handle this matter.

In Benxi, 36 people were admitted to Peking University and Qinghua University in 2013.

However, among their 1,000 candidates, there are 87 outstanding sports students, which can add 10 points.

Among them, 25 are excellent students in swimming. 14 of them participated in the children's swimming competition in Nanning, Guangxi in January 2013 and obtained the certificate of second-level athletes.

has to say that the school gives the students with good grades and adds another bumper.

Relevant department personnel handled the matter and asked students to evaluate whether they met the requirements.

Only 21 people signed the commitment letter, and the others gave up this bonus item, including 25 swimming athletes.

Li Xueqin’s classmates came forward to prove that her bonus points were 20 points for independent enrollment, and only 10 points for sports students.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Independent enrollment is personally led by the Education Bureau. Students' academic performance in each subject must be evaluated. Only outstanding students can receive extra points. Li Xueqin is an outstanding student who received an additional 20 points.

means that she has never used the swimming certificate. So what if

has not been used before, but you just have this fake certificate.

Netizens couldn't stand it and shouted one after another that entertainment star Li Xueqin had faked the news.

It seems that the students’ explanation did not answer the questions raised by netizens.

In fact, entertainment stars are not only Li Xueqin.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Zhai Tianlin, a doctoral student at Beijing Film Academy, said on a program that his score that year exceeded the first-tier score.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

However, netizens revealed that he did not know what the "HowNet" platform was used for.

In 2006, his college entrance examination score in mathematics was only 19 points. If calculated this way, his Chinese and English scores were 130 points.However, in the college entrance examination that year, Chinese was notoriously difficult, and the top scorer in liberal arts only scored 107 points.

There is no need to say the rest, everyone already knows it. Zhang Zifeng in the

variety show "Longing for Life" always manages his persona as a top student.

was so tired from recording the program that I couldn’t even keep my eyes open, and I had to read and review.

even shouted loudly: Is it so difficult to get a score of 400?

’s slap in the face moment has come: a total score of 391 points in the cultural class.

Guan Xiaotong, the nation’s daughter, has always been a top student. At the scene of a certain program, he showed off how to solve equation problems.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Eagle-eyed netizens discovered that the solution was a question about a linear equation in two variables, which was difficult for a junior high school student.

It seems that Beidian Arts ranked first in the exam, and that’s it.

artist Tong Zhuo revealed in a live broadcast room that he used tricks to change the academic status of past students to fresh graduates.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

As soon as his lips touched, on June 12, 2020, the investigation by the Shanxi Linfen Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision was announced. The dozen or so people who helped him cheat were all severely dealt with. When

saw netizens criticizing him, he came out and said that he didn't know about it at the time.​ ​ ​

Even a three-year-old child will not believe this statement, let alone savvy netizens.

Internet celebrity male singer Ma Jiaqi has perfected his academic profile.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

Official announcement before the college entrance examination: I want to retreat and sprint for the college entrance examination with all my strength. Later, various pictures of him chewing on books were posted.

After losing his appetite for so long, his college entrance examination score was finally revealed: 307 points. In Henan Province, where Ma Jiaqi is located, the undergraduate art entrance examination score is 337.

In the annual college entrance examination, not only the candidates have a lot of 'melons', but even celebrities come to contribute. No, talk show star Li Xueqin is here. 'Talk show actor Li Xueqin was awarded points for being a swimmer when she went to Peking University.' 'How i - Lujuba

This academic master character should not collapse too quickly.

Do you still remember Fan Xian in "Qing Yu Nian 2"? In order to give justice to the students who study hard in the winter and summer, he has to vigorously rectify the phenomenon of spring fraud despite the butcher's knife of all the nobles, and resolutely does not give justice. An opportunity for the rich and powerful to line their own pockets.

For the children of ordinary families, their parents do not have substantial assets to pave the way. If they do not want to become the epitome of their parents, studying hard is the only way out.

However, after so many years of college entrance examination, year after year, these big things are still popping up, which makes netizens confused.

Although the college entrance examination melons, especially the college entrance examination melons of celebrities, make netizens full of food, we still hope that these melons will not appear.

What do you think?


Tags: entertainment