"Morning Cloud and Muyu" starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev

entertainment 4053℃

" Chao Yun Mu Yu " starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly launched. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and several movies are displayed in a scrolling cycle. "Sweeping Crime: Never Give Up" is at the top, followed by "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "The Siege of Kowloon Walled City" Wait, even Dawang has reserved a place, but there is no "Morning Cloud and Muyu". I can’t go to the banner, and the focus picture of “Morning Cloud and Muyu” is still missing from the slightly less exposed “Blockbuster Hits” below. The platform shows “Kung Fu Panda 4” and “Trident”, which are currently in the cloud premiere stage, box office "Thelma and Louise" that performed well, "Priceless" and "Let's Shake the Sun Together" which have been online for a long time, and even Xu Dongdong's Internet-famous "Piranha·Man-Beast Wars".

movie webcast, the platform must pay copyright fees to the film studio. Now that we have brought it all over, naturally the more people watch it, the easier it will be for the platform to recoup its costs. The profits mainly come from advertising and member acquisition. If it is not on the banner or recommended, if it is not for the poor conversion rate of "Chaoyun Muyu", it is the platform. There is no pressure to repay the capital, and the copyright fees paid are not high.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

With the launch of the online broadcast, the box office of "Chaoyunmuyu" has almost reached its end. As of press time, the cumulative box office of "Chaoyunmuyu" is 18.809 million, and the film studio's share is only 6.29 million. This figure should not be enough to pay Fan Wei or Zhou Dongyu, let alone cover the cost of filming the film. There is no doubt that the film side is facing a loss.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

Unlike Fan Wei, who is over 60 years old and is mainly responsible for acting, the post-90s little flower has been regarded as the "panacea" that guarantees box office in recent years. Her brilliant achievements in the past make her an out-and-out idol + Warlords.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

Zhou Dongyu, who was born as a girl, started from a too high level. In 2010, "Hawthorn Tree Love " received a box office of 144 million, and the box office of "Tears of the Fallen City" the following year also exceeded 40 million. By 2014, as his popularity increased, Zhou Dongyu began to break out. ", you " had a box office of 455 million, and " ", with the support of Ning Hao, had a box office of 1.169 billion.

's beautiful report card in the film industry made Zhou Dongyu receive the olive branch extended by Taiyang Chuanhe.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

Now it seems that the five years of cooperation between the two parties can be said to be mutual achievements. With Zhou Dongyu, Taiyang Chuanhe's status in the industry has increased significantly, and together with Yixin Entertainment and Jiaxing Media, they are known as the troika of new brokerage companies; with Taiyang Chuanhe, Zhou Dongyu has become even more powerful. The two parties signed a contract in 2015, and in 2016 Zhou Dongyu released seven movies in one go! Among them, even the dubbed animated film "Nian Beast War" has a box office of more than 34 million, and "July and Ansheng", which is considered Zhou Dongyu's masterpiece to this day, not only achieved a good box office result of 166 million, but also allowed Zhou Dongyu to win Golden Horse Award for Best Actress.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

Looking at Zhou Dongyu’s subsequent transcripts, during his time in Taiyang Chuanhe, Zhou Dongyu has always maintained a close cooperative relationship with Chen Kexin. "Like You" has achieved both good reputation and box office. "Our " and ", My Young You ", Zhou Dongyu has reached the pinnacle of his career so far. The box office of the two movies was 1.36 billion and 1.558 billion respectively.

However, it seems now that actors are just the icing on the cake for a movie's box office success. What can help a movie in times of need is excellent story and production. With the supervision of Taiyang Chuanhe and her agent Zhao Shan, Zhou Dongyu not only received "July and Ansheng" and "Young You", but the company and her agent also helped her expand her acting options as much as possible based on selecting good scripts, so she had The romantic comedy "Like You" has the main theme "The Founding of the Army", collaborated with Dapeng in " Sewing Machine Band ", participated in Yuan Heping and Tsui Hark's "Qi Men Dun Jia", and the well-known work " Animal World" ", and also caught up with the express train of the main theme "My Motherland and Me".

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

Zhou Dongyu, who is less than 30 years old, has such impressive results and has a bright future. However, in 2020, she ushered in a watershed in her life.On April 30, 2020, Zhou Dongyu Studio and Taiyang Chuanhe simultaneously issued statements announcing the end of their partnership. Zhou Dongyu specifically mentioned agent Zhao Shan in her statement, highlighting the importance of Zhao Shan in her team. Unfortunately, Zhao Shan is an employee of Taiyang Chuanhe, so Zhou Dongyu's breakup with Taiyang Chuanhe is equivalent to breaking up with Zhao Shan. As for the importance of agents, I won’t explain much here.

The agency never thinks that it has too many artists, and termination of contracts is often the artist's choice. I believe that the termination of the contract between Taiyang Chuanhe and Zhou Dongyu is no exception. At that time, Taiyang Chuanhe felt that Taiyang Chuanhe had suffered a great loss, but now it seems that Zhou Dongyu has suffered even more.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

Just two months after the contract was terminated, without a brokerage company to monitor public opinion, Zhou Dongyu received the first wave of negative news. Dinglong Culture, a former cooperative company, responded to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's inquiry letter and disclosed the name of the supplier that could have been hidden. It clearly stated that the total amount of the two purchases of "Zhou Dongyu Film and Television Culture Communication Xinyi Studio" was 109 million, which is likely to be Zhou Dongyu's salary for starring in the TV series "The King Behind the Scenes".

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

What’s even more interesting is that generally when working with artists, the remuneration should be transferred to the brokerage company’s account, and then the brokerage company will pay the artist according to the proportion agreed in the contract. The producer directly paid the money to Zhou Dongyu's studio, which makes people speculate that after Zhou Dongyu became famous and was able to stand alone, he and Taiyang Chuanhe had already "felt like bedfellows". Perhaps the seeds of the termination of the contract had been planted at that time!

With Zhou Dongyu's current status in the world, she no longer needs a brokerage company to help her find resources and take on business. However, the contract with Taiyang Chuanhe was terminated and without the help of agent Zhao Shan, no one could help Zhou Dongyu check the script like before.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

So, before "Morning Cloud and Muyu", Zhou Dongyu had already made four movies in a row. "Changsha Nightlife" had a box office of just over 20 million, and " Burning Winter " had a box office of 26 million, and was widely complained by fans. In fact, the cast is not bad, but the script and production are too rough. Last September's " Parrot Kills ", with such a good subject of Internet fraud, only received less than 40 million at the box office. In the final analysis, the production team was not good, and the investors were not professional. I believe that if Zhou Dongyu was still in Taiyang Chuanhe should not accept this project!

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

Last year's National Day release "Sturdy as a Rock" did very well at the box office. However, Zhou Dongyu is no longer the girl she used to be. Her character's scenes have been deleted again and again, leaving only a few scenes left, and her abrupt lines attracted ridicule. .

"Hot Search" focuses on the crisis of public opinion. The subject matter and production are good, the script is good, and the director Xin Yukun is also a good director. However, the box office is only more than 60 million. At this point, I believe many people have begun to wonder, is Zhou Dongyu's appeal still good?

This time, "Morning Cloud and Muyu" has almost broken the lowest record for a movie starring Zhou Dongyu in recent years, and it is difficult to cross the 20 million mark. Moreover, unlike other movies, "Morning Cloud and Mud Rain" did not do well at the box office, and it had a greater negative impact on Zhou Dongyu than previous movies, because the producers were all big companies that could not afford to offend.

'Morning Cloud and Muyu' starring Zhou Dongyu and Fan Wei was quietly released. This movie was not only ignored in theaters, but also unpopular on video platforms. As shown in the picture, the movie channel page of the video platform has an eye-catching banner at the top, and sev - Lujuba

Among the four producers, the first one is the "National Team" China Film Co., Ltd., the second is Taopiao Piao Film and Television, which is an Internet film company that can get half of the country, and the fourth one is Zhengfu Pictures, which should not be underestimated. The helm She is the daughter of the Han family, a well-known screenwriter and producer, and the father of the Han family is Han Sanping, the former chairman of China Film Group Corporation.

Making money is important, but it is even more important to choose the right script and cherish your feathers. After all, it has not been easy for Zhou Dongyu over the past ten years. I hope she can receive more good works instead of going downhill all the time. I wonder if she will regret breaking up with Taiyang Chuanhe and her manager Zhao Shan now that she is today?

Tags: entertainment