​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age? The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a "youthful" look between his eyebrows and h

entertainment 7738℃

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally plump and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a "youthful" look between his eyebrows, and his whole temperament seems to be in the second or third decade. between ten years old.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

This kind of "frozen age" can only be achieved by hard work. Especially after seeing Nicholas Tse's parents, we may have a deeper understanding of what "gene advantage" is.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

Recently, Nicholas Tse and his 73-year-old mother Deborah attended an event together. Deborah was recognized as a beauty when she was young, but she didn't expect that she was in astonishingly good condition now that she was over 70 years old.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

Deborah was dressed very youthfully that day, with exquisite makeup, a red headband, and a white skirt. The overall look was simple and youthful. Although her figure was slightly fatter than when she was young, But it doesn't look senile.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

The most youthful thing about Deborah is her face. There is no trace of deliberate stiffness on her face. In fact, the overall look is that she is old, but she is much younger than her actual age. She looks like she is in her fifties at most. .

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

Her skin is plump and shiny, her eyes are bright, and her whole person looks very energetic, without the vicissitudes of the elderly at all.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

When you see Deborah, you may be able to think that Nicholas Tse's "frozen age" is inseparable from the contribution of his mother Deborah. Of course, not only mother Deborah, but father Xie Xian is also a well-known "ageless male god" in the industry.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

Xie Xian's "frozen age" is actually more important not in appearance, but in his temperament. He is 87 years old this year, and his age can still be seen. The skin on his face has become shriveled and wrinkled, but Xie Xian's aura is amazing. Even at the age of a grandfather, people still know that he must have been a male god when he was young.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

In fact, Nicholas Tse's appearance and facial features are more similar to his father Xie Xian, but he is more refined than his father Xie Xian when he was young and has the feeling of a "cartoon boy". It can be said that Nicholas Tse is very good at growing up, and he completely combines the beauty genes of his parents.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

But Nicholas Tse's eldest son, Xie Zhenxuan, is obviously not as mature as his father. Xie Zhenxuan was also praised as "the most handsome second generation star" when he was a child. When he was a child, Xie Zhenxuan looked exactly like a mini version of Nicholas Tse, with a melon-seed smile, slender eyes, and very delicate facial features.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

When Xie Zhenxuan was 14 years old, his appearance, body shape and temperament were very similar to his father Nicholas Tse. At that time, many netizens felt that Xie Zhenxuan had perfectly inherited his father's appearance genes.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

But what I never expected was that when Xie Zhenxuan approached the age of adulthood, his appearance began to develop in a "rugged" direction, and the originally clean and refined boyish look turned into a "rough man".

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

If you look closely, you can find that Xie Zhenxuan's face has obviously become wider than when he was a child, a bit like "hair cheeks". The whole face seems to be stretched in a circle, and the facial features appear flatter, not as stunning as when he was a child.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

And when Xie Zhenxuan grew up, his eyes were a little dull and lifeless. He looked a bit vicissitudes of life at a young age, and his hair style was not refreshing enough, which made him miss the "youthful feeling".

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

Some netizens even think that Xie Zhenxuan looks a bit like his uncle Zhang Haolong when he grows up.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

As we all know, Cecilia Cheung's "face" can be called a genetic lottery, because Cecilia Cheung's parents are not very good-looking, especially her father looks very ordinary, and her younger brother Zhang Haolong has an ordinary face.

​Many netizens lamented, why does Nicholas Tse seem to never age?      The 43-year-old not only has a well-maintained figure and face, but the skin on his face is naturally full and shiny. The most important thing is that he always has a 'youthful' look between his eyebrows and h - Lujuba

It is a pity that the eldest son Xie Zhenxuan, born to Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung, the "good-looking" couple, did not inherit the beauty gene of his parents.

Tags: entertainment