On the evening of June 26, the TV series "Old and Young" premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV in a single episode. This TV series stars Yang Jue, Deng Jiajia and other actors, and tells the story of the inner lives of urban couples. Based only on the content of the first episode th

entertainment 3249℃

On the evening of June 26, the TV series " has an old man and a young man " premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV in a single episode. This TV series stars Yang Jue, , Deng Jiajia and other actors. It tells the story of the parents' shortcomings in the life of urban couples. Based only on the content of the first episode that has been aired, the level of realism of this TV series is relatively average, but it has a lot of satire on middle-aged and elderly people, which is quite entertaining. These fun are concentrated on the Shandong people who "carry more and take portraits". I think the Shandong audience should have the magnanimity to tolerate this kind of irony.

On the evening of June 26, the TV series 'Old and Young' premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV in a single episode. This TV series stars Yang Jue, Deng Jiajia and other actors, and tells the story of the inner lives of urban couples. Based only on the content of the first episode th - Lujuba

Let me start by saying that the level of realism is not enough. The lack of realism is first reflected in the routine plot. For example, the male protagonist is swapped out of the office. This is a very common scene in workplace dramas. Screenwriters with realism skills obviously don’t bother to play off people’s wisdom like this. Then, some plot segments did not match the actual work content and scenes. An example is the flash mob on the high school campus.

The screenwriter took this flashmob too much for granted. On the campus of key high schools, even if you have time to rehearse a pop-up program, you will be discovered by the head teacher or classroom teacher. In reality, if a teacher finds out that students are preparing a flash mob for their birthday, they will definitely stop it. If a teacher cannot spot students rehearsing a flash mob, then the teacher is simply incompetent. Therefore, no matter from any perspective, this bridge is a failure. It creates an unqualified teacher.

On the evening of June 26, the TV series 'Old and Young' premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV in a single episode. This TV series stars Yang Jue, Deng Jiajia and other actors, and tells the story of the inner lives of urban couples. Based only on the content of the first episode th - Lujuba

together, in today's high school campuses, teachers generally do not disclose their birthdays to students. This is due to the professionalism of teachers. This is the time when students are scrambling to study and cannot be distracted. A teacher’s birthday belongs to the teacher’s personal private life and of course cannot be shared with students. I think if the screenwriter had collected photos of teachers’ work scenes, there would not have been such erroneous scenes.

In addition, the level of realism is also reflected in many details, especially the shooting details. For example, in "The Old One and the Young One", the high school teacher played by Deng Jiajia actually wears stiletto heels. This is a double failure on the part of the actor and director. The failure of the director's direction is that he did not find this problem with wearing stilettos. Deng Jiajia's failure was her lack of basic understanding of the type of role she played. Have you ever seen a middle school teacher wearing stilettos?

On the evening of June 26, the TV series 'Old and Young' premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV in a single episode. This TV series stars Yang Jue, Deng Jiajia and other actors, and tells the story of the inner lives of urban couples. Based only on the content of the first episode th - Lujuba

Not to mention stilettos, very few people wear high heels. In the high school campus, teachers of the three main subjects start with four classes every day. In addition, they have to work on duty such as morning self-study and evening self-study. They have to stand for a long time every day. Therefore, as long as teachers have class experience, they will definitely not embarrass themselves when it comes to wearing shoes. Flat shoes are everyone’s choice. At the same time, when the stilettos step on the ground, they will make noise, which is disturbing to the students. Therefore, there is really no teacher who would dress like Deng Jiajia.

All of the above make the level of realism in this TV series seem worrying. Of course, this TV series also has the content of "satire", that is, it targets the masculinity of Shandong's hospitable people. Shandong people like to take the civil service examination and are admired by official fans. This has been a common ridicule on the Internet. Shandong’s machismo is also something with “regional characteristics.” In the play, he was completely ridiculed.

On the evening of June 26, the TV series 'Old and Young' premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV in a single episode. This TV series stars Yang Jue, Deng Jiajia and other actors, and tells the story of the inner lives of urban couples. Based only on the content of the first episode th - Lujuba

I think the Shandong audience should be able to laugh at these satirical contents. After all, for the audience, this kind of satire can be corrected if it is present, and encouraged if it is not. Is this what Shandong is like? Not to mention Shandong, which of the four provinces is not like this? Macho chauvinism is clearly reflected in the previous generation. Only in a family with a modern mindset can we reflect on this kind of machismo.

This time, Shandong was "caricatured", and Shanxi, Hebei and Henan could not enjoy themselves secretly. Even those who are chauvinistic cannot secretly enjoy themselves and think that they are not being mocked. As for the content in the first episode of this TV series that satirizes the male protagonist's parents, do viewers have similar problems in real life? There is neither this nor that.The value of this TV series is to bring everyone into modern life through satire.

On the evening of June 26, the TV series 'Old and Young' premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV in a single episode. This TV series stars Yang Jue, Deng Jiajia and other actors, and tells the story of the inner lives of urban couples. Based only on the content of the first episode th - Lujuba

In addition, many well-known actors were invited to play the middle-aged and elderly characters in this TV series. However, this batch of actors are too sloppy in dialect control, and they don't look like it. Not only does the pronunciation sound different in Cantonese, but also in Shandong dialect. It stands to reason that middle-aged and older actors should have higher requirements for themselves - dialect pronunciation must be similar, which is also part of the basic skills of speaking lines. However, this dissimilarity is embarrassing not only for these veteran actors, but also for the director. The play is also sloppy on this level.

Based on the above, I think that the satire of this TV series has merits. However, the overall drama is sloppy and lacks realism, making it a relatively frivolous TV series. (Text/Ma Qingyun)

Tags: entertainment