Text/Reporter Du Enhu At 3 pm on June 21, the press conference of the opening ceremony of the much-anticipated 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics was held grandly. The person in charge of the organizing commit

entertainment 4605℃

text/reporter Du Enhu

At 3 pm on June 21, the press conference of the creative team for the opening ceremony of the much-anticipated 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics was held grandly held.

Text/Reporter Du Enhu At 3 pm on June 21, the press conference of the opening ceremony of the much-anticipated 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics was held grandly. The person in charge of the organizing commit - Lujuba

The person in charge of the organizing committee announced: "The famous director Lang Kun will serve as the general director of the opening ceremony, the famous director Chen Weiya will serve as the opening ceremony artistic director, and the famous Hong Kong director Liu Weiqiang will serve as the opening ceremony director."

Text/Reporter Du Enhu At 3 pm on June 21, the press conference of the opening ceremony of the much-anticipated 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics was held grandly. The person in charge of the organizing commit - Lujuba

The atmosphere at the scene was warm. Everyone congratulates director Lang Kun. I saw that Lang Kun was elegant and energetic. When the media and guests at the scene congratulated him on becoming the chief director of the opening ceremony of the National Games, Lang Kun smiled sincerely and expressed his gratitude.

Text/Reporter Du Enhu At 3 pm on June 21, the press conference of the opening ceremony of the much-anticipated 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics was held grandly. The person in charge of the organizing commit - Lujuba

Lang Kun is a famous director of CCTV. He has successfully served as the general director of the Spring Festival Gala five times, founded a series of highly influential gold medal programs for CCTV, and has successfully directed numerous major national-level cultural and artistic programs in Taiwan.

In 2023, Lang Kun directed the dance drama "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", the large-scale drama "Going from the West to the East", and the poetry, music and dance show "The World Returns to the Heart". He directed three works in one year and had a great influence across the country.

At the end of the press conference, the media interviewed Lang Kun face-to-face at the scene.

Reporter: We just saw at the press conference that when the relevant person in charge announced that you would serve as the chief director of the opening ceremony of the 15th National Games, the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics, please tell me at this moment, What is your biggest feeling?

Lang Kun: The responsibility is heavy. Thank you to the National Games Organizing Committee for trusting me. The National Games is a sports meeting for 1.4 billion Chinese people. First of all, we must tell the story of China well. This is my most important task.

Reporter: Are you the chief director of the National Games? What's the story behind it?

Lang Kun: The competition for the director of the opening ceremony of the National Games actually started half a year ago, and our team participated in the competition. Before there was an official announcement, I had been preparing for the opening ceremony of the National Games. I think opportunities come to those who are prepared. In the past, I directed many parties, which was considered a kind of preparation.

Reporter: Please introduce the creative team of the opening ceremony.

Lang Kun: In addition to me as the general director of the opening ceremony, artistic director Chen Weiya, and supervisor Liu Weiqiang, the opening ceremony creative team members also include art consultants Mo Hualun, Xiang Xuehhuai, Ou Kaiming, chief producer Wang Ruixiang, deputy chief director Huang Peiling, Chief art designer Shang Tianbao, executive directors Meng Ke, Gao Yan, Hao Ju, chief writers Qiao Wei, Huang Chengjian, Yuan Zifu, chief visual designer Lu Tianzhi and many other artists who are well-known in the industry.

Text/Reporter Du Enhu At 3 pm on June 21, the press conference of the opening ceremony of the much-anticipated 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics was held grandly. The person in charge of the organizing commit - Lujuba

Text/Reporter Du Enhu At 3 pm on June 21, the press conference of the opening ceremony of the much-anticipated 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics was held grandly. The person in charge of the organizing commit - Lujuba

Reporter: As the general director of the opening ceremony of this National Games, how do you currently think and plan the opening ceremony?

Lang Kun: Today is the summer solstice of the 24 solar terms. The summer solstice represents sunshine and warmth in Chinese solar terms, and also symbolizes harvest and hope. First of all, on behalf of all the directors of the opening ceremony, I would like to thank you all for coming and wish you all a good summer!

The organizing committee gave 8 words: The world returns to its heart and the whole people empathizes. These eight words are very full of meaning. The director team felt both pressure and encouragement.

We use ten words to complete the opening ceremony of this year’s opening ceremony: “Promote and innovate, safety and excitement”. The first is promotion and innovation. What do we promote? It is to carry forward the cultural thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping with a clear-cut banner; to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture with a clear-cut banner; to carry forward the Lingnan culture with a clear-cut banner, and to carry forward the spirit of the Greater Bay Area with a clear-cut banner. What is innovative? It means innovating the performance of the opening ceremony, innovating the scientific and technological means of the opening ceremony, innovating the publicity methods of the opening ceremony, innovating the ignition, countdown, and flag-raising ceremony of the opening ceremony.

Secondly, safety and excitement. When we talk about a large-scale event, whether it is successful or not depends on safety, and whether it is exciting or not depends on publicity. The directing team has an important task to achieve safety and excitement and rank first.

I want to say that Zeng Zi once said that in the Analects of Confucius, that is: a scholar cannot be without great perseverance, and the road ahead is long and arduous.The next task is very heavy. The director team and actors are confident that under the leadership of the executive committee, they will create a clean, frugal and concise opening ceremony.

Reporter: As the director of the opening ceremony, it is completely different from the Olympic Games and the Football World Cup in the world. What style will you use and how will you direct the National Games?

Lang Kun: “Technology + Art” and “Integration + Innovation” highlight the characteristics of the Bay Area. The opening ceremony of this National Games is a two-way journey between high-tech and art. It is an innovative move of cross-border integration and joint creation. It showcases the characteristics of the Bay Area, embodies the Lingnan style, and integrates Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao into a diverse, pioneering and open world. Cultural characteristics are integrated into it to tell the story of China and the Bay Area to the world.

Text/Reporter Du Enhu At 3 pm on June 21, the press conference of the opening ceremony of the much-anticipated 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics was held grandly. The person in charge of the organizing commit - Lujuba

Reporter: Under the requirements of "simple, safe and exciting" hosting of the competition, what kind of presentation will you have when you direct the opening ceremony of the National Games, Director Lang Kun? What kind of innovation will there be?

Lang Kun: We will use creativity to present the characteristics of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao from aspects such as the lighting ceremony and cultural and sports performances. We will also use the innovative technology power of the Greater Bay Area to achieve the deep integration of "technology + sports + culture" and practice "green, The competition concept is "sharing, openness and integrity", focusing on cutting-edge fields such as green, low-carbon and carbon neutrality, combining artistic presentation with green environmental protection, and showing the world the cultural charm and innovative vitality of China and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in the new era.

With the official release by the creative team today, the opening ceremony of the 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics has officially entered the comprehensive creation stage. Next, the main creative team of the opening ceremony will go to various places to conduct intensive collection and creation, and in-depth creation through on-the-spot visits, special seminars and exchanges, high-tech research and development, etc., and strive to use new creative ideas, performance methods and technical presentations to create a Chinese-style creation , the opening ceremony of the 15th National Games and the 12th National Games for People with Disabilities and the 9th Special Olympics featuring Bay Area characteristics and Lingnan style.

Tags: entertainment