On June 25, the movie "Legend" premiered. Yu Dong, chairman, producer and chief producer of Bona Film Group, producer Dong Yunshi, director and screenwriter Tang Jili, and starring Zhang Yixing, Nazha, Li Zhiting, Peng Xiaoran, Zheng Yecheng and Ma Yuan were all present. A new tr

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htmlOn June 25, the movie " legend " premiered. Yu Dong, chairman, producer and chief producer of Bona Film Group, producer Dong Yunshi, director and screenwriter Tang Jili, starring Zhang Yixing , Nazha , Li Zhiting , Peng Xiaoran, Zheng Yecheng , Ma Yuan were all present. A new trailer was played on site, showing many exciting war scenes and fighting scenes in the film. When Jackie Chan brother appeared with a handsome appearance of 27 years old, the audience heard exclamations and applause. After the trailer was released, all the actors unanimously expressed "shock", and Zhang Yixing even said "so shocking" three times in a row. Jackie Chan said humorously: "To be honest, I like the way I look now. I often read a poem to them, 'In an instant, my black hair and white hair will tell me who to talk to when I grow old. If the spring breeze has pity on the flowers, can you allow me to do so?" I can't go back to being a teenager, but movies can let me go back, which is good. But I still like the way I am now, and I am very happy that I can grow older."

On June 25, the movie 'Legend' premiered. Yu Dong, chairman, producer and chief producer of Bona Film Group, producer Dong Yunshi, director and screenwriter Tang Jili, and starring Zhang Yixing, Nazha, Li Zhiting, Peng Xiaoran, Zheng Yecheng and Ma Yuan were all present. A new tr - Lujuba

Zhang Yixing plays until the sky is dark. " Nazha Li Zhiting forgot to add WeChat

html when she was patronizing filming. Zhang Yixing was very excited when talking about the experience of filming in Xinjiang. He expressed that he particularly likes the rhythm of filming in Xinjiang: "The days in Xinjiang are very long, and it feels like there is never darkness. The filming scene has been filming since morning. When I asked the time, it was 11 o'clock in the evening, but the sky was still bright. I really liked this Rhythm." He showed off his elaborate weapon - a bow with short blades on both sides. Zhang Yixing revealed that this is the weapon used by Hua Jun, the general of the Western Han Dynasty he plays. It can shoot enemies from a long distance and fight enemies in close combat: "After designing this bow, my eldest brother has been accompanying me to set up all my moves. My elder brother helped me set it up."

Jackie Chan was full of praise for Zhang Yixing's performance in the fighting scenes: "Yixing is a dancer himself, and he learns moves very quickly. Others may only remember one or two moves at a time, but he can memorize them all. Seven or eight moves or even a dozen moves, a very smart young man."

On June 25, the movie 'Legend' premiered. Yu Dong, chairman, producer and chief producer of Bona Film Group, producer Dong Yunshi, director and screenwriter Tang Jili, and starring Zhang Yixing, Nazha, Li Zhiting, Peng Xiaoran, Zheng Yecheng and Ma Yuan were all present. A new tr - Lujuba

Nazha plays the extremely skilled "Hongnu fugitive princess" Meng Yun in the film, and there are many exciting and thrilling scenes with the Hun prince played by Li Zhiting. Play. Nazha laughed and said that she and Li Zhiting had almost no communication on the set. Every time they met, they would fight. It was not until the filming was completed that they realized that the two of them had forgotten to add WeChat. Li Zhiting revealed that the villain he plays is a "very ignorant and hateful bad guy." But Nazha revealed that Li Zhiting off-screen is a good actor who can patiently accompany her to practice action scenes. "He is very good at fighting and very professional. He accompanied me to complete our fighting scenes one by one, which is enough." We played for three or four days, so I am very grateful to him." The two also reenacted the "showdown" in the film on the spot, and Jackie Chan and Tang Jili also gave high praise to their performance. Tang Jili revealed that when designing the role of Meng Yun, he combined Michelle Yeoh's heroism with Kim Hee Sun's softness. "Nazha did a very good job." Jackie Chan also revealed that this is the second time he has collaborated with Li Zhiting. "He has always been very good at playing. , I was beaten even harder this time.”

On June 25, the movie 'Legend' premiered. Yu Dong, chairman, producer and chief producer of Bona Film Group, producer Dong Yunshi, director and screenwriter Tang Jili, and starring Zhang Yixing, Nazha, Li Zhiting, Peng Xiaoran, Zheng Yecheng and Ma Yuan were all present. A new tr - Lujuba

“Took all the troubles” to protect the younger generation: Jackie Chan was “forced to admit” that he used a body double. Peng Xiaoran and Zheng Yecheng played Jackie Chan’s modern and ancient assistants and comrades in the film respectively. His performance in the film was also recognized by Jackie Chan and Tang Jili. Peng Xiaoran is the "comedy bearer" in the film. Jackie Chan joked that she is a new generation of "laughing aunt": "You can do comedy in the future and you will go further." When talking about Zheng Yecheng, Jackie Chan said: "Zheng Yecheng is the same as me. He is a martial arts student. He is handsome and can fight well, which is very rare." Tang Jili praised Zheng Yecheng for being very dedicated: "His hands were cut and exploded during the filming, but he finished the filming without saying a word. I can see the shadow of my elder brother in him, and I will work with him in the future. Such a good actor cannot be missed."

There are many fight scenes in the movie "Legend", some of which are "extremely thrilling".Tang Jili revealed that he was very nervous when filming the scene of thousands of horses galloping: "Twelve thousand horses ran together, and the actors were all in person. I was really afraid that the actors would fall, because if a person falls, the horse will It won't stop, it's really very dangerous, but they insist on doing it." Jackie Chan even "told lies" to protect the actors: "These young people worked too hard, and I was really worried about them getting hurt, so I lied to them. If I don’t do it, I will use a stand-in to trick them into leaving first, and then I will secretly go up and do those dangerous moves. Because I have experience in martial arts, if I don’t have experience, I will really get hurt. They were secretly watching me, and they followed me when they saw me. "

On June 25, the movie 'Legend' premiered. Yu Dong, chairman, producer and chief producer of Bona Film Group, producer Dong Yunshi, director and screenwriter Tang Jili, and starring Zhang Yixing, Nazha, Li Zhiting, Peng Xiaoran, Zheng Yecheng and Ma Yuan were all present. A new tr - Lujuba

Certified "Professional Treasure Hunter" by the entire network. Jackie Chan: I am very happy to do my part to protect the national treasure.

The movie "Legend" was filmed in Xinjiang. The ancient battlefields of the Han-Hungarian war, the mysterious Xiongnu holy land, and the modern dangerous glaciers are all unfiltered beauty of Xinjiang. Speaking of the big scenes in the film, Nazha, who is from Xinjiang, is particularly proud: "This is the first time I have returned to my hometown to shoot a big-budget film. It is also a film about Jackie Chan, and my father is the eldest brother. fans, which makes me even more proud. I hope that through this movie, more people can see the beauty of our Xinjiang, and then after watching "Legend", they can travel to Xinjiang and feel the beauty of our Xinjiang. Charm and enthusiasm. "

The movie not only presents the war scenes of the Western Han Dynasty, but also has an attractive treasure hunt line. Speaking of treasure hunting, some netizens have previously made a summary: Jackie Chan has been committed to treasure hunting and protecting national treasures in many films since " Master Dragon " in 1982, from " Drunken Master 2" to "Legend 》To " Chinese Zodiac Signs " and then to " Kung Fu Yoga ", you can often see stories about the elder brother's treasure hunt. He can be said to be a "professional treasure hunter". Ma Yuan, who played the director of the museum in the movie "Legend" that day, also said: "Brother told us in the movie that the pride of our country should be protected by our own people."

In this regard, Jackie Chan said that he often goes to When visiting museums, "I always see our country's cultural relics in foreign museums, so I raised this question in "Myth": Why are our cultural relics there? They say they are kept for us, but aren't they actually robbing them? Since it belongs to us, it should be returned to us. I remember that after "Twelve Zodiac" was released, someone returned two animal heads. Is this news? At that time, I thought there were two reasons: First, our country is strong. Well, the second possibility is that it is also influenced by my movies. We filmmakers should convey some voices to the world. If making movies can help me do my part in maintaining Chinese culture and protecting China’s national treasures, then I feel very good about it. "Happy."

On June 25, the movie 'Legend' premiered. Yu Dong, chairman, producer and chief producer of Bona Film Group, producer Dong Yunshi, director and screenwriter Tang Jili, and starring Zhang Yixing, Nazha, Li Zhiting, Peng Xiaoran, Zheng Yecheng and Ma Yuan were all present. A new tr - Lujuba

Producer Dong Yunshi has worked with Jackie Chan for more than 40 years. She also traveled around the world with Jackie Chan to explore outside the movie. She joked that she once suggested that Jackie Chan "can make a more comfortable fashion film", but later he was filmed in "Mythology". "Legend" is a comprehensive upgrade based on "Legend". "I believe it is the long-cherished wish of Boss Yu, Director Tang and Big Brother to complete this film, so we have worked hard to make it happen. I hope everyone likes it."

Yu Dong, the producer and chief producer of the film, announced on the spot that the film will be National screenings will start on July 5: "On National Day in 2005, "The Myth" was released nationwide, and it became the first domestic film to gross over 100 million yuan at the box office when the movie ticket was only 10 yuan that year. 19 years later, "Legend" "Legend" will also bring a richer movie-watching experience to audiences across the country in the summer. "Legend" is the continuation and comprehensive upgrade of "Myth" and is also a summer gift from Bona: "To my brother, I want to say - "Legend" promises you to be young again! ”

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Gong Lifang

Tags: entertainment