On the evening of June 24th, the annual "Chengfeng" seat was broadcast live. Shang Wenjie, Han Xue, Sa Dingding, Joyce Jonathan, and Chen Lijun took the stage to sing, competing for the team's first annual "Chengfeng" seat. In addition, Xie Jinyan also brought the "Vocal Performa

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On the evening of June 24th, the annual "Chengfeng" seat was broadcast live. Shang Wenjie, Han Xue, Sa Dingding, Joyce Jonathan, and Chen Lijun took the stage to sing, competing for the first annual "Chengfeng" seat for the team. quota, Xie Jinyan also brought the "most anticipated vocal performance by netizens" stage, presenting a brilliant performance to the audience.

’s all-open microphone stage sparked heated discussions across the Internet during the live broadcast. More than 40 topics such as #沙丁丁太狠# #陈丽君英雄综合 stage# took turns to appear on Weibo’s hot search list, and #山文婕champion# topped the list. top1, netizens expressed that they "dream back to the Super Girl stage", "feel the charm of traditional opera" and "the sisters' strength is touching". At the end of the live broadcast, Shang Wenjie won the first annual seat for her team with the highest wind score in the audience. She sang with all her strength on the stage and received blessings from her sister and fans who supported her.

On the evening of June 24th, the annual 'Chengfeng' seat was broadcast live. Shang Wenjie, Han Xue, Sa Dingding, Joyce Jonathan, and Chen Lijun took the stage to sing, competing for the team's first annual 'Chengfeng' seat. In addition, Xie Jinyan also brought the 'Vocal Performa - Lujuba

"Love" rehearsal photos

In a subsequent post, Shang Wenjie thanked "Chengfeng 2024" for "opening my heart and making me no longer afraid to love and be loved", and also expressed her gratitude to her friends who have supported her to this point. Together we have gone through peaks, survived troughs, and gone through rumors and rumors." "I have walked this road for a long time, and I want to say that Shang Wenjie is back, truly back." When

was interviewed by the media after the game, Shang Wenjie talked about her performance that night: "The sisters help and support each other. I feel very happy and lucky to meet so many outstanding sisters. Thank you everyone In fact, many sisters sang very well today. For example, Sister Dingding, I think she showed her unique skills. Her singing today was also very difficult and she performed very well. "

That night, Han. Xue performed "Growing Up Carrying a Weight of Ten Thousand Jin" affectionately, narrating the story of growth through singing. Joyce performed "May I Live Long" in Chinese, using a graceful and graceful French romantic voice to interpret the artistic conception of Chinese Song lyrics. Sa Dingding's song "Wukong" showed his strength with penetrating high notes, and his eyes and gestures showed the rebellious attitude in the song. Chen Lijun recreated her classic appearance and sang the "New Dragon Inn" theme song "Xia Ke Yin" for the first time in the world, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the endless charm of traditional culture. "The most anticipated vocal performance among netizens" was presented by Xie Jinyan, a Hokkien dance song "Dance Practice". The dynamic melody instantly stirred up the whole audience, making the audience unable to help but sway along with the rhythm.

On the evening of June 24th, the annual 'Chengfeng' seat was broadcast live. Shang Wenjie, Han Xue, Sa Dingding, Joyce Jonathan, and Chen Lijun took the stage to sing, competing for the team's first annual 'Chengfeng' seat. In addition, Xie Jinyan also brought the 'Vocal Performa - Lujuba

Live version of "Love"

Shang Wenjie once again sang "Love" after 18 years. From eloquent talk to full confession, her gentle and firm singing moved everyone, and the interlude of "Sing If You Want" played, which made the audience even more excited Shouted "youth is back".

chose the song "Love". Shang Wenjie said that she had been thinking about it for a long time.

"My entire experience in "Chengfeng 2024" had a great impact on me. Although it is not a purely music competition stage, it opened my heart to a certain extent and allowed me to make new friends in this show. We are a lot of good friends, we support each other in the show, and outside of the show, we can still be good partners. After thinking about it, I feel that the other sisters will come back on the last more meaningful live broadcast stage, and I want to get a more meaningful one. I want to communicate with you about meaningful things, and at the same time express my feelings about the whole season of "Chengfeng 2024". In the whole show, I am really very happy and really warm. My sisters have many things in life and rehearsals. The details will become very precious memories in the future. "Love" is a more representative song. This song has meaning to my career, and it also has something I want to express to the entire program and these sisters. Meaning."

Shang Wenjie felt deeply about the help her sisters had given her in dancing, "On this issue, it opened another window for me, so I feel that this journey cannot be wasted. I will continue to explore physically in the future, and strive to be an electronic singer and dancer, and continue to do this."

On the evening of June 24th, the annual 'Chengfeng' seat was broadcast live. Shang Wenjie, Han Xue, Sa Dingding, Joyce Jonathan, and Chen Lijun took the stage to sing, competing for the team's first annual 'Chengfeng' seat. In addition, Xie Jinyan also brought the 'Vocal Performa - Lujuba

"Reflection of Life" stage photo

talked about the biggest difference between "Chengfeng 2024" and other programs. , Shang Wenjie thinks it is the process of program presentation.A lot of the charm of the sisters, as well as the friendship between the sisters, are cultivated in the process.

Comparing herself to herself 18 years ago, Shang Wenjie feels that at that time she didn’t quite know how to respond to the love and support of others. Even now she “can’t say she understands it very well”, but she knows much more than before. During the competition, she believed that everyone had a strong sense of winning. "The satisfaction of being able to win an honor for the group is stronger than the satisfaction of oneself. In the past, the old people always told us to look at the process, not the results. In "Chengfeng 2024" In the show, I really felt that the harvest brought me by this process is far greater than the result."

Finally, when talking about the biggest gain that her singing career has brought to her, Shang Wenjie said sincerely: "I am very lucky that I can. Singing, I think singing is a gift given to me by my parents. I can express a lot through singing. I may not be able to speak clearly and express myself clearly. Singing is a gift given to me. In addition to being grateful, I feel that I can't express myself clearly. I must cherish this ability and use my ability to sing to sing more good music and bring the emotions and value that music can bring to more people.”

Tags: entertainment