"In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home." Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film "Brilliant She" was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.

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"In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to eat to celebrate Jiayi's return home." With Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film " Brilliant She " was released in the Oral Description Library of China Braille Library show.

'In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home.' Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film 'Brilliant She' was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.  - Lujuba

Wu Huimin is a narrator in the Oral Description Library of China Braille Library. She has been engaged in this work since she graduated in 2017. Every Tuesday morning, in the Chinese Braille Library Oral Description Library, narrators here will tell movies to the visually impaired so that they can "appreciate" blockbusters.

'In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home.' Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film 'Brilliant She' was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.  - Lujuba

How visually impaired people watch movies

According to statistics, there are more than 17 million visually impaired people in our country. They also have strong spiritual and cultural needs, as well as an urgent desire to "watch" movies, and their demand for film and television content is also very strong. Many people are working hard on how to meet this demand.

'In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home.' Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film 'Brilliant She' was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.  - Lujuba

 “Accessible movies are very popular among blind people. Due to lack of vision, blind people cannot see the information in the movie except music and dialogue. Through our narration, the content of the script, and the playback of the original film, To form a complete barrier-free movie for blind people to enjoy," Wu Huimin said when explaining how to make barrier-free movies, "In the process of making barrier-free movie scripts, I will watch it over and over again based on the movie, and then frame by frame. ”

'In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home.' Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film 'Brilliant She' was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.  - Lujuba

The quality of the script directly affects the viewing experience of the visually impaired. First of all, we need to understand the message language conveyed by the movie screen, and how to express it in accurate language; secondly, we need to understand the characteristics of the blind person receiving information, and cannot explain it in a cumbersome manner.

After the script is written, there are usually two ways to deal with it, one is to tell it on the spot. The other is to add an accessible commentary track to the original film and put it into the original film to form a complete digital resource that can be enjoyed by visually impaired groups across the country.

In addition, as for how to choose videos, the choice of visually impaired viewers is the answer. "We usually give priority to theatrical films and films with good reputations. Because they have learned about these films through various channels and want to watch them," she told reporters.

Visually impaired people talk about their movie-watching experience

'In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home.' Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film 'Brilliant She' was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.  - Lujuba

"This barrier-free movie

has been exposed to more movies than I did before my eyes were damaged

I feel really happy now"

'In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home.' Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film 'Brilliant She' was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.  - Lujuba

"What I am looking forward to most is

"Hot" "Hot"

Compared with online

I prefer

the viewing experience with offline communication.

After the screening of "Brilliant Her", two barrier-free moviegoers

told reporters their feelings about the movie.

Technology helps the barrier-free theater release

May 19 is the 34th National Disability Day. The theme of this Disability Day is "Technology helps the disabled share a better life." During this year's Disability Day, the barrier-free version of the movie " is hot and hot" was premiered at the China Braille Library. More than 30 visually impaired viewers watched the film for the first time.

'In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home.' Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film 'Brilliant She' was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.  - Lujuba

Recently, the China Braille Library and Tencent jointly launched Tencent Video "Barrier-free Theater" in Beijing, providing free and high-quality movie viewing services for visually impaired users, and will launch "Hot and Spicy" and " The Long Season " in batches Accessible versions of more than 600 classic film and television works including "三级", of which the first batch of 190 have been launched online. In the future, visually impaired people will be able to fully watch barrier-free videos at home through mobile phone screen reading.

'In the evening, grandma held a lively banquet and invited the villagers to dinner to celebrate Jiayi's return home.' Along with Wu Huimin's gentle on-site narration, the barrier-free film 'Brilliant She' was screened in the Oral Description Library of the China Braille Library.  - Lujuba


From oral film

to barrier-free theater

what has changed is the form

but what remains unchanged is

's original intention of always serving the visually impaired

Planning: Cui Jenny, Wang Huanjun

Interview: Wang Huanjun

Photography: Li Dingding

Content Organized by: Xiong Xianbin

Source: Guangming.com

Tags: entertainment