Produced by Radar Finance Text | Li Yihui Editor | Deep Sea Xu Bo, who claims to be the "first father of China", contributed the biggest melon this weekend. Recently, Xu Bo, the founder and chairman of TOEIC Network, claimed that 300 million yuan was taken away by his ex-girlfrie

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Produced by Radar Finance Text | Li Yihui Editor | Deep Sea Xu Bo, who claims to be the 'first father of China', contributed the biggest melon this weekend. Recently, Xu Bo, the founder and chairman of TOEIC Network, claimed that 300 million yuan was taken away by his ex-girlfrie - Lujuba

Produced by Radar Finance Text | Edited by Li Yihui | Deep Sea

Xu Bo, who claims to be the "first father of China", contributed the biggest melon this weekend.

Recently, Xu Bo, founder and chairman of TOEIC Network, claimed that 300 million yuan was taken away by his ex-girlfriend. According to reports, the relationship between Xu Bo and his ex-girlfriend Tang began at the end of 2009. The two met through a blind date website and gave birth to a daughter in June 2011, but they did not go through the marriage procedures.

Xu Bo posted on social media that he transferred more than 800 million yuan to Tang, but Tang later fled with the money and is still owed more than 300 million yuan. In addition, Xu Bo also mentioned that among the 13 children presented by Tang, only two were born together by both parties, and the remaining 11 were born by donations received by Tang abroad.

However, the court did not support Xu Bo's lawsuit, so he "asked for justice" online. This wave of explosive revelations quickly attracted the attention of countless "melon-eating people". Some expressed shock at Xu Bo's behavior, while others expressed concern about the legal and moral issues involved.

In fact, Xu Bo's personal life and professional behavior have always been the focus of public discussion. He has attracted attention for his remarks about "polygamy", employees' voluntary salary cuts to test their loyalty, and his accusations of corruption against the company's former CEO. At the same time, Xu Bo is also very rich. His net worth is as high as 27.5 billion yuan on the latest Hurun Rich List.

's "self-explosion of family scandal" this time has attracted attention again, and also made netizens curious, what kind of person is Xu Bo, who "can make so much money"?

The "first father" seeks justice online

Xu Bo, who calls himself "China's first father", uses a special way to expose his family disputes to the public.

Produced by Radar Finance Text | Li Yihui Editor | Deep Sea Xu Bo, who claims to be the 'first father of China', contributed the biggest melon this weekend. Recently, Xu Bo, the founder and chairman of TOEIC Network, claimed that 300 million yuan was taken away by his ex-girlfrie - Lujuba

html Since April 25, the official blog of TOEIC Network has posted multiple Weibo posts, telling that Chairman Xu Bo transferred more than 800 million yuan to his friend Tang, who later fled with the money and is still owed more than 300 million yuan. Unreturned story.

sorted out what happened and found that Xu Bo and Tang met on an online dating website at the end of 2009. They gave birth to a daughter in June 2011, but they did not get married.

According to Xu Bo, only one month after the child was born, Tang proposed to end the relationship between men and women, and then the child was raised by Xu Bo.

However, the two continued to get along with each other on and off. "Because she had no income, during this period, our mutual property was completely independent, and I was solely responsible for all related expenses."

However, things developed thereafter. Full of drama.

"Because she was influenced by independent female ideas, she wanted to be a single mother, so she communicated with me. In 2012, she swore that she would never leave me, never hurt me, or she would die a good death" to deceive my trust." Xu Bo express.

Finally, from 2012 to 2018, Xu Bo successively transferred 819 million yuan to Tang through his bank account, which was used by the latter to buy a house and surrogate children for whom she had sole responsibility. Among them, 419 million yuan was noted as "loan" or "jiekuan" when transferring money.

Xu Bo said that these transfers did not include various expenses he spent on Tang. In addition, Tang also held various other assets at home and abroad on his behalf, with a total value of more than 1 billion yuan.

Why is Xu Bo willing to transfer such a huge amount of money to the other party? Perhaps in addition to the role of the above-mentioned oath, there is also the reason why he donated sperm to Tang to give birth to a child.

html For more than 0 years, Xu Bo has published comments on the Internet such as "the function of women is to give birth" and "the dominant race should have 100 children". He has also made a high-profile recruitment of "virgin little beauties" to have a son with him.

Therefore, Xu Bo, who wishes to have more children, thinks that he has been helping and supporting Tang out of considerations of his own genes (sperm donation) and traditional concepts.

Unexpectedly, in 2022, "Tang illegally abandoned all the children and fled with the money." Moreover, Xu Bo stated that of the 13 children that Tang gave evidence, only 2 of them were born together by both parties, while the other 11 were Tang's children. Born from sperm donation abroad.

Xu Bo said that after that, Tang transferred 515 million yuan back to him, but there was still more than 300 million yuan that had not been returned, and other assets held on behalf of others had not been transferred back.

According to Xu Bo, his lawsuit against Tang to demand the return of more than 300 million yuan in private loans ended in failure.The logic of the court's decision was that the bank transfer records provided by Xu Bo could not prove that the two parties had an agreement to borrow money. Moreover, although the two parties were not married, they must have shared expenses for living together and raising 13 children, so it was inferred that the two parties were not in a loan-lending relationship.

Judging from the latest Weibo content, Xu Bo seems unwilling to give up. He will "continue to sue and continue to provide evidence."

"Weird" news has appeared frequently

In addition to the "explosion of 300 million gold coins" jokingly called by netizens, Xu Bo's past personal remarks and company management methods are also hot topics among the people after dinner.

As early as 2014, he donated 3 million yuan to Fang Zhouzi's security fund. Later, because the security fund was misappropriated for other purposes, he fell out with Fang Zhouzi and took him to court, successfully recovering 3 million yuan.

In October 2018, an article titled "Former NetEase executive worth 28 billion: gave birth to 12 children, a real-life version of polygamy" put Xu Bo at the forefront of public opinion, and the content mentioned in the article was even more shocking. Breathtaking. The

article stated that Xu Bo, a former NetEase executive, adopted the pseudonym "Baobao Teacher" (formerly known as "Cooking Teacher") on Weibo after making money, publicly advocated polygamy, and publicly admitted to having multiple children with multiple women. child.

After the article caused huge controversy, NetEase and Xu Bo both "refuted the rumors." Among them, Xu Bo denied that IDs such as "Cooking Teacher" and "Baby Teacher" were his own accounts, and stated that "I respect women, and the CEO of our company is a married woman."

In terms of corporate governance, Xu Bo often makes many unexpected moves. For example, it was revealed that he had made a high-profile announcement on Weibo under the screen name "Xu Youzhen" that he would equip key programmers with a BMW 730, and then give each of 140 old employees an iPad 2, which caused a sensation.

According to public media reports, in 2018, Xu Bo asked employees who had been with the company for more than one year to say thank you or give him feedback, and send him a "thank you red envelope" with the amount ranging from 100 to 500 yuan.

At the subsequent annual meeting, Xu Bo announced that he would reject all red envelopes and return them tenfold to employees who sent them. The move was interpreted as a "loyalty test" for employees.

In addition, Xu Bo also conducted "obedience testing" and "values ​​testing" on employees. In 2020, Xu Bo said that because of the company's good performance and substantial profit growth, the company's employees were asked to voluntarily reduce their salaries by 10%. TOEIC Network responded at the time that 100% of its old employees and executives applied to participate in the voluntary salary reduction activities, and "they are generally really happy and satisfied in their hearts."

In 2021, Xu Bo also staged a drama of "tearing apart" the company's former CEO. In August of that year, Xu Bo personally wrote an article entitled "Chairman's Personal Investigation of Advertising Corruption, False Advertising Volume and Connivance of Cheats", claiming that the company's former CEO Tang Yilu and others had harbored and condoned cheats and were suspected of embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising fees every year. Later, they also A "reward" worth tens of millions of dollars was issued to solicit clues.

Duoyi Network said that it reported the case to the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau in March 2022. However, after three months of investigation, the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau finally issued a notice not to file a criminal case.

In the past year, TOEIC Network’s official Weibo posted several related Weibo posts. At present, Xu Bo's side has not made much progress.

Grassroots counterattack reaches the peak of wealth

html In April 2007, Forbes released the 2017 Chinese Rich List. At that time, Xu Bo ranked 69th as a dark horse, with a net worth of US$4.1 billion.

If you look at Xu Bo's resume, you will find that his experience can be called a legend of successful grassroots counterattacks. According to "Chutian Metropolis Daily", Xu Bo was born in December 1977. After graduating from junior high school (he did not finish technical school), he went to work. In 2001, he joined NetEase as a customer service officer for "Westward Journey 1".

is a small customer service person, but he is very good at seizing opportunities. In May 2002, during the internal testing of "Westward Journey 2", Xu Bo participated in the experience as a customer service staff and wrote more than 30 pages of feedback on problems and suggestions for improvement.

In June 2003, the "Fantasy Westward Journey" project was established. Xu Bo, as the original sole planner, participated in the production of the core content of the game, making it one of NetEase's most profitable games.

According to Guangzhou Daily, Xu Bo submitted a project plan and proposed new treatment requirements to NetEase founder Ding Lei, but the two parties failed to reach an agreement.In 2006, he left his job to accept investment from Lei Jun and set up Guangzhou Duoyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Since then, with the outstanding performance of a series of products such as "Dream World" and "Shenwu" (now renamed "Fantasy Tangzhi"), Xu Bo, who graduated from junior high school, has gradually reached the pinnacle of his life.

's counterattack, as Xu Bo said in a statement, "I started as an Internet cafe network administrator with a monthly salary of 400 yuan in 2001, and now in 2015 alone, my personal income tax has exceeded 200 million yuan. The owner of an Internet company (the company is considering listing in China in 2016) is the sole founder and chief designer of China's most profitable online game. "

However, the road to listing of TOEIC Network was not smooth. In June 2016, TOEIC Network submitted an initial public offering and listing application for the GEM, but later chose to terminate the IPO review on March 27, 2018.

In June 2018, TOEIC Network submitted an IPO prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, but finally announced the termination of the IPO in January 2019. The

prospectus shows that from 2015 to 2017, TOEIC Network achieved revenue of 1.63 billion yuan, 1.55 billion yuan, and 1.93 billion yuan respectively, and net profits of 1.04 billion yuan, 840 million yuan, and 1.007 billion yuan.

data shows that Duoyi Network’s ability to make money and attract money at that time was amazing. The company's gross profit margin ratios in each period from 2015 to 2017 were 98.8%, 98.4%, and 98.7% respectively, and the corresponding arppu values ​​(average revenue per paying user) were 417 yuan, 459 yuan, and 558 yuan respectively.

However, TOEIC Network is also dependent on a single ace game "Shenwu". From 2015 to 2017, the revenue of the Shenwu series accounted for more than 90%. As we all know, in the game industry, each product has a specific development cycle, and a single IP effect cannot last too long. TOEIC Network needs to find the next "Shenwu".

It is worth noting that TOEIC Network has been involved in a large number of judicial lawsuits. Data from the Tianyancha app shows that Guangzhou Duoyi Network Co., Ltd. has been involved in 195 judicial cases, including network service contract disputes, network unfair competition disputes, service contract disputes, sales contract disputes, etc.

What kind of stories will Xu Bo write in the future? Radar Finance will continue to pay attention.

Tags: entertainment