After four months of training, the Xincheng Road Street "Comedians", jointly directed by the famous Shanghai comedian Ji Yibiao and comedy performer Zhou Jie, ushered in their first graduation report performance. On April 25, 7 students from all walks of life took the stage to pe

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After four months of training, the "Comedians of the People" of Xincheng Road Street, jointly directed by the famous Shanghai comedian Ji Yibiao and comedy performer Zhou Jie, ushered in their first graduation report performance. On April 25, 7 students from all walks of life took the stage to perform and showcase their learning results. Ji Yibiao also came to observe in person. On the

stage, the students started from their daily life and work, and cleverly transformed topics such as civilized pet raising and community work into hilarious jokes. While sharing their troubles and difficulties, they also showed an optimistic attitude, which made everyone laugh. The audience gained thoughts and insights in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. "Their narrations seemed to have happened to me, and the way they told them was very interesting, which really made people feel relieved." Ms. Wang, an audience member, said excitedly.

After four months of training, the Xincheng Road Street 'Comedians', jointly directed by the famous Shanghai comedian Ji Yibiao and comedy performer Zhou Jie, ushered in their first graduation report performance. On April 25, 7 students from all walks of life took the stage to pe - Lujuba

It is understood that the students of "Comedians for the Common People" have diverse identities, including improvisational actors, social workers, psychological teachers, etc. Most of them have no stage experience before. During the four months of study, the students not only improved their language skills, but also mastered certain program creation and arrangement abilities.

"I have always admired Teacher Ji Yibiao. When I saw the recruitment, I signed up without hesitation. This training allowed me to be exposed to more local comedy elements in Shanghai and I gained a lot." Improvisational actor from Northeast China He Feifei said that under the guidance of professional teachers, she has gradually developed more exciting programs.

After four months of training, the Xincheng Road Street 'Comedians', jointly directed by the famous Shanghai comedian Ji Yibiao and comedy performer Zhou Jie, ushered in their first graduation report performance. On April 25, 7 students from all walks of life took the stage to pe - Lujuba

After watching the performance, Ji Yibiao praised the performance of the students: "Normally, traditional folk artists need one or two years of professional training to master spelling and other skills, but these students have mastered it in such a short period of time. They have shown the potential of excellent talk show actors. They are good at discovering examples and trivial things around them, and can show their personal style well. "Ji Yibiao hopes that the students can continue to maintain their enthusiasm for creation, dig deep into the stories around them, and tell them. More down-to-earth stories about ordinary people.

After four months of training, the Xincheng Road Street 'Comedians', jointly directed by the famous Shanghai comedian Ji Yibiao and comedy performer Zhou Jie, ushered in their first graduation report performance. On April 25, 7 students from all walks of life took the stage to pe - Lujuba

Source: Shanghai Jiading

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