The suspenseful comedy "Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" is officially released on May Day. The film tells a ridiculous story full of suspense and joy: four people who did not know each other were sharing the stolen goods in the backstage warehouse of the theater, and w

entertainment 9764℃

Suspense comedy

" There is nothing a hot pot can't solve "

Officially released on May Day

The suspenseful comedy 'Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot' is officially released on May Day. The film tells a ridiculous story full of suspense and joy: four people who did not know each other were sharing the stolen goods in the backstage warehouse of the theater, and w - Lujuba

The film tells a ridiculous story full of suspense and joy: four people who did not know each other were sharing the stolen goods in the backstage warehouse of the theater, and unexpectedly unexpectedly Involved in a murder case, a hot hot pot meal is filled with endless suspense, and greed and deception trigger a series of reversals. Finally, the special identities of the four people gradually surfaced, and the mysterious truth was also revealed...

The suspenseful comedy 'Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot' is officially released on May Day. The film tells a ridiculous story full of suspense and joy: four people who did not know each other were sharing the stolen goods in the backstage warehouse of the theater, and w - Lujuba

The suspenseful comedy 'Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot' is officially released on May Day. The film tells a ridiculous story full of suspense and joy: four people who did not know each other were sharing the stolen goods in the backstage warehouse of the theater, and w - Lujuba

Director Ding Sheng, starring in the movie "Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" Yang Mi

director Ding Sheng, said that although "Yaoji" played by Yang Mi has An imperfect life, but she was the perfect choice for the role. After hearing this, Yang Mi thanked the director for his affirmation, and also revealed that the two had collaborated on a promotional film many years ago: "I was only 15 years old at that time, and it was my father who took me there, so I have the opportunity to work together again after many years. Director Ding Sheng made such an interesting movie and dyed his hair red. It was a very enjoyable and enjoyable experience."

The suspenseful comedy 'Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot' is officially released on May Day. The film tells a ridiculous story full of suspense and joy: four people who did not know each other were sharing the stolen goods in the backstage warehouse of the theater, and w - Lujuba

Starring in the movie "Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" Yu Qian

Young Film Actor Li Jiuxiao. It has a deep connection with Chongqing. He revealed that as a "Chongqing kid", he has filmed 5 movies in Chongqing. "This is not only my hometown, but also the place that gave me my movie dream. I have a fondness for every flower, grass and river here." Emotional, so I feel particularly empowered to return to my hometown with a movie about Chongqing."

played the role of "Qi Wan" in the movie "Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" this time. . He has played a robber in "Hot Pot Heroes" before, and this time he encountered the "Hot Pot + Robbers" plot. However, the purpose of becoming a robber in "Qiwan" this time is different from that of "Bajie" last time. Same...

"Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" is produced by Oriental Meizhi (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Beijing Baina Qiancheng Film and Television Co., Ltd., Ningbo Gongdao Film Co., Ltd., and Zhongjing Esports Entertainment Co., Ltd. Company, Beijing Tangde International Film Culture Co., Ltd., jointly produced by Wuxi Jiabainian Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Qimao Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taopiaopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Times Light and Shadow Culture Media Co., Ltd., Chongqing Co-distributed by Film Group Ltd.

Tags: entertainment