Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie "Harbin 1944", and I

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Spy war dramas have always been a point of interest to me. The main reason is that there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less.

Recently, Qin Hao and Yang Mi appeared in a movie "Harbin 1944". I helped you watch six episodes first.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba


The screenwriter is the screenwriter of "Rivals", which gave me a preconceived impression.

After watching six episodes, the pace is still tight, but it gave me an overall impression that the key plot was leaked even though the overall feeling was good.

As for the pairing of Yang Mi and Qin Hao, to be honest, Yang Mi's acting skills have never been very good to me, but this will not prevent her from making a lot of money. This is her marketing ability.

was still not very good this time. I couldn’t hear the lines clearly. I had to read the subtitles. Without subtitles, I had no idea what she was talking about.

I didn’t expect that my Chinese hearing would deteriorate so severely with her.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba

​Compared with acting skills, I feel that what Yang Mi cares more about in TV dramas is whether she looks pretty in filming. After all, this is the reason why many fans like her.

In the past ten years, domestic entertainment has neglected acting and focused on marketing. The problems caused to the TV industry have actually become very obvious. At Yang Mi's age, her acting skills have still not improved. For viewers who want to see acting skills, it is actually quite embarrassing.

This is probably the reason why some viewers don’t like to watch domestic entertainment TV series.

This is not an actor of Yang Mi alone, it is a common problem of the entire 85-flower, and even the younger generation of popular actors.

However, only some viewers regret this matter. There are still some viewers who don't care. They only care about the beauty of popular artists.

Therefore, this has also become a benchmark for popular artists themselves. If you can make money by pretending to be beautiful, why bother to delve into something you don’t have?

Therefore, Yang Mi is still suitable to make money in the track of pretending to be beautiful.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba

As for Qin Hao, after watching six episodes, I feel that he has not yet entered the state. Many plots that could have famous scenes were completely missed.

Compared with "The Long Season", although he is young and handsome this time, his acting is much worse than when he was pregnant.

is looking forward to whether his second role when he plays two roles can have a stronger sense of presence.

Actually, I was very surprised when Zhang Zifeng first appeared, but there were not many scenes in the first six episodes, and I didn’t feel that it surpassed "Rebel", so I will continue to wait and see.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba

The best actor in the first six episodes is Jiang Qiming, who is particularly explosive. This young man can suddenly play after leaving "The Long Season", which shows that he is really a good actor with acting skills. Hurry and train him!

This article will first analyze the first episode and how I came up with this comprehensive impression. The plot of the first episode of

progressed very quickly.

does not have the long narration at the beginning of previous spy dramas, and gets straight to the point. At first glance, I thought I had missed the first episode. It's fast paced, I like it. Respect the audience's intelligence.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba


A few things in the first episode:

The first thing:

Guan Xue was caught pretending to be a Communist Party contact, and the Communist Party was caught after hiding information under the bed.

The plot is very fast and respects the audience's intelligence.

However, the agent's IQ is not very high.

Logically speaking, the Communist Party has brought you to your home. Even if you rush in and find something burned, you still have to have someone dig deep to find it. What if there is other information?

This kind of plot has appeared in other spy dramas, such as "Renegade". Everyone thought the information had been destroyed, but in fact it was still hidden in the house.

The information this time is gone. Is there any other information omissions due to incomplete preservation?

In fact, people just hide it under the bed.

results, no search.

The experience of this female spy section chief is still not rich enough. The appearance of

shows that her business ability is not actually top-notch.

However, we don’t necessarily need to look at an excellent spy section chief. What we only need to know is that the tone set at the beginning is that the enemy’s rank is actually not high.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba

The second piece:

Guan Xue was injured while chasing the enemy and went back to get the bullet himself.

This plot really shocked me.

is a bit much.

Tell the truth.

Nowadays, whether it is criminal investigation or suspense drama, people's ability to tolerate pain is a bit overstated.

If you ask your subordinates to help you take it out, I can understand. You can take it out for yourself with your bare hands, and you won’t faint from the pain. You can just bite some gauze and it’s over.

It is true that the golden finger is a bit wide.

Moreover, Yang Mi's acting skills did not hold up this clip.

Originally, this could indeed become a famous scene. Whether it was the plot or the performance, it should have been quite shocking.

If you don't think it's an exaggeration, don't talk about taking the bullet, just stab yourself and try some medicine? Then there is no need to pull the bullet.

This clip actually illustrates another tone of this drama, which is that this drama is not a spy war drama that pursues reality like "Rebel" and "Before Dawn", but a bit exaggerated, a bit legendary novel, and a bit meaningful. Drama of nature.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba

The third incident:

The underground party entered the special service department as a doctor and faked the death of the comrades when they were forced to confess. After the enemy dumped the body, he found our personnel, asked for information and hid it under the bed. After finding the information, he went to the station to meet.

This part of the plot also reflects another characteristic of Guan Xue's character, cautious, but not foresighted enough.

Her opinion on finding a doctor through torture is to find him randomly to avoid being breached by the underground party.

Looking like this may indeed catch the underground party off guard, because you can't turn all the doctors in the city into underground parties, right? The workload is too much.

But the problem is, if you look for it randomly, what if you are unlucky? Did you happen to hit the underground party?

You can't rely on luck as a spy.

The best way is to develop your own power, and then check his relationship regularly, and give him enough benefits and threats, that is, coercion, inducement and control, rather than letting him go freely.

Moreover, you can see that her subordinates did not listen to her random search, because people are easy-going and like to use experienced hands, and she did not take into account the habits of her subordinates in performing tasks.

used Dr. Shi once. If he has a good attitude, is obedient, and knows how to build a good relationship with his agents, he will definitely be the first thing he thinks of next time.

Since there is no mention of censorship above, it is easy for underground parties to take advantage of this situation.

Therefore, I say that the character Guan Xue is not thoughtful enough.

This is also the character characteristic established in the first episode.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba

However, there is one last very important character characteristic in the first episode: she is essentially kind and emotional.

When an underground party member was pricked to death by a needle, she did not immediately express her anger to Dr. Shi. She did not blame him at all. In other spy dramas, she would definitely have kicked him out with at least one kick.

It can be seen that the character Guan Xue is kind deep in her heart. She did not become the spy chief because of her dark nature. Her journey of becoming the spy chief will be explained later.

It was obvious that she had strong feelings. After she saw Qin Hao, she immediately asked him to leave with her.

's several flashbacks show that she must often recall it. How many flashbacks can she have in one episode when she saved her a few years ago? This is only if she remembers it very clearly.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba

The fourth piece:

Doctor Shi was arrested, Zhuo Wen met Guan Xue, and the information was taken away. The first episode of

ends with Dr. Shi being arrested, the information being taken away by an unknown person, and the male and female protagonists meeting.

The plot of the entire first episode is really tight. Guan Xue caught the underground party twice. It can be said that the episode is non-stop. If you were a social animal, you would have won a model worker award.

This drama indeed advances the plot much faster than many idol dramas.

The first episode is really informative.

The game between the enemy and ourselves lasts for several rounds in the first episode.

Text/Scarlett Spy dramas have always been a point of interest to me, mainly because there are not many high-quality ones, and I can’t stand watching dramas under a microscope, so I write less about them. Recently, Qin Hao's partner Yang Mi appeared in a movie 'Harbin 1944', and I - Lujuba

From forcing a confession to finding a doctor, the doctor immediately counterattacked after getting the information. He rushed to the station and immediately caught an underground party member again.

Guan Xue, the spy character, shows off his extraordinary reaction ability and mobility, which can be said to be the core of most of the scenes in the first episode. I don’t know if the male protagonist’s role will increase in the future.

However, on the surface, Guan Xue plays the majority of the roles, but judging from the results, the IQ of the underground party is still higher. This may be the tone of the whole drama.

Judging from the first episode, the script is very good in creating a tense atmosphere where you come and go, and it is quite attractive.

The biggest problem with domestic dramas in the past was that the pace was slow, their own IQ could not be improved, and they could not meet the needs of the audience. At the same time, they did not trust the audience's IQ.

But the rhythm of this drama, as far as the first episode is concerned, can be given full marks. The pace of the second episode of

is relatively slower, and the pace of the subsequent episodes is not as fast as the first episode. Looking at the past six episodes, the first episode is the highlight of the pace. However, the plot can still be watched, and I will continue to update if I have other impressions.

Tags: entertainment