Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a "special" team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They "go out" here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs "famous". That

entertainment 1918℃

Time travel. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a "special" team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They "go out" here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs "famous".

That moment was recorded and witnessed by the New Yellow River.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Since then, over a period of three years and a journey of more than 70,000 kilometers, Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery’s relatives search staff have made 17 on-site visits, traveling to many villages in two provinces and 16 cities in Shandong, to help 214 people who died in the Battle of Jinan. The unknown soldier found his name and relatives.

has continued to make progress in the past three years.

There are winter days with biting cold wind, and summer days with scorching sun. New Yellow River has also witnessed the hardships, disappointments, excitement, and tears along the way to find relatives for the unknown martyrs.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

It has been 76 years since the victory of the Battle of Jinan. The war was rushed and historical changes turned many martyrs into unknown martyrs. Now that Shanhe is safe, the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau uses DNA technology to find the names and relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan.

Before leaving for the first expedition, the head of the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau said affectionately: "Countless revolutionary martyrs have sacrificed their young lives for the liberation of the motherland and the happiness of the people. Now we can use DNA technology to find the relatives of the martyrs. Today, we are on our first expedition to find the relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan. It is our glorious mission to bring the heroes home."

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Among them, a 76-year-old daughter and an 81-year-old son finally found their martyr father! ; There are also wives whose husbands died in battle and have been waiting all their lives; there are also brothers and sisters who were separated when they were children and have never seen each other again...

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

"This is a rescue search!" In leading everyone to find relatives for the unknown martyrs. On the way, Li Xiaowen, a first-level researcher from the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau, said this sentence countless times. Some of the victims' relatives are old and some clues are difficult to determine, which makes the search for relatives more difficult.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Searching for the relatives of the unknown martyr is a race against time. That’s why every moment of reunion and reunion is even more tearful.

"When I got news about my father for the first time, I cried for several days and couldn't sleep. After so many years, I didn't expect to find my father again!" On January 11, 2022, in Zhaoyuan City Silkworm In Yanhou Village, Zhuang Town, 76-year-old Zhang Huilan shed tears again after hearing the news about her martyr father.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

When she was 3 years old before she could remember, her father Zhang Zhaoqing went to serve in the army. From then on, she never saw her father again and heard only fragmentary news and stories about him. She has no photo of her father, only a photocopied black-and-white martyr's certificate, which is the only token she has when she misses her father over the years.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

On the Qingming Festival of that year, she came to the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to visit her parents. They reunited remotely and fulfilled a daughter's wish that she had been looking forward to for more than 70 years.

He fought on the battlefield, but she stayed with her all her life. On January 12, 2022, old man Zhang Shuqing "waited" for her husband. She had been waiting for 74 years.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

On the fifth day of the sixth lunar month in 1947, in Sunjia Village, Zhuwu Commune, Haiyang County at that time, 18-year-old Sun Xuetong joined the army just nine months after his marriage. Once he left, he never came back.

And his newlywed wife Zhang Shuqing has been waiting for 1974. At that time, looking at the old woman's face that had been weathered by years, we no longer dared to think about how hard she was watching. Over the years, Zhang Shuqing has never forgotten her husband. With only a martyr certificate, she was unwilling to believe that her husband had become a martyr. "If I could see him in person, I would pinch him twice. I would ask him why he made me suffer so much at home alone, but he was really nice to me. If I could still see him, I would Don’t blame him..."

On March 9, 2022, in Malianzhuang Village, Quanlin Town, Sishui County, Jining City, Shandong Province, the 81-year-old Zhao Jiyou took out his treasured martyr certificate. After many years, he kept his father's martyr certificate intact. The old man said, "I hide my father's certificate in the cabinet. I don't often take it out to look at it, and I don't often look at it during the New Year. Once I look at it, I feel uncomfortable.""

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Speaking of his father, the old man murmured to himself: I don't remember what my father looked like. I only remember that I was only four or five years old when he left. When I was seven or eight years old, my family received martyrs sent to me. I didn’t know much about the certificate at that time, and I would never see my father again... My family knew that my father had died, but they had never found him, so they built a tomb on the mountain in my hometown to express their grief for my father.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

The staff of the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery also gave the old man a special portrait. This portrait was reconstructed by a portrait expert from the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau based on the old man’s appearance. Looking at this portrait, the old man could not help but feel sad. I couldn't help but shed tears, with thousands of words choked in my heart, muttering "like, like..."

Three months after he was born, his father died on the battlefield. The 76-year-old man had never seen his father in his life. On July 17, 2024, in Chuanli Village, Daxindian Town, Penglai, Yantai, Li Ruimei, the daughter of martyr Liu Zairi, rubbed her father's revolutionary martyr certificate over and over again, while chanting the words on it, and she finally got choked up. After learning about his father's whereabouts, the old man felt a mixture of sadness and joy: "You can't say that my father is sorry for me. He sacrificed his life to get what he has today. It's not his fault. I can only say that I'm sorry for my father. I haven't been filial to him for a single day..."

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

At the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, Zhou Guangtao, the director of the exhibition department who has also participated in searching for the relatives of the unknown martyrs many times, can almost remember the names of every martyr. Some of the yellowed martyrs’ lists have been checked by him no matter how many times he has checked them. times. His colleagues and many commentators at the Jinan Battle Memorial Hall are also doing their part to help the unknown martyrs find their relatives.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

"Dad, my daughter is here to see you. I can visit you often in the future." . "On the eve of the Qingming Festival in 2023, with longing in mind, 77-year-old Yu Cuixiang arrived at the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to pay homage to her father after a 4-hour drive from Haiyang.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Yu Cuixiang is the daughter of Yu Bingchu, a martyr who died in the Battle of Jinan. Holding flowers and tributes for her father, she walked tremblingly towards her father's tombstone: "Although I couldn't help but want to cry, I was excited in my heart. , I can see my dad again. "

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Sun Lerong, the nephew of martyr Sun Xuetong, also came to Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to pay homage during the Qingming Festival in 2023. He said in front of the tomb: "Fourth uncle, my father has been looking for you all his life. Before he left, he was still thinking about you. Regarding this matter, it is even more difficult for my fourth mother. She is 95 years old this year. I have waited for you all my life and never believed that you sacrificed your life. "

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Over the years, three generations have been actively searching for the remains of martyr Sun Xuetong, but they have never been found before. It was not until the help of staff from the Bureau of Veterans Affairs and DNA technology that they finally found their relatives.


In the hometown of the martyrs, when the relatives finally learned the news, countless moments made them cry.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

The road is long and long, but the journey is coming on September 24th this year on Hero Mountain. A monument was erected for the 111 unknown martyrs of the Jinan Campaign who successfully searched for their relatives.

Now, they are finally reunited with their relatives on Hero Mountain.

Time travel. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a "special" team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They "go out" here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs "famous".

That moment was recorded and witnessed by the New Yellow River.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Since then, over a period of three years and a journey of more than 70,000 kilometers, Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery’s relatives search staff have made 17 on-site visits, traveling to many villages in two provinces and 16 cities in Shandong, to help 214 people who died in the Battle of Jinan. The unknown soldier found his name and relatives.

has continued to make progress in the past three years.

There are winter days with biting cold wind, and summer days with scorching sun. New Yellow River has also witnessed the hardships, disappointments, excitement, and tears along the way to find relatives for the unknown martyrs.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

It has been 76 years since the victory of the Battle of Jinan. The war was rushed and historical changes turned many martyrs into unknown martyrs. Now that Shanhe is safe, the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau uses DNA technology to find the names and relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan.

Before leaving for the first expedition, the head of the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau said affectionately: "Countless revolutionary martyrs have sacrificed their young lives for the liberation of the motherland and the happiness of the people. Now we can use DNA technology to find the relatives of the martyrs. Today, we are on our first expedition to find the relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan. It is our glorious mission to bring the heroes home."

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Among them, a 76-year-old daughter and an 81-year-old son finally found their martyr father! ; There are also wives whose husbands died in battle and have been waiting all their lives; there are also brothers and sisters who were separated when they were children and have never seen each other again...

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

"This is a rescue search!" In leading everyone to find relatives for the unknown martyrs. On the way, Li Xiaowen, a first-level researcher from the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau, said this sentence countless times. Some of the victims' relatives are old and some clues are difficult to determine, which makes the search for relatives more difficult.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Searching for the relatives of the unknown martyr is a race against time. That’s why every moment of reunion and reunion is even more tearful.

"When I got news about my father for the first time, I cried for several days and couldn't sleep. After so many years, I didn't expect to find my father again!" On January 11, 2022, in Zhaoyuan City Silkworm In Yanhou Village, Zhuang Town, 76-year-old Zhang Huilan shed tears again after hearing the news about her martyr father.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

When she was 3 years old before she could remember, her father Zhang Zhaoqing went to serve in the army. From then on, she never saw her father again and heard only fragmentary news and stories about him. She has no photo of her father, only a photocopied black-and-white martyr's certificate, which is the only token she has when she misses her father over the years.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

On the Qingming Festival of that year, she came to the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to visit her parents. They reunited remotely and fulfilled a daughter's wish that she had been looking forward to for more than 70 years.

He fought on the battlefield, but she stayed with her all her life. On January 12, 2022, old man Zhang Shuqing "waited" for her husband. She had been waiting for 74 years.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

On the fifth day of the sixth lunar month in 1947, in Sunjia Village, Zhuwu Commune, Haiyang County at that time, 18-year-old Sun Xuetong joined the army just nine months after his marriage. Once he left, he never came back.

And his newlywed wife Zhang Shuqing has been waiting for 1974. At that time, looking at the old woman's face that had been weathered by years, we no longer dared to think about how hard she was watching. Over the years, Zhang Shuqing has never forgotten her husband. With only a martyr certificate, she was unwilling to believe that her husband had become a martyr. "If I could see him in person, I would pinch him twice. I would ask him why he made me suffer so much at home alone, but he was really nice to me. If I could still see him, I would Don’t blame him..."

On March 9, 2022, in Malianzhuang Village, Quanlin Town, Sishui County, Jining City, Shandong Province, the 81-year-old Zhao Jiyou took out his treasured martyr certificate. After many years, he kept his father's martyr certificate intact. The old man said, "I hide my father's certificate in the cabinet. I don't often take it out to look at it, and I don't often look at it during the New Year. Once I look at it, I feel uncomfortable.""

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Speaking of his father, the old man murmured to himself: I don't remember what my father looked like. I only remember that I was only four or five years old when he left. When I was seven or eight years old, my family received martyrs sent to me. I didn’t know much about the certificate at that time, and I would never see my father again... My family knew that my father had died, but they had never found him, so they built a tomb on the mountain in my hometown to express their grief for my father.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

The staff of the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery also gave the old man a special portrait. This portrait was reconstructed by a portrait expert from the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau based on the old man’s appearance. Looking at this portrait, the old man could not help but feel sad. I couldn't help but shed tears, with thousands of words choked in my heart, muttering "like, like..."

Three months after he was born, his father died on the battlefield. The 76-year-old man had never seen his father in his life. On July 17, 2024, in Chuanli Village, Daxindian Town, Penglai, Yantai, Li Ruimei, the daughter of martyr Liu Zairi, rubbed her father's revolutionary martyr certificate over and over again, while chanting the words on it, and she finally got choked up. After learning about his father's whereabouts, the old man felt a mixture of sadness and joy: "You can't say that my father is sorry for me. He sacrificed his life to get what he has today. It's not his fault. I can only say that I'm sorry for my father. I haven't been filial to him for a single day..."

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

At the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, Zhou Guangtao, the director of the exhibition department who has also participated in searching for the relatives of the unknown martyrs many times, can almost remember the names of every martyr. Some of the yellowed martyrs’ lists have been checked by him no matter how many times he has checked them. times. His colleagues and many commentators at the Jinan Battle Memorial Hall are also doing their part to help the unknown martyrs find their relatives.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

"Dad, my daughter is here to see you. I can visit you often in the future." . "On the eve of the Qingming Festival in 2023, with longing in mind, 77-year-old Yu Cuixiang arrived at the Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to pay homage to her father after a 4-hour drive from Haiyang.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Yu Cuixiang is the daughter of Yu Bingchu, a martyr who died in the Battle of Jinan. Holding flowers and tributes for her father, she walked tremblingly towards her father's tombstone: "Although I couldn't help but want to cry, I was excited in my heart. , I can see my dad again. "

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Sun Lerong, the nephew of martyr Sun Xuetong, also came to Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to pay homage during the Qingming Festival in 2023. He said in front of the tomb: "Fourth uncle, my father has been looking for you all his life. Before he left, he was still thinking about you. Regarding this matter, it is even more difficult for my fourth mother. She is 95 years old this year. I have waited for you all my life and never believed that you sacrificed your life. "

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

Over the years, three generations have been actively searching for the remains of martyr Sun Xuetong, but they have never been found before. It was not until the help of staff from the Bureau of Veterans Affairs and DNA technology that they finally found their relatives.


In the hometown of the martyrs, when the relatives finally learned the news, countless moments made them cry.

Back in time. At 9:00 am on September 7, 2021, a 'special' team set off at the Heroes Square of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They 'go out' here to find relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the Battle of Jinan, making the unknown martyrs 'famous'.             That - Lujuba

The road is long and long, but the journey is coming on September 24th this year on Hero Mountain. A monument was erected for the 111 unknown martyrs of the Jinan Campaign who successfully searched for their relatives.

Now, they are finally reunited with their relatives on Hero Mountain.

As long as we remember, they will live forever!

Reporter: Chai Yingying Editor: Yu Dan Proofreader: Tang Qi

Tags: entertainment