China News Service, Nanchong, April 19th, Title: Using unique skills of Sichuan Opera to break through, girls with Down syndrome enter the "stage of life" by Wang Liwen and Wang Jue As the drumbeats sounded, students in gorgeous costumes appeared in the training room of Nanchong

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China News Service, Nanchong, April 19th, Title: Using unique skills of Sichuan Opera to break through, girls with Down syndrome move to the "stage of life"

Author Wang Liwen and Wang Jue

As the drumbeats sounded, in the training room of Nanchong Special Education School, people dressed in gorgeous operas Yin Qiuhua, a student in the service, is practicing face-changing in Sichuan Opera. She has Down syndrome and her body dances to the music. Suddenly, with the drumbeats, Yin Qiuhua's face quickly changed from one exquisite mask to another. The teachers and students onlookers held their breath, enjoying the visual feast in front of them.

China News Service, Nanchong, April 19th, Title: Using unique skills of Sichuan Opera to break through, girls with Down syndrome enter the 'stage of life' by Wang Liwen and Wang Jue As the drumbeats sounded, students in gorgeous costumes appeared in the training room of Nanchong  - Lujuba

html On April 15, at Nanchong Special Education School, Yin Qiuhua practiced Sichuan Opera face-changing. Photo by Wang Lei

Down syndrome is a congenital chromosomal abnormality that causes mental retardation, abnormal facial features, heart defects, muscle relaxation and other effects. These children are also called "Down babies." Providing comprehensive medical care and support can help them maximize their potential and improve their quality of life.

China News Service, Nanchong, April 19th, Title: Using unique skills of Sichuan Opera to break through, girls with Down syndrome enter the 'stage of life' by Wang Liwen and Wang Jue As the drumbeats sounded, students in gorgeous costumes appeared in the training room of Nanchong  - Lujuba

April 15, Nanchong City Special Education School, Yin Qiuhua (left) and his mother Zhao Haiying. Photographed by Wang Lei

According to his mother Zhao Haiying, Yin Qiuhua was diagnosed with Down syndrome not long after he was born. When he was 7 years old, he could only call "Dad" and "Mom". Zhao Haiying worked as a full-time "accompanying student", taking her daughter to receive treatment and study at the same time, but she encountered obstacles everywhere. "I can't move my fingers when I learn violin, and I can't find a partner when dancing Latin dance." At the age of 17, Yin Qiuhua showed a strong interest in the Sichuan Opera Face Changing. On the day of her apprenticeship, Zhao Haiying was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night. She cried with joy while holding her daughter: After searching for so many years, her child will finally have a skill.

China News Service, Nanchong, April 19th, Title: Using unique skills of Sichuan Opera to break through, girls with Down syndrome enter the 'stage of life' by Wang Liwen and Wang Jue As the drumbeats sounded, students in gorgeous costumes appeared in the training room of Nanchong  - Lujuba

April 15, Nanchong City Special Education School, Yin Qiuhua (right) instructs junior girls to practice basic skills. Photo by Wang Lei

The first year of practicing basic skills was "the most painful year" for her daughter in Zhao Haiying's eyes. Because of the disease, Yin Qiuhua lacks physical strength and flexibility, making it almost impossible to complete basic skills such as squatting, lowering the waist, and doing splits. "This process is like bending an iron rod and carving 'scrap' into jade. We regained our confidence after being physically and mentally exhausted countless times." In order not to affect her studies, Zhao Haiying and her daughter get up at 4 a.m. every day, practice the basic skills before returning School class. Even during breaks in class, she did not let go, urging her daughter to undergo almost "harsh" training.

Hard work pays off. Now, 19-year-old Yin Qiuhua can smoothly change nine faces, and has also learned the difficult "face-turning" technique in Sichuan Opera face-changing. On the stage, she is confident and generous, without any stage fright. No audience can realize that she is a "Tang baby" before she shows her true face. The warm applause from the audience greatly encouraged Yin Qiuhua. Currently, she is learning the unique skill of spitting fire in Sichuan Opera and is "confident" in her performance in the near future. Talking about her dream, Yin Qiuhua smiled so much that her eyes narrowed into two lines: to stand on a wider stage like the dancer Tai Lihua.

China News Service, Nanchong, April 19th, Title: Using unique skills of Sichuan Opera to break through, girls with Down syndrome enter the 'stage of life' by Wang Liwen and Wang Jue As the drumbeats sounded, students in gorgeous costumes appeared in the training room of Nanchong  - Lujuba

html On April 15, Yin Qiuhua took a photo with his idol at Nanchong Special Education School. Photographed by Wang Lei

Not only did she learn face-changing skills, Yin Qiuhua also studied in the 2022 class of housekeeping services at Nanchong Special Education School. According to Wang Xiaoqi, the head teacher, she is positive and enterprising in class. After more than a year of hands-on teaching, she has learned housekeeping skills such as mopping the floor, cleaning tables, and tying shoelaces, and has become a "little helper" at home. These fine motor training are also helpful for smoothly completing face changes. Wang Xiaoqi also observed that Yin Qiuhua is willing to participate in group activities, uses her skills to bring happiness to others, and builds friendships with her classmates. Her love for art also inspired the students in the class to pursue art.

China News Service, Nanchong, April 19th, Title: Using unique skills of Sichuan Opera to break through, girls with Down syndrome enter the 'stage of life' by Wang Liwen and Wang Jue As the drumbeats sounded, students in gorgeous costumes appeared in the training room of Nanchong  - Lujuba

html On April 15, Yin Qiuhua (third from right) took a housekeeping training class at Nanchong Special Education School. Photographed by Wang Lei

"My greatest hope was that my child could button her own buttons and tie her shoelaces. It was the face change and special education that gave her a 'second life.'" Zhao Haiying's eyes twinkled when talking about the changes in her daughter's physical functions and language expression ability. Light. In her opinion, it is Sichuan opera that helps children find their sense of value, while special education helps children build self-confidence and integrate into society. She hopes that more "Tang Baobao" families can see their daughter's story and explore the possibilities of their own children.

China News Service, Nanchong, April 19th, Title: Using unique skills of Sichuan Opera to break through, girls with Down syndrome enter the 'stage of life' by Wang Liwen and Wang Jue As the drumbeats sounded, students in gorgeous costumes appeared in the training room of Nanchong  - Lujuba

html On April 15, Nanchong Special Education School, Yin Qiuhua (middle) and his teacher and classmates. Photo by Wang Lei

Art education and special education are deeply integrated to illuminate the path for children with special needs to become talented. Having been deeply involved in the special education industry for 34 years, Li Chunlin, deputy secretary of Nanchong Special Education School, said that allowing students to better integrate into society and live with more dignity is the ultimate goal of special education. Yin Qiuhua is not an exception on campus. Some of her senior brothers and sisters have stood on the highest podium of the Paralympic Games, some have had their calligraphy and painting works selected to be sent abroad, and some can make good pastries. "The most effective way to help children with special needs to become talented is to discover their strengths and use their strengths to promote their weak areas."

In recent years, Nanchong Special Education School has continued to explore art and sports education and established various professional teams for students, interests Small groups use the second classroom to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and actively recommend students to participate in artistic performances and sports events inside and outside the school. Vice Principal Yang Xiaoti said that the school will continue to increase the construction of hardware resources for art and sports education, improve the teaching management system, and improve the professional level of teachers. At the same time, it will strengthen cooperation with social arts, cultural and sports institutions, and rely on local outstanding folk literary and art resources to form a school Characteristics of the development of art education. Broaden students' paths to talent and employment, and help them move toward their own "stage of life." (End)

[Editor: Cao Zijian]

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