Author: Elio Under the Night Sky Preface All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this, I also calculated the relati

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Author: Elio Under the Night Sky


All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this purpose, I also calculated the relative values ​​of regular SS, custom entries, and custom strength to make it easier for you to match your equipment.

should note that the improvement between entries is not static, but will lead to different conclusions based on different templates. A typical example is the relationship between jewelry's 10 bleeding and 20 attribute strength, which is also discussed here. Similarly, there is a relationship between the 20 all-attribute strong of the Witch's Top and the strong 25 single attribute. The essence is that different dilution rates of attack strength, attribute strength, and abnormal damage produce different differences. The fact that these entries can often produce comparisons shows that their differences are very small. Anyone you choose can graduate, so there is no need to worry.

Part Analysis (Necklace)

[Regular Epic Strength Table]

Author: Elio Under the Night Sky Preface All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this, I also calculated the relati - Lujuba

[Customized Entry Strength Table]

Author: Elio Under the Night Sky Preface All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this, I also calculated the relati - Lujuba


Custom Analysis


Author: Elio Under the Night Sky Preface All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this, I also calculated the relati - Lujuba

Overall, the data of the necklace is not very inflated, and there is nothing too outstanding in each major department. main entry, so the strength of the red leather necklace is also suppressed. The 10 bleeding benefit of the Witch Necklace is closely related to whether or not the Ent Ring is worn. Without the Ent Ring, it is not as strong as the 20 single attribute. The reason is that the excessive bleeding damage is diluted after wearing the Witch Necklace.

And for the necklace, because the values ​​of the four entries are quite close, if one is missing, it will be inferior to regular epics in terms of functionality and data. For example, the fixed epic necklace of Burning Flow is basically similar in strength to the four-entry customization. Therefore, the requirements are very high, and there is no need to pursue it too much in the early stage.

The strength of the Lanling Necklace is especially appreciated by those who like it, but those who don’t need it won’t even look at it. In terms of pure statistics, the gap with the Witch is also 2%, which is very similar to the relationship between the Blue Spirit Hand and the Deep Diver. But the semi-specialized skill level of the Blue Spirit Necklace is better.


① Level 40/70/75 single CD specialization

Among the specialization levels targeted by the Lanling Necklace, there are level 75, which is the specialization level with the highest degree of coordination for the whole body. There are many professions with a high proportion of level 75. Players who pay attention to their own skill proportions after playing in actual combat can easily find this.

Author: Elio Under the Night Sky Preface All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this, I also calculated the relati - Lujuba

Author: Elio Under the Night Sky Preface All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this, I also calculated the relati - Lujuba

② Level 40/70/75 double CD specialization

Since the strength of each entry in the necklace part is relatively balanced, the difference is small, so there will not be too much data loss if the semi-specialization is 2 points worse. With two specialized skills, the proportion of skills covered by 30% CD recovery will naturally be greatly expanded. It is not ruled out that the CD of a specific skill will generate benefits from another skill. Not much thought was given here.

Author: Elio Under the Night Sky Preface All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this, I also calculated the relati - Lujuba

Author: Elio Under the Night Sky Preface All epics in the God Realm version have undergone huge revisions. The revisions of regular epics and the revisions of custom and fusion epics have been launched together with the latest talent system. For this, I also calculated the relati - Lujuba

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