The 2024KPL (Glory of Kings Professional League) spring regular season is still in progress. On March 31, the second round of the regular season ended. During the Spring Split, the position change of Yang Tao (ID: Fearless), the original jungler of the Nanjing Hero Jiujing team,

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2024kpl (Glory of Kings Professional League) spring regular season is still in progress. On March 31, the second round of the regular season ended. During the Spring Split, the position change of Yang Tao (id: Fearless), the original jungler of the Nanjing Hero Jiujing Team, sparked discussion. In the second round of the regular season, Guangzhou TTG's "Tongtian winger" Wu Jinxiang (id: Qingqing) also briefly switched to the jungle position.

Throughout the development process of kpl, it is not uncommon for players to change their positions. Xu Bicheng (id: Yinuo), Huang Yaoqin (id: Qingrong), Chen Zhengzheng (id: cat), Xiangyang (id: Ziyang), etc. all have such experiences . So, under what circumstances will players consider changing positions? Is support the last resort? Will star players face more difficulties when changing positions... Regarding several issues that everyone is more concerned about, former kpl coach Hu Zhuanghao (id: Jiuzhe ) and Luo Hanlin (id: Zhuheng) gave some of their opinions.

The 2024KPL (Glory of Kings Professional League) spring regular season is still in progress. On March 31, the second round of the regular season ended. During the Spring Split, the position change of Yang Tao (ID: Fearless), the original jungler of the Nanjing Hero Jiujing team,  - Lujuba

won his first championship after becoming an assistant, and Chen Zhengzheng burst into tears. Video screenshot

Most players will resist changing positions

Looking through the resumes of professional players, it is not difficult to find that many players have had the experience of changing positions. A typical example is Chen Zhengzheng, who moved from the center to the support position. He is also the only player in the league to win championships in both positions. At the beginning, Chen Zhengzheng was questioned when he became an assistant. There were many voices saying, "As he is old and his skills have declined, he can only be the assistant with the least technical content." Therefore, after winning the World Champions Cup last year, Chen Zhengzheng, who proved himself, burst into tears and said, "Everything is worth it."

also contributed well after changing positions, including several young men from Wuhan estarpro. Luo Siyuan (id: Huahai), Liu Tianhao (id: Yi Zheng), Huang Yaoqin, Xiang Yang and others all changed positions in their career stories. This chapter. Among them, Huang Yaoqin and Xiang Yang, who transferred from Nanjing Hero Jiujing, were transferred to their current positions under the guidance of Hu Zhuanghao. Huang Yaoqin switched from jungler to mid lane, while Xiang Yang switched from mid lane to support.

In an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Beijing News in 2022, Huang Yaoqin and Xiang Yang both talked about the changes in mentality when changing positions. At first, both of them were somewhat resistant to the coaching staff's suggestion of switching positions for different reasons. "(Players) are basically very resistant, and there are very few who are not. However, some will feel 'really fragrant' after switching, and some will not be so fragrant." Hu Zhuanghao said.

The 2024KPL (Glory of Kings Professional League) spring regular season is still in progress. On March 31, the second round of the regular season ended. During the Spring Split, the position change of Yang Tao (ID: Fearless), the original jungler of the Nanjing Hero Jiujing team,  - Lujuba

In the second round of the regular season, former laner Wu Jinxiang (second from left) started as the jungler. Picture/Guangzhou ttg

The coaching staff allows players to switch positions in two situations

In this year’s KPL spring competition, Nanjing Hero Jiujing jungler Yang Tao’s position switching triggered a lot of discussion. In the second round of the regular season, in the match against Jinan rw Xia, Guangzhou ttg team winger Wu Jinxiang's debut as a jungler was also hotly debated. As star players with both strength and popularity in the league, why would the team arrange for them to change positions?

When Hu Zhuanghao and Luo Hanlin were coaching, they both arranged for players on the team to change positions. Generally speaking, this arrangement can be divided into two situations: temporary firefighting and long-term adjustment.

Temporarily putting out the fire means literally. The team is short of manpower, so they can only transfer capable players from other positions to make up for the western wall. Luo Hanlin used his experience when leading the team in Shanghai edg.m as an example: After taking over the team, he once transferred Tao Chuankai (id: Chuchen) to the jungle position. As a result, the jungler was fine, but the shooter collapsed. In desperation, he had no choice but to let Tao Chuankai return to the bottom lane.

Many times, the level of temporary replacement players may not meet the team's requirements. But when the results are poor or the expectations are not met, all the coaching staff can do is treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, hoping to activate it. Team.

The so-called long-term adjustments are arrangements made by the coaching staff after they have a more comprehensive understanding of the players' talents, personalities and other aspects through daily life and training. After the players decide to change positions, the entire team needs to re-adjust, and everyone in the team needs time to adapt to the change.

In fact, as far as this season is concerned, whether it is Guangzhou ttg or Nanjing hero Jiujing, their original intention of adjusting their personnel is definitely to hope that the team can perform well.However, judging from the performance of the players and the team, the results were not good. The sacrifices of Wu Jinxiang and Yang Tao failed to achieve much results. What the coaching staff and club management should consider is that in the long run, it will cause great damage to the player's condition and value.

The 2024KPL (Glory of Kings Professional League) spring regular season is still in progress. On March 31, the second round of the regular season ended. During the Spring Split, the position change of Yang Tao (ID: Fearless), the original jungler of the Nanjing Hero Jiujing team,  - Lujuba

In this spring split, former jungler Yang Tao (middle) switched to the auxiliary starting position. Picture/Nanjing hero Jiujing

The auxiliary position is not suitable for anyone.

A considerable number of auxiliary players in the league are transferred from various positions. In addition to Chen Zhengzheng and Xiang Yang mentioned above, there are also Wang Tao (id: Jiuku), Yang Rongxin (id: Xiao a), Tang Jiajie (id: Xiaoying), Li Yuhao (id: Xingyu), Yang Tingpu (id: A Change) etc.

In the understanding of many KPL viewers, switching to a supporting role is one of the effective measures for players to extend their careers. Perhaps because of this, some viewers were confused when Yang Tao, who was in his prime, suddenly turned to support. However, in the eyes of the two coaches, becoming a top support player is not that simple. What

can agree on is that there are relatively few auxiliary operations, but it does not mean that there are no requirements for this. The auxiliary test is the player's more comprehensive comprehensive quality.

Hu Zhuanghao said that this position does not have so high operational requirements, but it requires players to have the ability to control the overall situation of the entire team. "So, this position is easy to say, but it is not that difficult to operate; say it is difficult, in fact it is quite difficult. Because not every player is suitable for controlling the overall situation."

Luo Hanlin's statement is more straightforward Bai: As players age in , their operations and reactions will definitely decline. However, the increase in experience of players who can become excellent supports far exceeds the decrease in skills. "For example, this season's coach (Chengdu ag Super League auxiliary player Meng Jiajun) is a very good example. Last year, he was still a jungler. Over the course of a year, he polished himself very well. When he arrived in Chengdu After ag super play, he became the core of the rhythm. He is a newcomer, but his operation is very good and his awareness is very good. So, I think it is not because the operation has deteriorated and he has become an assistant, but because he is an assistant. Very comprehensive role. ”

Beijing News reporter Zhao Xue

editor Wu Zhengyang

proofreader Liu Jun

Tags: entertainment