On April 10, the premiere and "Red Influence" release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film "Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky" were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q

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On April 10, the premiere and 'Red Influence' release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film 'Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky' were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q - Lujuba A total of 12 pictures

1905 Movie Network News On April 10, the premiere and red influence release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical movie "Who Holds Colors and Practices Dancing in the Air" was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Qian, and representatives from the Propaganda Department of the Ningbo Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Working Committee of the Organs Directly Affiliated to the Ningbo Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Party History Research Office of the Ningbo Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Ningbo Municipal People’s Government of the Communist Party of China, and Ningbo Municipal Government. Many guests from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Ningbo Cultural Tourism Convention and Exhibition Group Co., Ltd. and other relevant units attended the event.

On April 10, the premiere and 'Red Influence' release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film 'Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky' were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q - Lujuba

"Who Holds Colors and Practices Dancing in the Sky" reproduces the battle of Dabaidi in the north of Ruijin in southern Gansu by the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. The battle was called the most honorable battle since the founding of the Red Army. Mao Zedong personally commanded the battle, opening up a new situation in the Central Revolutionary Base Area and greatly affecting the process of the Chinese revolution. The well-known "Bodhisattva Barbarian in Dabaidi" was written by Mao Zedong when he returned to Dabaidi. The title of the movie comes from the famous line in the poem "Who Holds Colors and Practices Dancing in the Air".

On April 10, the premiere and 'Red Influence' release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film 'Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky' were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q - Lujuba

This film is the first major revolutionary historical film produced in Ningbo. Zheng Kaiyan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Ningbo Film Group Co., Ltd. and chief producer of the film, talked about the original intention of creation, hoping that every film is a baptism of spirit, every frame is a portrayal of culture, and every audience is A witness who conveys faith and strength.

On April 10, the premiere and 'Red Influence' release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film 'Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky' were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q - Lujuba

Director and screenwriter Li Xiaojun came from a military family and was deeply shocked by the story of Chairman Mao Zedong’s battle in Dabaidi. He believed that this was not only a choice about the fate of Chinese history, but also a magnificent chapter about human nature, faith and revolution, so he decided to turn this period of history into Put on the big screen to pay tribute to the great man's 130th birthday.

On April 10, the premiere and 'Red Influence' release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film 'Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky' were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q - Lujuba

It is revealed that he has visited the original site of the Dabaidi battle twice, collected a large amount of party history and military history materials, and unearthed many precious materials that have never been disclosed and incorporated them into the movie. "Who Holds Colors and Practices Dancing in the Sky" breaks away from the stereotypes of traditional major revolutionary historical-themed movies, and uses unique narrative techniques and poetic picture composition to strive to allow the audience to feel the shock of revolutionary history and understand it deep in their hearts. To the beauty of poetic art.

On April 10, the premiere and 'Red Influence' release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film 'Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky' were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q - Lujuba

The role of Mao Zedong is played by Gu Zhixin, an outstanding actor nominated for the 26th China TV Drama Feitian Award for "Cha Classmate Boy". This is also the first time he has portrayed the image of Mao Zedong ten years after "The Boy Who Loved Me". From a high-spirited and ambitious young man to a strategist who strategizes from a high position, the two stages of role interpretation reflect Gu Zhixin's changes in mentality. He frankly said that this time he hoped to portray Chairman Mao's kind and gentle side. His behavior and tone when talking to his partners and comrades have become the focus of portraying the character. Gu Zhixin said that Mao Zedong's beliefs and spirit deeply influenced him, and he was able to answer his life's confusion.

On April 10, the premiere and 'Red Influence' release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film 'Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky' were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q - Lujuba

The role of He Zizhen, Mao Zedong’s revolutionary companion, is played by young actor Zhou Chulian. Because I fell while riding a horse, I once said I would never do a horse riding scene again. Zhou Chulian recalled that he had to ride a horse for the first scene when he joined the team, and he felt nervous and scared. Out of her pursuit of performance and respect for the characters, she finally went into battle despite the pressure. I took several shots in a row, striving for perfection in every detail.

On April 10, the premiere and 'Red Influence' release ceremony of the major revolutionary historical film 'Who Holds Colors and Practice Dancing in the Sky' were held in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The film is directed by Li Xiaojun, starring Gu Zhixin, Zhou Chulian, Xiao Zongling, Zhang Q - Lujuba

Xiao Zongling, who plays Zhu De, said that slowly understanding the character's life story is a settling process. The spirit of the great man naturally affects his own lifestyle and the way he does things. Zhang Qian plays Zhu De's wife Wu Ruolan in the film. The character has a lot of fighting and crying scenes, and she was pregnant with Liujia when she died. Zhang Qian said she was moved by the character's tenacity and fearlessness and hoped that the performance would be worthy of the character. At the

event, Chen Qiongqiong, the original singer of the film, performed the film's theme song "Guanshan Ballad". Poems were recited by the Ningbo Recitation Federation, and representatives from young students, college students, party members, medical staff, teachers, veterans and other representatives jointly delivered the red message The influence immersively ignited the passionate belief of the audience.The red influence release ceremony was held simultaneously, aiming to provide young students with a comprehensive and three-dimensional patriotic education experience through the organic combination of film and television games, red culture and party education, and guide students to understand the history of the Chinese revolution and the glorious course of the party and the noble spirit of the martyrs and heroes.

It is reported that "Who Holds Colors and Practices Dancing in the Sky" will be released nationwide on April 10.

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