China News Service, Xi'an, March 27 (Shi Furong) On the 27th, the movie "Galaxy Writer" released the ultimate trailer of "Ants Looking at the Galaxy" and the "Competition OK" countdown poster. The national roadshow activities are also in progress simultaneously. Directors/screenw

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China News Service, Xi'an, March 27 (Shi Furong) On the 27th, the movie " Galaxy Writer " released the ultimate trailer of "Ant Looking at the Galaxy" and the "Compare OK" countdown poster. The national roadshow activities are also in progress simultaneously. Directors/screenwriters Li Kuo, Shan Dandan and screenwriter Gao Qun came to the second stop of the roadshow - Xi'an to share and communicate with Xi'an college students and movie theater audiences. The film will be released on the 30th Released nationwide.

China News Service, Xi'an, March 27 (Shi Furong) On the 27th, the movie 'Galaxy Writer' released the ultimate trailer of 'Ants Looking at the Galaxy' and the 'Competition OK' countdown poster. The national roadshow activities are also in progress simultaneously. Directors/screenw - Lujuba

The picture shows the road show of the movie "Galaxy Writer" in a theater in Xi'an. Photo by Shi Furong

According to reports, the movie "Galaxy Writer" uses a new comedy style to focus on the lives and confusions of contemporary youth, profoundly revealing the helplessness and struggle of little people in the face of reality, as well as the cruel truth that dreams are gradually buried. The film presents the dreams and persistence that only occur in youth, and also the bitterness and pain that only occur in youth.

The final trailer of "Ants Looking at the Galaxy" released by the film shows that in the process of chasing their ideals, young screenwriters Zhang Yi ( Song Muzi ) and Sun Tan (played by He Wenjun) constantly encounter Party A's revised opinions and need to face them head-on. A story about life's frustrations.

On the 26th, the film "Galaxy Writers" director/screenwriter Li Kuo, Shan Dandan and screenwriter Gao Qun came to the second stop of the national roadshow - Xi'an. It is worth mentioning that Xi'an is also Li Kuo's hometown. "Xi'an is a city with a long history and a very bold life. Although the film is not about Xi'an, but about the life of the North drifters, the free, unconstrained and bold parts of the film are inseparable from my growth in this land." Li Kuo express.

China News Service, Xi'an, March 27 (Shi Furong) On the 27th, the movie 'Galaxy Writer' released the ultimate trailer of 'Ants Looking at the Galaxy' and the 'Competition OK' countdown poster. The national roadshow activities are also in progress simultaneously. Directors/screenw - Lujuba

The picture shows the road show of the movie "Galaxy Writer" in Xi'an. Photo by Shi Furong

When talking about the creative process of novice directors, Li Kuo said that for the first film of a novice team, they hope it will be young and rebellious. In addition, Shan Dandan and Gao Qun also encouraged students, "There are many answers to growth. Whether it is postgraduate entrance examination or work, choose the way you want most. Don't compare with others, just compare with yourself. You can be rebellious and don't have to be so obedient." It's also possible."

Shan Dandan shared her heart-warming experience during the filming process. In the scenes of the film and television company and the hot pot restaurant, the bosses and store owners were moved to cooperate after hearing their movie ideals. . She said that the final solution to all difficulties is to rely on sincerity, and it turns out that it is true to use love to generate electricity.

Students from Northwestern University also shared what they were moved by the film, "The film tells us that it is particularly important to be true to yourself and to pursue what you love, and when you experience some anxiety, you can be your truest self again." , the happiest self, I think this in itself is also a kind of growth, and this is also the mentality that contemporary young people need to have."

"The script of "Galaxy Writer" was created by the three of us in Xi'an, and Xi'an is our blessed place. "Shan Dandan joked that he would come to Xi'an to write any new scripts in the future. Finally, Li Kuo thanked all the friends from his hometown who helped promote the film during this trip to Xi'an, and hoped to create a movie that truly belongs to Xi'an in the future. (End)

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