On April 7, the movie "Falling Trial" released the "Child's Testimony" feature clip. His father fell to death. Daniel testified in court to clear his mother's suspicion. He told the cruel truth from the child's perspective in a calm tone. : My father may have planned to end his l

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The movie "The Falling Trial" released the "Child's Testimony" feature clip Duration: 02:24 Source: Movie Network

The movie "The Falling Trial" released the "Child's Testimony" feature clip Collapse

Duration: 02:24 It is recommended to open

1905 Movie Network News on April 7, the movie "Falling Trial" released the child's testimony clip, the father fell to death, Daniel testified in court to clear his mother's suspicion, using a calm voice The tone tells the harsh truth from a child's perspective: his father may have planned to end his life long ago. The child's choice becomes the key to escaping the predicament, but will the family full of rifts recover over time?

"The Fall of Judgment" is directed by Justin Trier and stars Sandra Wheeler, Swann Araud and others. The film opens with a case of death in the snow. A successful female writer was accused of murdering her husband. The trial triggered an examination and analysis of the relationship between husband and wife and marriage. The film won 280 awards and nominations around the world, including Best Picture at the 76th Cannes Palme d'Or and Best Original Screenplay at the 96th Oscar.

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