The protagonists of these 6 movies all have an eight-core cpu brain!

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"TOP 6 "Social Network"

The protagonists of these 6 movies all have an eight-core cpu brain! - Lujuba

First of all, it is "Social Network" starring Eisenberg. The biographical prototype is the famous Facebook founder: Mark Zuckerberg!

is the youngest most influential person in the world , "Time" Weekly Person of the Year, the youngest richest man! Shake it, Sao Nian!

The protagonists of these 6 movies all have an eight-core cpu brain! - Lujuba

At the beginning of the film, Zuckerberg, who had low EQ, was dumped by his girlfriend, and then he used hackers to steal the information of girls, thus making the entire Harvard University The network was paralyzed, and it was a hit.

and then he and his good friends founded the beta version of the campus network (that is, Facebook, which will sweep the world in the future). In the short term, this website will stop and kill the gods, and the Buddha will stop and kill the Buddha. It has quickly become a myth that everyone on university campuses talks about.

However, after investors joined, Facebook began to have some subtle turning points, and his relationship with good friends has gradually deteriorated...

The protagonists of these 6 movies all have an eight-core cpu brain! - Lujuba

Maybe, we all just watch When it comes to the glamorous side of the rapidly rising Facebook and the young and successful Zuckerberg; all greatness is not accidental, and all the successes are also full of tears. The film tells the bitterness of this legend from another angle.

Cheerful and bright, the second half is depressed and heavy.

"TOP 5 "Snowden"

"Snowden", which has just been released, starring 囧瑟夫. Apart from others, many people have already knelt down to Jiao Cerf just by mimicking this. Snowden, the prototype of

movie, must be familiar to everyone. In 2013, the intelligence monitored by the U.S. government was exposed to the Guardian and the Washington Post, which set off stormy waves. He was also wanted and fled to Russia.

With his excellent computer skills, he served as an important clerk in the National Security Agency, but after continuing to deepen, he changed from a "patriot" to a "traitor" and was misunderstood by his girlfriend many times.

Three years ago, we were deeply attracted by the Snowden incident. Three years later, this mysterious epic drama was finally put on the screen! There is an easter egg at the end of the

movie, which is absolutely exciting! At the same time, Uncle Gun also recommended a documentary about Snowden, "The Fourth Citizen", which is even better in combination.

"TOP 4 "The Theory of Everything"

Recently, "Fantastic Beasts" has made Eddie Redmayne "Little Freckles" another hit.

does not seem to be that "handsome" British niche, acting skills I really don’t have to say! In 2015, he won the Oscar for Best Actor with "The Theory of Everything". This year, "The Danish Girl" once again went to Austria. The prototype of "The Theory of Everything" is the well-known Hawking. More introduction. The

​​film tells the story of Hawking from his school days to the world famous. It can be said that Redmayne has achieved the ultimate in playing Hawking. It is difficult to imagine a normal person acting as a patient who can only move three fingers.

The title "Theory of Everything" is actually not suitable for this biography, because the film focuses on Hawking's love history rather than scientific research, but this movie that even Hawking praises himself has a very strong core and is worthy At a glance.

Hawking is great, and his ex-wife Jane is even more of an amazing person. In those years when Hawking was paralyzed, she still gave all her love.

Jane’s last sentence "I loved You, I tried my best. "It's so sad and sad...

" TOP 3 "Hawking's Biography"

This is also a biographical film about Hawking, played by "Rolling Fortune" Benedict Cumberbatch. The rating of

"Hawking's Biography" is higher than "The Theory of Everything", which may be related to their focus. The film is full of scientific atmosphere from the beginning, the "voice" from the distant universe.

Of course, what cannot be avoided in the film is the encounter and love between Hawking and his wife Jane.

But the director seems to want everyone to see a Hawking who has studied cosmology, rather than the remarried Hawking! (About Hawking’s love history, it’s still in the fond memories of "The Theory of Everything", don’t go into it.)

That’s why Hawking runs off the train and draws the classic scene on the ground. We can also savor his theories. History of fortune.

The last sentence of the film "CanYou hear me?" is even more of a stroke of magic!

" TOP 2 "Beautiful Mind"

If you just talk about the prototype of this movie, John Forbes-Nash Jr., many people may not know it, even if he published the famous one when he was a student "game theory".

But "Beautiful Mind" is definitely a great work. The 74th Oscar for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (Nomination)... Win the prize and get soft, and the movie also enjoys super high Word of mouth. Uncle

also learned through this movie that this great mathematician of the 20th century was actually a mental patient! What's more commendable is that he finally used his own spirit to overcome mental illness!

He has a super high IQ, but his EQ is low in the dust. Fortunately, he met the perfect woman-Alicia, a woman who combines beauty and wisdom. It can be said that she encompasses all the advantages of women, and will accompany Nash in the downturn, and will never leave!

By the way, friends who have watched "Western World" will be surprised, the man in black!

" TOP 1 "Imitation Game"

Yes, it is a blessing again!

put "Imitation Game" first for a reason, because the prototype of this movie is the father of computers-Turing! Most

Geniuses have similar problems: arrogance and low emotional intelligence. So Volume Fu offends everyone in the movie, including the heroine.

But genius is always a genius, he can do things that many people can't do During World War II, he successfully deciphered the German passwords, and his outstanding contributions to computers are unprecedented (it depends on the situation). Although

has a genius brain, he is one The name gay was blocked by society, castrated by the world at that time, and was "chemically castrated" in desperation. In short, the old Turing was very miserable.

Finally, I ended with a comment from Douban netizens, to the great Turing.

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