"Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines

movie 1379℃

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba

1905 Movie News combines the shapes of the Temple of Heaven’s Prayer Hall and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporates the style of traditional Chinese ink painting. The Beijing International Film Festival’s value concept of "Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared" runs through the lines of flowing clouds and flowing water, containing hidden meanings. In the light and dark shades of ink. On March 28, this poster with elegant ink color and lasting charm was unveiled at the press conference of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival.

This Beijing International Film Festival is guided by the State Film Administration, hosted by China Central Radio and Television, and the Beijing Municipal People's Government, and is sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Film Bureau, Beijing Radio and Television Bureau, Beijing Radio and Television, Beijing Huairou District People's Government, and Beijing Enterprises Group Co., Ltd. undertakes.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
Press Conference of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival

This year's Beijing Film Festival takes the theme of mutual learning and mutual benefit of light and shadow, and will focus on the four major focuses of internationality, professionalism, peopleliness and communication power to further develop Beijing Film Festival. The film festival plays a prominent role as an international exchange platform in the construction of Beijing's film and television highland. Within 9 days, various forms such as the Tiantan Awards awards, opening and closing ceremonies and red carpet ceremonies, Beijing screenings, Beijing planning theme forums, Beijing markets, film carnivals, college student film festivals, closing ceremonies and awards ceremonies, and Movie+ will be organized. , there are about a hundred activities of various types, creating a festive carnival with the participation of many film practitioners, citizens and fans.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba

Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee,

Party Secretary and Director of Beijing Radio and Television Station,

Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee Yu Junsheng

▍15 domestic and foreign masterpieces were shortlisted for the Temple of Heaven Award, Emir Kustury Card, David White , Fei Xiang, Jessica Hausna, Carlos Saldanha, Ma Li, and Zhu Yilong constitute the jury

The international jury for the Tiantan Award at this Beijing Film Festival has a total of 7 people. The jury is chaired by the famous Serbian director Emil Kus. Turica serves as the judge, and the six judges are: Australian film sound designer David White, actor Fei Xiang, Austrian director Jessica Hausner, Brazilian director Carlos Saldanha, actor Ma Li, and actor Zhu Yilong.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
Tiantan Award International Awards Committee

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba

Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Director of the Beijing Municipal Film Bureau,

Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee Huo Zhijing

In terms of films participating in the Beijing International Film Festival, the total number of films registered for this year’s Beijing International Film Festival reached 4,273, including The main competition unit Tiantan Awards received a total of 1,509 feature film registrations from 118 countries and regions, and the number reached a new high. Among the 15 finalists, 12 are foreign films and 3 are domestic films, including:

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba

The Tiantan Award international jury will select the best film, best director, best artistic contribution, and best among these 15 shortlisted films. Ten awards including Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Music, etc. The final results will be announced at the closing ceremony and awards ceremony.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba

Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station,

Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Organizing CommitteeXu Tao

The Focus on the Future unit solicits the first and second feature films of new directors from all over the world. The chairman of the jury of this unit is a Polish director. Jerzy Skolimowski, the four judges are Chinese director Gu Xiaogang, Dutch photographer Keith van Oostrum, Chinese director Yang Lina and Chinese actor Yang Zishan.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
ReelFocus International Jury for the Future Unit

For the first time, the ReelFocus New Blood Imaging Project short film unit was included in the organizing committee selection system. The chairman of the jury for this unit is Taiwanese producer and producer Jiao Xiongping, and the six judges are screenwriter Chen Yu and actor Jiang Qinqin, actor Qu Chuxiao, Hong Kong editor and director Xu Hongyu, actor Yu Shi, actor Zu Feng.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
ReelFocus New Blood Image Project short film unit judges

▍Creating the most popular film festival

Beijing screening has planned a total of 16 screening units, selecting more than 240 domestic and foreign masterpieces, and plans to screen them in 27 cinemas and theaters in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 750 games. At the same time, three concentrated viewing zones will be created for the first time: a viewing zone along Chang'an Avenue, a viewing zone for universities in the west, and a viewing zone in the north; in terms of planning and selection of films, the Beijing screening carefully planned the surging youth, the new force of Chinese films, and the famous French film , Tiantan Award Jury Chairman Kusturica’s Retrospective and many other units, screening "Dr. Strangelove", "Blade Runner 2049", "Pulp Fiction", "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit", "The Hive Ghost" and many other high-scoring films in film history A masterpiece.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba

Deputy Director of the China Film Archive, Deputy Secretary-General of the

Organizing Committee Lin Siwei

The Film Carnival will continue to be held in Huairou with the theme of Light and Shadow Imprint Huairou Life. From April 21st to May 4th, more than 40 activities were launched in 7+N venues across the region, including film viewing tours, light and shadow dream-building carnival tours, flower encounter tours, and indulgence tours. Brand activities such as racing tours and free tours of landscapes and countryside will provide the general public with multi-level cultural experiences, allowing everyone to have fun with film and television culture, meet Huairou life, and enjoy the weekend in the movie capital.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba

Member of the Standing Committee of the Huairou District Committee of Beijing, Minister of the Propaganda Department, and Deputy Secretary-General of the

Organizing Committee Jiao Baojun

The Film+ event uses film as the medium to mobilize social forces to organize a variety of cross-sector activities, including technology units, short video units, game animation film units , Art Innovation Unit, Film and Fashion Unit, ASUS E-Creation Public Welfare Video Unit, New Netherlands NEWHER Women's Film Unit, Art Mirror Film Unit, the First Diplomat Film Season, The Power of Editing Forum, Beijing Ethnic Film Exhibition, Brands Help Chinese Films Activities such as charity live broadcast, Filmmaker Happy Run, Filmmaker Basketball Game, Filmmaker Chess and Cards Invitational Tournament, Movie Song Chorus Show, One-Song Favorite Movie Hits Concert, Xiongan Future Image Season and other activities.

This year’s Beijing International Sports Film Week coincides with its 20th anniversary. The theme is Twenty Years of Light and Shadow, Inheriting the Double Olympic Dream. It will inherit the wealth of the Beijing Olympics and spread the Olympic spirit through film screenings, forum activities and a series of sports film + activities. , assisting the construction of Beijing International Exchange Center.

This Beijing Film Festival will also solemnly kick off the first AIGC unit, which will fully explore AIGC technology and applications, provide creators with a broad display platform, and comprehensively promote exchanges and development between industries.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba

The first AIGC unit of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival

In addition, the first film-themed Yanqi Lake International Film and Music Festival will be held at the Yanqi Lake Convention and Exhibition Center on April 20 and 21, receiving more than 10,000 visitors every day. It will be the first of its kind to host a film and music festival at the same time as an international film festival.

▍Chinese and foreign filmmakers exchange views and talk about the future of film

This Beijing Planning Theme Forum will hold 4 core forums and 3 master classes.

Beijing Planning Theme Forum Series will hold 4 events focusing on the themes of establishment and destruction under the changes in the film industry, high quality and diversification of film creation, breakthroughs and leaps in film investment and financing, and digital high-tech empowering film production and development. core forum.Many film professionals from China, Canada, Poland, Lebanon and other countries and regions will be invited to discuss hot and cutting-edge topics such as the development of AI technology, diversity of film creation, investment and financing breakthroughs, and virtual technology shooting. This theme forum will invite Huang Jianxin, chairman of the Beijing Filmmakers Association and a famous Chinese director, to serve as an artistic consultant.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
Beijing Planning Theme Forum Art Consultant Huang Jianxin

html The 03 film master classes are: the master class of Kusturica, chairman of the jury of this Tiantan Award, with the theme of national epic and spiritual miracle, and the guest speaker is the famous writer Yu Hua. At the same time, there will be a master class for Hong Kong director Hui On-wa, inviting director Wen Yan to be the guest speaker and Professor Dai Jinhua to be the moderator, as well as a master class for actor and director Chen Chong, inviting director Feng Xiaogang to be the guest speaker, and the writer Xu Zhiyuan to be the moderator.

In addition, this year's Beijing Film Festival will also add open classes on film performing arts, and design guest interviews, script readings, live performances and other links to highlight the interactivity and practicality of the activities. At the same time, special forums such as the Young Filmmakers Forum, the Young Film Critics Forum, and the China Film Capital Development Forum were held, and the Beijing Film and Television Production Service Mechanism Launch and Beijing Film and Television Resources Promotion Conference were held to deepen the interpretation of industry policies.

▍Increase support for new talents and new works, and welcome young filmmakers home

This Beijing Market will be held from April 19th to 22nd at the Capital Langyuan Station and Huairou Bona Film and Television Industrial Park Branch Venue. The purpose of the event will be to display, promote, trade and exchange, fully integrate high-quality resources from the entire domestic and foreign film industry chain, and organize five major sections: investment exhibitions, project venture capital, industry dialogues, market screenings, and special events.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
Beijing Film Festival Beijing market venue: First Langyuan Station

This investment exhibition continues to adhere to the goal of taking transaction as the core and display as the carrier, relying on the film element trading venue to create a copyright trading platform, setting up various types of booths, and actively building a domestic A bridge for foreign film and television communication.

This year's project venture capital has received a total of 769 project registrations. It will go through multiple stages such as preliminary review, review, final review road show, etc., and finally select 8 high-quality projects. All shortlisted projects will be booked through the official website of the Beijing Film Festival Function, conduct one-on-one business negotiations with market partners.

introduced the municipal film support fund for the first time, and cooperated with the Huairou District Government to support high-quality venture capital projects to help them efficiently connect with market resources. For the first time,

has added a homecoming session for previous young filmmakers in the project venture capital honorary release ceremony. Young filmmakers Yang Zi, Gu Xiaogang, Xu Lei, etc. will return to the Beijing Film Festival; hold Beijing Film Festival Night Dinner, Young Filmmaker Salon, Open-air screenings and other activities will invite industry guests and young filmmakers to participate extensively; the final judging panel of the project venture capital section will be chaired by director, producer and producer Kwan Jin-peng from Hong Kong, China, director and actor Dapeng, actor Liu Haoran, director and producer from Hong Kong, China Zeng Guoxiang, director and screenwriter Zhang Mo served as judges.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
Project Venture Capital Final Jury

specially invited director, screenwriter, and 11th Vice Chairman of the China Film Association Zhang Ji to serve as Beijing Market Art Director, linking well-known filmmakers in the industry, and striving to enhance the influence and appeal of the project venture capital unit , to better cultivate new people and new works.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
Beijing Market Art Director Zhang Ji

This market screening will continue to follow the principle of quality, and will introduce the concept of units for the first time, dividing the screening works into the project venture capital young filmmaker unit, the adaptation potential unit and the future focus unit, etc., facing the film industry Many senior film selectors and copyright holders conduct industry screenings, providing many film creators with opportunities to showcase their creativity and explore market potential.

created the M+ Stress Field film cross-border event for the first time, with film and television + technology + consumption as the core, gathering more than 100 brands such as IP derivatives, art and culture, food, wine and food, to create a three-day film and television industry that breaks the circle and engages all people. Participate in an orgy of cultural consumption.

'Integrating the shapes of the Temple of Heaven and the pine and cypress bonsai into one, and incorporating the traditional Chinese ink painting style, the Beijing International Film Festival's value concept of 'Heaven and man are one, and beauty is shared' runs through the lines - Lujuba
M+stress field

For the first time, the Light and Shadow Future Film Technology Unit was established to create an innovative model of academic + technology + industry trinity. At the same time, the first film industry chain AI empowered full-process panoramic display was launched to inject new thinking and solutions into the future development of film. .

organizes a special job fair for the film and television industry, working closely with BOSS Direct Recruitment and Beijing Time, and jointly organizes large-scale online and offline recruitment activities with more than 40 film and television companies, aiming to provide rich employment opportunities for film and television graduates who are about to enter the workplace. and industry information.

▍Strengthen exchanges and interactions among international filmmakers, and continue to deepen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations

From the Embassy of Brazil in China, the Embassy of Seychelles in China, the Embassy of the Republic of Gabon in China, the Embassy of Mauritius in China, and the embassies of ASEAN countries in China, etc. Ambassadors of the embassies of the countries where the main creators of the shortlisted films and key guests belong, chairmen of multiple international film festivals, and film and television industry representatives from Qatar, Greece and other countries will come to Beijing to participate in the conference and exchanges, and continue to expand the Beijing Film Festival’s international circle of friends; for the first time A Diplomat Film Season has been added to promote international film and television exchanges and promote international cooperation through film sharing; the Beijing Film Festival International Living Room has been added for the first time to promote industry exchanges among international guests and provide more exchange opportunities for cooperation between Chinese and foreign film and television institutions; from the United States, France, Distributor representatives from the UK, Japan and other countries, the chief representative of the African Film Association in China, and filmmaker friends from Poland, the Netherlands, Australia, Singapore and other countries will also come to Beijing to participate in the Beijing Film Festival.

▍College Student Film Festival showcases the youthful style and brightens the cultural construction of the capital.

Beijing International Film Festival The 31st College Student Film Festival will continue to follow the tenets of youthful passion, academic taste, and cultural awareness, and will be held from April 20 to May 4 in Held at Beijing Normal University Haidian Campus and Dongcheng District, Beijing. At that time, there will be a series of events including the launching ceremony, Youth Night Honor Award Ceremony, collection and selection of outstanding domestic films, college student original film competition, youth script and creativity competition, college student film review competition, film screenings and meeting with main creators, academic and industry forums, etc. activities to gather youth power for the sustainable development of Chinese films.

This Beijing Film Festival will continue to tell the story of China in the new era, help the development of the film industry, stimulate the vitality of urban consumption, enhance the level of foreign exchanges and cooperation, polish the capital’s cultural gold card, and contribute to the high-quality development of Chinese films.

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