Tianya Community announced that access will be restored within 2 months, and the founder said that he has not given up on "self-rescue". On March 1, the official account of Tianya Community released "About the restart of Tianya Community business, network platform...

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Tianya Community announced that access will be restored within 2 months, and the founder said that he has not given up "self-rescue"

On March 1, the official account of Tianya Community released the "Announcement on the restart of Tianya Community business, the progress of restoring access to the network platform and the new Tianya Plan". It said that access to Tianya Community will be resumed within 2 months, that is, before May 1. The

announcement announced the situation of "raising donations": In May last year, the "Seven Days and Seven Nights Restarting Tianya" live broadcast event launched by former employees and netizens of Tianya Community raised a total of 158,922.61 yuan, but the amount has not yet been received; the Tianya Community public account The donation channel of "Help Tianya" has raised a total of 93,427.82 yuan as of 19:30 pm on March 1. All the above funds are used to pay the expenses of telecommunications companies. When

was interviewed by a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News, its founder Xing Ming revealed that the company has been working hard to resolve its debt and can reduce it to less than 100 million yuan through debt restructuring.

Tianya Community announced that access will be restored within 2 months, and the founder said that he has not given up on 'self-rescue'. On March 1, the official account of Tianya Community released 'About the restart of Tianya Community business, network platform... - Lujuba

Huge amounts of data are the digital assets of hundreds of millions of users and the country. He said: "What we value most is the security and survival of data. There is a lot of user-generated content in the platform, and we need to provide download services to allow them to be preserved."

Reporter Attention Well, just 5 days before the announcement, a piece of news about Tianya Community being filed for bankruptcy review attracted much attention and discussion on the Internet. On February 28, its founder Xing Ming responded to reporters saying that the application for bankruptcy liquidation was initiated by an employee of the company. The company, including senior management, has not given up on the platform and the Tianya Community brand, and is looking for ways to "self-rescue." "But he has His rights."

Tianya Community was founded on March 1, 1999. It was registered in Haikou, Hainan. At its peak, there were 130 million registered users. It was once regarded by the industry as "one of the top 10 BBS communities with the most investment value in China" .

Starting from April last year, the Tianya community was found to be abnormal. Since April 25, 2023, netizens have posted one after another, saying that the official webpage of Tianya Community can no longer be opened. When clicking on the web version, it shows "This website cannot be accessed". When clicking on the app of Tianya Community, it cannot be used normally. The page It says "No network connection".

Netizens paid attention, and more "negative signals" about the Tianya community's operation and capital turnover were exposed.

As public opinion gathered around, its founder Xing Ming's attitude changed from "conservative" to "open".

He explained the reasons behind the paralysis of the platform: In 2013, the company was invited to invest in Chengdu, and then encountered liquidity difficulties, which gradually worsened in the past few years. Until last year, Telecom IDC arrears caused the Tianya community to suspend access, and the business was almost interrupted.

According to the Tianyancha app, starting from 2020, Xing Ming, the legal representative of Tianya Community Network Technology Co., Ltd., has been restricted from consumption many times. Later, the company was also listed as a restricted high-consumption enterprise by the court. In addition, the company has been executed for a total amount of over 100 million, and has been involved in hundreds of cases, including disputes over reputation rights, disputes over infringement of the right to disseminate work information online, etc.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Sun Qingyun

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