The TV series "Happy Parents" is a work that vividly depicts the current family and school education ecology in the form of light comedy. The male protagonist is Zhang Jiayi, who has always been stable in the field of realistic themes, while the female protagonist Dai Jing is pla

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TV series "Happy Parents" is a work that vividly depicts the current family and school education ecology in the form of light comedy. The male protagonist is Zhang Jiayi, who has always been stable in the field of realistic themes, while the female protagonist Dai Jing is played by Chen Hao, who has rarely appeared in public in recent years. For Chen Hao, there are many reasons for

to appear in the play: he has never acted on similar themes, he wants to cooperate with Zhang Jiayi, and the filming was in Beijing... But the most important reason is that he resonates with many details in the play. . "When I read the script, there were four words: I feel the same."

Chen Hao, like Dai Jing in the play, is a mother of many children and has to take care of work at the same time. "I especially hope that the audience can also feel the closely related sense of identity that I had when I first read the script. I hope that the audience will think, 'Isn't it me?', or a mother said, 'Isn't this me? A fragment of life?'"

The TV series 'Happy Parents' is a work that vividly depicts the current family and school education ecology in the form of light comedy. The male protagonist is Zhang Jiayi, who has always been stable in the field of realistic themes, while the female protagonist Dai Jing is pla - Lujuba

Poster of "Happy Parents Group"

Parent Group: "Unavoidable" for Chinese Parents

Today's parents cannot do without "parent group" in their children's life and education. "This Many parents will stick to the top of the group for fear of missing any relevant information in the group, causing their children to miss or miss the teacher's arrangements." Chen Haoxiao said her observation.

She said that she was like Dai Jing in the play, a parent who lurks silently in the parent group. She basically doesn’t speak out much. She only receives key information and does what needs to be done, and reminds the children when they need to be reminded. "I'm not a particularly timid mother, and I never thought that my child must be first or second in the class."

And many of the plots in the play are also things that Chen Hao will encounter in his life. For example, in the play Chen Hao especially understands the situation where mothers in the parent group compete to be the director of the parent committee, "because they feel that this can get some benefits for their children."

Chen Hao told her own observation that on a Teacher's Day, the parent group where she worked The group discussed raising funds to buy gifts for teachers, which is also a wish of parents. After buying, someone must give it to the teacher. Who represents it? Those are usually the children of the more active parents in the family committee. "A few children gave gifts and flowers to the teacher, and the teacher hugged them and took photos happily. Then some other children were inevitably a little disappointed. Some parents would ask, everyone paid for it, so why only this How many children are going to show their faces?" Chen Hao said, "But in fact, other mothers have paid more in the family committee than we mothers who don't take the lead or rush to the front." In the

parent group, parents come from all walks of life. There are always differences in outlook, experience, background, and culture, and the growth and education of children are what parents are most concerned about. Under tight pressure, these trivial but subtle things happen from time to time. In "Happy Parents Group", we avoid amplifying conflicts into social anxieties, but instead contain them in a style that makes everyone smile. In addition to the relaxed atmosphere, there are also things that can arouse some thinking.

Choice: Pay for your own choices

Dai Jing in the drama, with the help of her parents and the support of her freelance husband, was able to spare more time from raising her two children to devote herself to work and become a corporate executive. . "Once you have children, it is almost impossible to work as wholeheartedly as you did when you were alone. I believe that a successful working mother must have strong support and dedication from her family. It is not easy for mothers, and they must be good Only by allocating her energy appropriately can she take into account work and family."

Chen Hao said frankly that in recent years, she has mainly focused on her family and children. "The reason why I rarely film for such a long time is that the profession of actor requires you to go to the set immediately, and you can't go home for three to four months or even half a year. This was no problem when I was single, but after having children, you always have a problem. I worry about whether the child is well or not, especially when the child is young. It is really difficult to leave for three or four months just for work."

"Choose to become a mother, but you also want to keep your living situation as before. , that is basically impossible."Chen Hao said that after entering the family, she made adjustments to her personal time and energy. For a long time, she was also looking for a balance between life and career. "When the children were very young and needed more mother's company, I would I try my best not to film. Now that they are older, I think I will only film when I find the right role and script and have the ability to balance time and energy. "

From "The Mountain, That Man, That Dog" to " Pink Girl ", Chen Hao has created many classic characters. For a long time, she has been a "national goddess"-type actor. For the sake of family, she has lowered her career in work. Production and exposure. “Do you feel it’s a pity to make sacrifices in your career for the sake of your children? "The reporter asked.

"I won't, because I have already thought about it when making a choice. Since you have chosen a new identity, you have to change and pay for the new identity. The focus and content of your life will change. Change. "In Chen Hao's opinion, life is about multiple-choice questions all the time. "Now that you have chosen, you must pay for your choice and then fully accept the results. "

Education: We must have a strong determination

Although "Happy Parents Group" is about primary school, the academic pressure and competition of children cannot be underestimated. Chen Hao also lamented that Chinese parents are in a competitive atmosphere. Sometimes you have to compete. "I am already a very Buddhist parent, and I don't expect my children to stand at the top of the pyramid, but you don't want to be the last one. "

One time, Chen Hao found that her children's mock exams were all about things they had never learned before, so she asked the teacher, but the teacher said that she needed to "find out everyone's mastery of the knowledge points" first. She felt even more strange. If you don’t learn, what can you master? As a result, the child told her: 80% of the children in the class can do it, only she and a few children can’t, because most of the children have previews or tutoring. So what should I do at this time? It depends on how parents understand this matter. "I feel that I paid tuition just for you to learn in school, and I didn't think about what you must learn or how you must learn better than anyone else. You just don't Just drop it. "

Of course, there are times when Chen Hao can't help it. For example, when he meets other parents, he will ask: What are your children learning recently? "I am also afraid that my children will lose at the starting line because I am not good at learning. superior? "At this time, parents need to work together, "If dad thinks this matter is okay, then we stick to our own ideas. I'm afraid that when I go back and talk about it, the other person won't be able to sit still, and I won't be able to persist in this matter. "

Chen Hao feels that children's grades do not represent everything, and everyone is good at different things. "Some children may be average in their studies, but they are good at sports, or they are particularly capable in making friends and doing things. "

She has a child who is learning piano. As a parent, she has never practiced with him for a day. "The child has a very good sense of time. He likes to make planning sheets and arrange his own time very well. I will also find sheet music from the Internet, or make my own arrangements of a certain song. "

Spontaneous interest and desire are the strongest driving forces, which can make children willing to devote energy and time to study hard and plan for themselves. But Chen Hao also said frankly, "We must discover the children's talents and true love. , requires parents to have particularly strong determination and pay more attention to their children. "

Chen Hao attaches great importance to children's ability to be independent and responsible, as well as character and emotional intelligence. "Be honest and kind, make more friends, and then tolerate and accept the shortcomings and advantages of friends, be able to empathize and understand others, and form your own Correct values ​​have greater tolerance. But she also said with a smile, "I am also a mother for the first time, and I don't know whether it is right or wrong." But the parents and the children confirmed the direction together and crossed the river by feeling the stones together. "

Performance: In addition to being an actor who experiences hundreds of lives in a limited life

, Chen Hao is also a teacher at the Central Academy of Drama. She often tells her students, "While you are not famous yet and can still mix in the crowd, sit there more often. I went to the vegetable market on the subway and walked around, observing other people and chatting with all kinds of people.When you become famous, you will wear black glasses and a black hat, and you will be surrounded by people wherever you go. How can you observe life? "Chen Hao is worried. Students should not have seen this character before and don't know how to act that character, so they should save more "wealth" for themselves now. "Wealth" refers to experience and observation.

Chen Hao believes that life It is the source of creation. The richer the understanding of life, the deeper the understanding of characters. "In fact, sometimes actors really can't understand and appreciate life and characters, so they can't perform well. The richer your experience, the deeper your cognition. You have experienced the ups and downs of life, and you will feel more comfortable when you return to character creation. I believe that my understanding of characters now must be much deeper than when I was 20 years old. This is what life has taught me.

She also often tells students: Actors must be able to work from young to old, "because there are various roles that we need to play." This actually depends on what your career plan is. " Chen Haodao said, "If you are an actor with high standards, don't let yourself be swayed by the comments of some viewers who only like your appearance. When one day you are no longer handsome or beautiful, these people may no longer like you and follow those who are younger and more beautiful. What should you do? "

As a professional actor, she hopes that students will have a clear understanding of their career and a clear plan for themselves. She often asks students: Have you experienced the joy of being an actor? "I very much hope that they will have a clear understanding of their career as soon as possible." I have a little sense of the charm of the actor profession, because they are still relatively ignorant. They may not know what acting is or how to perform. They never know how to perform until they are good at it. Sometimes it is as simple as breaking a layer of window paper, but This is also an accumulation from quantitative change to qualitative change, and this accumulation starts when you find the happiness of doing this thing. "

The TV series 'Happy Parents' is a work that vividly depicts the current family and school education ecology in the form of light comedy. The male protagonist is Zhang Jiayi, who has always been stable in the field of realistic themes, while the female protagonist Dai Jing is pla - Lujuba

In 2021, Chen Hao took a group photo with his classmates from the graduating class of Chinese Opera.

For Chen Hao, looking back now, he feels that every role in his acting career is different. "This is what I realize that the profession of an actor has brought me Fun place. "All characters, when they get the script and decide to play them, start from a blank piece of paper. Finally, when your character is presented, the painting is completed. "So I think it will always be an innovation. the process of. I think every role is challenging for me. ”

She also said, “Maybe my own life is very ordinary, but at work, I will become a variety of people and experience different lives, which can allow me to experience different dimensions of life in a limited life. Experience hundreds of lives. This is the particularly attractive part of the acting profession. "

Audiences for generations will never forget the "heartthrob" in "Pink Lady" played by Chen Hao. Nowadays, many of the "Queen's Speeches" of "heartthrob" are regarded as life mottos by today's young people. So today's Hello Chen, what advice would you give to today’s girls?

“The most important thing for girls is not to lose the ability to make money at any time. You can stop working, but you can't lose the ability to work. Chen Hao said, "In addition, there is no need to be defined by others, just be yourself." I think life is about constantly making multiple choices. As long as you think about the consequences and pay for your choices, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Finally, she added: "Remember, the higher a person's desire, the greater the pressure. You must learn to balance life and career. I think only by being content can you always be happy." Chen Hao said with a smile, "Am I very Buddhist?" "

Source: The Paper reporter Yang Siting

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