For me who pays attention to movies and TV dramas, the name Yao Anna is relatively unfamiliar, and I didn’t know that she was the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his second wife. If you say she is the heroine, you have to put it in quotation marks, because in the five episodes I hav

entertainment 5602℃

For me who pays attention to movies and TV dramas, the name Yao Anna is relatively unfamiliar, and I didn’t know that she was the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his second wife. If you say she is the heroine, you have to put it in quotation marks, because in the five episodes I hav - Lujuba

​For me who pays attention to movies and TV dramas, the name Yao Anna is relatively unfamiliar, and I didn’t even know that she is the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his second wife. If you say she is the heroine, you have to put it in quotation marks, because in the five episodes I have watched so far, although her name is after Zhang Songwen, her presence is not strong and her role is limited.

But precisely because of this gimmick, " Ice Hunting " is naturally indispensable for the topicality of its creator and subject matter. In such an era of information explosion and rapid fermentation of opinions, all kinds of discussions other than works are pouring in like a tide, and no one can resist it. Even if we hope that more people will just discuss the content of this show, we can't stop people from expressing their desire freely. Before the broadcast of

For me who pays attention to movies and TV dramas, the name Yao Anna is relatively unfamiliar, and I didn’t know that she was the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his second wife. If you say she is the heroine, you have to put it in quotation marks, because in the five episodes I hav - Lujuba

, among the many highlights, the most eye-catching name was naturally the starring role of Zhang Songwen . Due to the filming cycle of the series, in fact, this drama should not have been filmed after Zhang Songwen became popular, but for most viewers, this is not important and will not affect more people becoming his fans.

And the highlights about this character are well deserved. Zhang Songwen's performance in this play is still worthy of recognition. Huang Zongwei is a character who is calm and conceals himself when faced with troubles. He is neither humble nor overbearing when faced with police interrogation, handles it calmly, has a strong heart and remains calm. The outfit and equipment he hid in the laboratory to operate looked like "Breaking Bad".

For me who pays attention to movies and TV dramas, the name Yao Anna is relatively unfamiliar, and I didn’t know that she was the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his second wife. If you say she is the heroine, you have to put it in quotation marks, because in the five episodes I hav - Lujuba

Everyone has different feelings about watching the drama. For me personally, the introduction to the confrontation between Zhang Songwen and Han Geng was not into the drama. It was probably because the characters were too emotional and the urgency of the matter was pushed to the next level. You are not mentally prepared yet. It wasn't until the official opening of the scene that we saw Zhang Songwen's steady and winning performance.

From this perspective, we can also imagine that this character will only have moments of emotional outburst when he is forced to a dead end and has no other way out. Generally speaking, regarding Zhang Songwen as an actor, the feelings before the broadcast and after watching the show are similar, and they are positive content.

For me who pays attention to movies and TV dramas, the name Yao Anna is relatively unfamiliar, and I didn’t know that she was the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his second wife. If you say she is the heroine, you have to put it in quotation marks, because in the five episodes I hav - Lujuba

On the contrary, the role of Yao Anna is relatively controversial. On the one hand, some people started to attack her and formed negative emotions without watching the show. On the other hand, after watching the show, they also felt that it was not as good as expected, and the criticism was even greater.

I personally have no prejudice against this actor, and I have never watched other dramas she has acted in before. As far as the five episodes I have watched so far, I can’t talk about her acting, because Just running around, the heroine's presence is weak. In addition to starring in the main role of

, the director Gao Qunshu is undoubtedly worthy of attention. I believe that a director who has produced high-reputation spy war-themed film and television works such as " The Wind " can handle such crime themes. of the series. However, I don’t know how big a role Gao Qunshu plays in this drama, because from the current shooting method, it doesn’t look like his operation, maybe more like the idea of ​​​​young director Wanpeng. Of course, this is just a personal guess. .

For me who pays attention to movies and TV dramas, the name Yao Anna is relatively unfamiliar, and I didn’t know that she was the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his second wife. If you say she is the heroine, you have to put it in quotation marks, because in the five episodes I hav - Lujuba

As for the drama content, at least my current impression is not bad. But this is also the point of disagreement for most people, because the rhythm and structure are intuitively reflected in the editing techniques, which can be seen to be different from conventional narrative methods. Some content requires the audience to judge and guess by themselves. This tonality is personally acceptable to me. . The difference between


is that if it is told in a straightforward way, many people will think it is ordinary and nothing new. On the contrary, if there are some different ways of expression, it will break many people's habit of watching dramas. After all, there are not many dramas that can achieve the so-called appreciation of both refined and popular tastes like "Hurious" , and there are also many uncontrollable factors that contribute to it. The drama "Hunting Ice" mainly depends on Zhang Songwen's performance and the way the story is told.

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