When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti

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When Chen Chusheng held the trophy of his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time and returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago.

The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and expectation, as if they were witnessing the rebirth of a legend.

Under the flashing spotlight, Chen Chusheng smiled, his eyes revealing an unspeakable complex emotion. He not only reached a settlement with his old club Hunan Satellite TV, but also shook hands with Long Danni, the boss of the agency that had banned him.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

The reconciliation at this moment is not only friendly on the surface, but also a kind of relief and acceptance deep in the heart.

But can the frustrated person who has been banned for fifteen years really laugh away his grudges? Perhaps, only Chen Chusheng himself knows the answer.

However, from another perspective, the fifteen-year ban may not be a bad thing. It gives Chen Chusheng more time to reflect, settle, and re-understand himself.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

He once stood on the top, experienced the unparalleled scenery, and also knew the loneliness and price of the top. And now, with this experience and lessons, he once again stands at the center of the stage, more determined and more mature.

Chen Chusheng: Falling from the top, the courage to fight again

In the entertainment industry, conflicts between celebrities and their agencies are always common, but it is rare for Chen Chusheng to have a three-year lawsuit caused by a "disappearance" incident. .

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

I remember it was the Hunan Satellite TV New Year’s Eve Party in 2008. In the midst of everyone’s attention, Chen Chusheng unexpectedly “missed”. What was supposed to be the moment when he took the stage to sing turned into a 23-minute blank. At that moment, the entire stage seemed to have lost its soul, and the hosts looked at each other at a loss.

This accident is undoubtedly a huge blow to Hunan Satellite TV. For Chen Chusheng, this was just the beginning of his conflict with the agency. Being banned as soon as he became popular is extremely rare in the entertainment industry, but Chen Chusheng became the "first person".

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

Chen Chusheng, who was banned, did not choose to give in. He and his agent Zhou Jie decided to fight to the end. They know that this is a difficult battle, but they also understand that only in this way can they gain a chance of survival.

This termination lawsuit lasted three years from 2009 to 2012. During this period, Chen Chusheng had almost no public activities, and his career came to a standstill.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

But even so, he never gave up. Whenever it was late at night, he would call his agent and pour out his confusion and anxiety.

"When will this end?" This is a sentence that Chen Chusheng often talks about. The agent comforted him like a child: "Brother, don't collapse, everything will be fine."

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

In the end, after a long wait and hard work, Chen Chusheng won the lawsuit. Although he paid a huge price, he also regained his freedom. This lawsuit made him understand more clearly that there are no obstacles in life that cannot be overcome, only obsessions that cannot be let go.

Chen Chusheng: From the "Fast Boy" champion to being banned, the ups and downs of the music road and rebirth

On the big stage of the entertainment industry, some people became famous overnight, while others were eclipsed. But Chen Chusheng, the former "Fast Man" champion, used his unique experience to interpret a story from peak to trough, and then to rebirth.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

years later, we learned that behind Chen Chusheng's betrayal of Hunan Satellite TV and his feud with his agency, it turned out that there was a huge difference between him and the other party.

On the eve of the anticipated New Year's Eve party, Chen Chusheng fell into deep trouble because of a copyright dispute and the company's unreasonable demands.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

In fact, the pigeon release incident was just the last straw that broke Chen Chusheng's mind. Before that, he was tired of all the rules in the entertainment industry.

From the moment he won the Fast Man Championship, his life became extremely hard. Behind the glamor is countless fatigue and struggles. The company

asked him to release a new song, but only gave him twenty days.During this period, he also had to participate in various activities and spent very little time in the recording studio.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

For a person who loves music, this is undoubtedly a kind of torture. There was even a time when he lost his voice for nearly a month due to excessive use of his voice. Faced with such high-intensity work, Chen Chusheng also asked the brokerage company to take a break, but received an indifferent response.

What was even more unacceptable to him was that the company also required him to buy out his lyrics copyright for life. This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to a lyricist. Chen Chusheng is unwilling to compromise. He feels that his creations should receive due respect and rewards.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

So, on the eve of the New Year’s Eve party with a high fever, Chen Chusheng decided to take a long vacation for himself. He wrote a letter to the brokerage company expressing his thoughts and decisions.

He did not expect that this letter would cost him such a huge price - being banned and demanding huge compensation.

However, even in the face of such difficulties, Chen Chusheng did not give up. He firmly believes in his musical dream and firmly believes that his talent and hard work will eventually be recognized.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

So he began a four-year legal journey. In the end, he reached an out-of-court settlement with the brokerage company for a compensation of 6.5 million.

Although the four-year late settlement makes many people feel regretful and regretful, for Chen Chusheng, this may be a new beginning. He rediscovered his original intention of music and began to express his emotions and thoughts through music. He is no longer bound by the glitz and rules of the entertainment industry, but is more focused on his own music creation.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

Chen Chusheng: A comeback in music life

The changes in the entertainment industry are like a carefully choreographed drama. Among them, Chen Chusheng took a unique path. From the "Fast Man" champion in 2007 to today's independent musician, his life has been full of twists and turns, but he has taken every step firmly and powerfully.

In the spring of 2022, a variety show brought the "re-employment boy group" back to the audience's attention, and Chen Chusheng also entered everyone's attention again. Unlike the young boy back then, he is now more mature and restrained, but his love for music has never changed.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

After the contract with Tianyu was terminated, Chen Chusheng did not choose to rely on the big tree, but bravely embarked on his own music path. He went to Huayi Brothers and tried to create the film and television drama OST. Although he was not a big hit, he did not completely disappear from the entertainment industry. In 2014, he went to the United States alone to study music and think about his future.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

After returning to China, Chen Chusheng made a surprising decision: to set up his own studio and band. This was undoubtedly a challenging road at the time.

But he enjoyed it and enjoyed the freedom of creation and performance. His band members were all his partners when he sang in the bar. More than ten years later, they can still get together. This tacit understanding and friendship are enviable.

In addition to music, Chen Chusheng's life is also full of warmth and happiness. He married his girlfriend of more than ten years and built a happy family with a lovely child.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

named his child "demo", which means his most satisfying work. Now that he has a family and children, he has become more stable and mature.

At the 2016 New Year's Eve party, Chen Chusheng sang "Did Anyone Tell You" and a new song "35". Regarding the ups and downs with Hunan Satellite TV in the past, he said lightly: "The past goes with the wind, just smile and be at peace." This sentence also expresses his attitude towards life: do not dwell on the past, do not fear the future, just cherish the moment.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

Chen Chusheng is now 42 years old, but he still maintains his love and pursuit of music. He won the Hunan Satellite TV championship trophy again, allowing people to see his strength and talent.

Han Hong once said: "The only one I am optimistic about is Chen Chusheng, the winner of Happy Boys in 2007." Facts have proved that her vision is indeed very vicious.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

Although some people once felt sorry for his being banned, thinking that if there was no such turmoil, his life might be better. But I think it was that storm that made Chen Chusheng more determined to pursue his music path.

He did not bow to capital or compromise to society. This persistence and courage are worthy of our admiration.

Since his debut more than ten years ago, Chen Chusheng may not be qualified as a star, but as an independent musician, he can get a high score of 90 points.

When Chen Chusheng held the trophy for his brother who overcame all obstacles, it was like turning back time, returning to the moment when he first stood at the top of the stage 15 years ago. The audience cheered one after another, and everyone's face was filled with joy and anti - Lujuba

He has works, reputation, and stage. This is the realm that many musicians dream of. But he did it, and he did it well.

Chen Chusheng's life is like a song, with ups and downs, but he has always maintained his love and pursuit of music. His story tells us: as long as you have dreams and talent, you will definitely be able to find your own path. A life that has turned against the wind is even more exciting!

Tags: entertainment